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Everything posted by wongerlt

  1. sorry but not possible to fix that.
  2. show loggerout.log
  3. why spaces before minutes?? RestartByTimeOfDay = 00: 00,12: 00 must be RestartByTimeOfDay = 00:00,12:00
  4. when i saw on your topic "classic" then i thought it will be classic gold, which was in the old good days of c4 but not c6. but as I see it will be cosmos :D
  5. how with my solution it can be? :D
  6. many servers use this script: <?php echo "<b>Real</b> Online Players in Server: ".(1200+rand(1,100)); ?> or u can use this: cronjob.php <?php $servername = "localhost"; $username = "username"; $password = "password"; $dbname = "myDB"; // Create connection $conn = new mysqli($servername, $username, $password, $dbname); // Check connection if ($conn->connect_error) { file_put_contents("online.txt",'0'); } $result = $conn->query("SELECT COUNT(`online`) as online_ppl FROM `characters` WHERE `online`='1'"); if ($result->num_rows > 0) { $row = $result->fetch_assoc(); file_put_contents("online.txt",$row['online_ppl']); } } else { file_put_contents("online.txt",'0'); } $conn->close(); ?> https://www.w3schools.com/php/php_mysql_select.asp example every 5~10min. and then print in website <?php echo file_get_contents("online.txt"); ?>
  7. i dont see anything https://bitbucket.org/MobiusDev/l2j_mobius/src/master/L2J_Mobius_C6_Interlude/
  8. i think l2j mobius not support python scripts, try make Java.
  9. 1. Open data/stats/items/0000-0099.xml 1.1 Look, example at item id=1 1.2 Compare with ur custom weapon. 1.3 And i think u will see where is problem if not then sorry, we can't help. 2. Check server logs, maybe its not load at all. 3. Check enchant config u can find it in config folder.
  10. really??? http://prntscr.com/rmpr17
  11. then just something wrong in java or u not update server gameserver lib. u can do simple log to check.. requestrefine.java if (Config.LS_STACKABLE) { player.sendMessage("LS STACKABLE BLABLA"); if(!player.destroyItem("RequestRefine", refinerItem.getObjectId(), 1, null, false)) return false; } else if (!player.destroyItem("RequestRefine", refinerItem, null, false)) return false;
  12. ls and bogs are stackable in database? i mean etcitems table.
  13. you just make mistake some where.. maybe Config.LS_STACKABLE are not TRUE. you can just check/log what happening in RequestRefine.java when u click refine..
  14. total votes: script.php return total votes. <?php error_reporting(0); $ctx = stream_context_create(array('https'=> array( 'timeout' => 2 ) )); $file = @file_get_contents("https://api.hopzone.net/lineage2/votes?token=YOUR_TOKEN",false,$ctx); if(!$file){ echo 0; exit; } $file = @json_decode($file, true); echo isset($file['totalvotes']) ? $file['totalvotes'] : 0; ?> IP IS VOTED? script.php?ip=PLAYER_IP return TRUE/FALSE <?php error_reporting(0); if (!filter_var($_GET['ip'], FILTER_VALIDATE_IP)) echo "FALSE".exit; $ctx = stream_context_create(array('https'=> array( 'timeout' => 2 ) )); $file = @file_get_contents("https://api.hopzone.net/lineage2/vote?token=YOUR_TOKEN&ip_address=".$_GET['ip'],false,$ctx); if(!$file){ echo "FALSE"; exit; } $file = @json_decode($file, true); echo isset($file['voted'])&&$file['voted']==1?"TRUE":"FALSE"; ?>
  15. Or just pretext to make wipe :D
  16. u cant just change link.. these links output are different like before ur used links.
  17. http://prntscr.com/rgm1xr
  18. https://www.4shared.com/web/q/#query=l2gold-project
  19. Hello, Any solution to avoid delay between click button in me html? Because if now i click button/Url in community board i need wait ~3-5 sec then i can click again, otherwise if i click bypass client just not send to server..
  20. can u share system patch? i will try to look
  21. about client side just copy and paste to excel and not need to count :D http://prntscr.com/qaik55 just me advice.
  22. i have do it with formulas.java example how i change mag dmg. CalcMagicDam(...){ .......... .... and at function end if(attacker instanceof L2PcInstance){ L2PcInstance pcInst = (L2PcInstance) attacker; int attackerClass = pcInst.getClassId().getId(); double balance = 1; if(pcInst.isInOlympiadMode()){ balance = BalanceDataTable.getInstance().getClassData(attackerClass).getOMSkillDamage(); }else{ balance = BalanceDataTable.getInstance().getClassData(attackerClass).getMSkillDamage(); } damage /= balance; } } same shit and with other stats/damages and etc. Its just me idea for you. Its good way or no idk.
  23. with old map file i see ground texture, with ur not. What can be wrong?
  24. yes, but he not tested i think, because all ground without textures, like in me screenshot.
  25. Same topic: i dont know why some one lock it.
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