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Everything posted by wongerlt

  1. I saw this on two servers, so now i want to know what is there
  2. Hello, Maybe some one know what ecryption is used for this file? https://prnt.sc/lFGGAiQH8yBk https://drive.google.com/file/d/1VCd1ywsc2dtIj2o66HZ-0v2DXDyI0cyB/view
  3. You can try find similar npc with same height/radius and with good name offset and change `class`(second after id) in npgrp.dat file, just copy paste with good one.
  4. One idea which i just tested is just replace `UIAPI_MULTISELLNEEDEDITEM` to `UIAPI_HTMLCTRL` and just create how want via html code. https://prnt.sc/TaxhUdUma-U1 function OnClickItem( String strID, int index ) // ItemWindow { local int i; local int Index2; local int have; local string param; local string html; local string multi; local ItemInfo a_ItemInfo; InventoryItem = ItemWindowHandle(GetHandle("InventoryWnd.InventoryItem")); class'UIAPI_MULTISELLITEMINFO'.static.Clear("MultiSellWnd.ItemInfo"); class'UIAPI_MULTISELLNEEDEDITEM'.static.Clear("MultiSellWnd.NeededItem"); //debug("OnClickItem : " $ strID $ ", index : " $ index ); if( strID == "ItemList" ) { if( index >= 0 && index < m_itemList.Length ) { for( i=0 ; i < m_itemList[index].NeededItemList.Length ; ++i ) { have = 0; param = ""; //ParamAdd( param, "Name", m_itemList[index].NeededItemList[i].Name $ "\r\n99999"); //ParamAdd( param, "ID", string(m_itemList[index].NeededItemList[i].ID )); //ParamAdd( param, "Num", string(m_itemList[index].NeededItemList[i].Count )); //ParamAdd( param, "Icon", m_itemList[index].NeededItemList[i].IconName ); //ParamAdd( param, "enchant", string(m_itemList[index].NeededItemList[i].Enchant) ); //ParamAdd( param, "CrystalType", string(m_itemList[index].NeededItemList[i].CrystalType) ); //ParamAdd( param, "ItemType", string(m_itemList[index].NeededItemList[i].ItemType) ); //debug("AddData " $ param ); //class'UIAPI_MULTISELLNEEDEDITEM'.static.AddData("MultiSellWnd.NeededItem", param); Index2 = InventoryItem.FindItemWithClassID(m_itemList[index].NeededItemList[i].ID); if (Index2 > -1) { InventoryItem.GetItem(Index2,a_ItemInfo); have = a_ItemInfo.ItemNum; } multi = multi $ "<tr><td width=32><button width=32 height=32 back=\""$m_itemList[index].NeededItemList[i].IconName$"\" fore=\""$m_itemList[index].NeededItemList[i].IconName$"\"></td><td width=188 align=left><table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 width=188><tr><td>"$m_itemList[index].NeededItemList[i].Name$"</td></tr><tr><td>x "$string(m_itemList[index].NeededItemList[i].Count )$" (x"$string(have)$")</td></tr></table></td></tr>"; } html = "<html><body><table width=220>"$multi$"</table></body></html>"; class'UIAPI_HTMLCTRL'.static.LoadHtmlFromString("MultiSellWnd.NeededItemHtml", html); for( i=0 ; i < m_itemList[index].NeededItemNum ; ++i ) { class'UIAPI_MULTISELLITEMINFO'.static.SetItemInfo("MultiSellWnd.ItemInfo", i, m_itemList[index].ItemInfoList[i] ); } xdat: https://prnt.sc/1GenJx567s-N
  5. What u mean on localhost? On ur pc?
  6. Firstly you need change bind-address in mysql config file. Then create another user. There is many guides in google. Keyword `Mysql remote access`. After all you need configure firewall to allow access only from website.
  7. 0. Stay in place where playing music then restart l2. 1. Open Process Explorer (Sysinternals) 2. Click `Find Handle or DLL) CTRL+F 3. Search for .ogg https://prnt.sc/gSdlsiIyt0OB ns06_f.ogg
  8. Oh thanks you. finally compiled, but another problem animations gone from monster which im editing
  9. Hello, I'm trying compile unreal script (LineageMonster.u) but stucked. https://prnt.sc/s51Fd4cF1OnY Looks cant find superclass LineagePawn , ok then im trying recompile LineageWarrior where is LineagePawn but get error: https://prnt.sc/lBm0aA2HwHVZ on these lines are simulated function AnimateRunning () { TurnLeftAnim = GetWalkAnimName(); // 400 line TurnRightAnim = GetWalkAnimName(); MovementAnims[0] = GetCurMoveAnimName(); MovementAnims[1] = GetCurMoveAnimName(); MovementAnims[2] = GetCurMoveAnimName(); MovementAnims[3] = GetCurMoveAnimName(); } if i comment this line then next line with same error. Very unclear all these errors, can't understand where is problem... Maybe someone had this problem?
  10. check phx settings dll path
  11. try search in youtube, there many videos about how to use it. Easy. it not work on servers with protections like smartguard/aa
  12. https://mega.nz/file/Gc13lC6T#2aZj_JYa-zyvjvRD07uCpED0fQ_ZGZvXmL6sD1ao2n4 good thing to watch/manipulate server/client packets
  13. l2phx not working?
  14. usemagic change with player ai tryToCast
  15. Interlude (C6) PVP server with custom modifications. Server has high rates and 80 level. at start. In server shops you can get free A/S grade and farm with it for better custom gears. You don't need buy many potions, soul/spirit-shots, arrows and etc., because this items is not consumable. Main Features Start Level: 80 lv. Max Level: 90 lv. Custom Items. All Interlude monsters with modified levels (80-95lv). All Interlude Zones. All Interlude Quests with modified rewards. GM Shop. Global Gatekeeper with all Interlude Zones. Raid Boss Gatekeeper with over ~200 Raid/Grand Bosses (All bosses levels modified 80-96). AIO/Scheme Buffer with all buffs with modified durations (1-2 hours). Free Sub-Class. Free Noblesse Olympiad from 86 Lv. Rebirth System. Skin System - Skin use as normal item (special inventory slots for skins) Auction House (Marketer) System. Auto Hunting system (2 hours per day) Mastery System. Changed Augment system (less mouse clicks) And much more... Some screenshots of server features Gatekeeper: Buffer: Auto Hunt: GM Shop: Auction House (Marketer): Mastery System: Raid Boss Gatekeeper: Rebirth System: Skin System: Drop List: Custom Enchant Rates: Augment Less Click System: Gold Weapons: HTTPS://L2CUSTOM.COM/
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  16. In acis L2PcInstance = Player And many other things are just renamed. Just check other similar files and compare what changed.
  17. remove DisableGameGuard() from code at all. compile and send here new dsetup.dll
  18. what error
  19. must work, did u recompile?
  20. try comment/remove this if (!DisableGameGuard()) return FALSE;
  21. I think i found where is problem. // with this i get errors (No connection available within the specified time (option 'connectTimeout': 30,000 ms) private void updateDatabase() { try { Connection con = ConnectionPool.getConnection(); PreparedStatement stm = con.prepareStatement("DELETE FROM dungeon"); stm.executeUpdate(); }catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } // with this no errors private void updateDatabase() { try(Connection con = ConnectionPool.getConnection()) { PreparedStatement stm = con.prepareStatement("DELETE FROM dungeon"); stm.executeUpdate(); }catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } who can explain why?
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