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Everything posted by BabayG

  1. hello everyone!!! wtb adena in core 2.3 euro per bil pm me
  2. L2.ini maxzoom or something like that. Check it
  3. BabayG


    What the fuck? You are lying, we can't have a conversation. Bb
  4. BabayG


    It has nothing to do with something that i didnt like. you sold me uncompleted community board. https://mega.nz/#!e5Ai0KTK!CaZgOPWsJlLpLuPjVA54QdpjmDWV-ChQ8XBA34LvNa4
  5. BabayG


    I can approve of Kara being scammer.
  6. Great job. My opinion is that this is one of the worst maps they have ever released to this game.
  7. People who play this game for at least 3-4 year + can distinguish whether a server has the potential for success or not. Ex. Remember when Kara was working for this dude l2 got? Wasn't it obvious? Bad dev, bad (childish) owner, ridiculous site, fake online expectations, Kappa 7signs bugless source. As about the share I am neutral. With these files you can only run a home made server. You can find better shared packs as regards older chronicles and as for the new ones, they are missing many features.
  8. Τσακαλος. Έχεις button στο topic σου για να κάνεις bump κάθε 24 ώρες. Θα φας μπαν αν σπαμαρεις.
  9. Probably no one gives a shit, but let me express my humble opinion. This name L2Dex is connected to fail after fail after fail. Would you join a project that has disappointed so many people including me until now? The last time I joined dex was at x5 wrath. It was pure disappointment, I reached end game, having fun with my clan and suddenly server got fucked up by Russians. From 11k online (real probably 2-2.5k) suddenly the server got empty. From that moment I never joined again, my old clan too and many other players. Even from that moment you haven't done any good try to show people that you admire their time, efforts and money. Instead you launch server after server and every season looks emptier and emptier.
  10. Cool send me in pm what are those special conditions and details about the sponsors.
  11. According to your experience what would you call a good amount to invest? and in which categories should someone focus?
  12. I can sell you even for shadow of the water dragon, it won't be cheap.
  13. Probably it's geoengine problem. Why not use stazis geodata?
  14. Μόλις τώρα έδειξα το προφίλ μου παμπλικ. Εχει πολλές φωτογραφίες να δεις εκεί. Ναι σιγά μην ανεβάσω το κινητό μου, να με παίρνουν με αποκρυψεις κάθε μέρα.
  15. Και όπως σας είπα κυρία μου αν είχα ανάγκη τα 600 ευρώ θα έστελνα στην PayPal για τα άχρηστα code σου. Επίσης δεν έχω ανάγκη να αποδείξω σε κανέναν ότι σε ταφωνω με ένα κροσέ στο σαγόνι και ούτε χρειάζεται να σε τρέχουμε στα νοσοκομεία. Τέλος πάντων όπως είπα αν θες έλα Χαλάνδρι, στα αρχιδια μου πραγματικά να τρέχω στην ομόνοια για να σε δείρω. Τέλος πάντων σταμάτα να κάνεις σαν attention whore. Δεν εισαι και τόσο σπουδαία.
  16. https://m.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100001518900898 ορίστε το προφίλ μου μαντάμ.
  17. Autos gia na hremhsei tha xreiastei na perasei h Mish omonia ap ton prwkto tou
  18. I am selling at new rpg-club h5 Maestro 67 Spoiler 63 Se 67 Elemental Summoner 79 (3rd class done) ( these chars haven't done third class quest) Db 77 Bd 77 Sws 76
  19. opote thes sou eipa ela xalandri. mhn ksana epanalamvanomai.
  20. Κουκλε τι μου έγραψες? δεν το πρόλαβα, γτ τα αφεντικά μαλώνουν εδώ μέσα ούτε μια κουβέντα δεν μπορούμε να πούμε.
  21. No matter what you can offer to the community if you won't pay for advert, very few will join and even fewer will stay. Basicly whatever you do ppl will leave, if it's easy server dies in the first week, if you make it too hard, cryers will leave in a matter of hours. So best you can do is to optimize the server for medium difficulty and introduce new content in future updates, but this will work only if you have a certain fan base which will follow up. SweeTs is right, most ppl won't even bother to waste their time and try something new,but you can't expect 100-200 on only from an mxc topic.
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