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Everything posted by AchYlek

  1. another server with tales files, dont even open it, u will fail so hard with your features at tales files :D didnt fixed even old bugs
  2. i give u idea, dont open server at 2k18, you will waste your free time and money for 10 ppl , just old servers get decent online, new servers die after 1h start
  3. i got from celestine 2.1, working everywhere w/o bind nick
  4. why u talking with this admins ? :D they bought at 2k13 dex name and failed it as fuck they can :D
  5. actually i dont have idea who is owner of this server, but for sure not sorin / mouse , so there is also no reason for hate this server
  6. im not talking about server, but web... and i dont have reason hate strain
  7. i dont think someone will share it, since its work just at asterios
  8. web 10/10 , again Strain did nice job
  9. i just saw this topic , so thats why i needed email :D :D
  10. asterios 5x https://forum.asterios.tm/topic/402979-открытый-бета-тест-нового-клиента/
  11. ty , me didnt used email since 2k15 , its rly for no reason disappear
  12. idk where write it, but dont want create new topic, fix my pm, again i got it blocked for no reason
  13. its server side , and if you wont shift items to chat with eng name, its 100% safe
  14. just download myrthas / ava files, problem fixed
  15. i know very good stalonka and skylord, also everyone can confirm you that skylord is bulgarian guy and not greece
  16. Your info is totally bullshit , gosh as i remember you was at averia team also, first of all skylord = bulgarian guy stalonka = greece they never had together project, even when skylord pm him 2-3 months in row for make together project stalonka never ddos other servers, it was jakk i just can say easy why stalonka is better admin then others, he never gave to clan / cps free items, he sold everything but it was comunity stupidity that hey paid 2k euro for full epics etc, right now is stalonka 1y out of l2 and since 2k15 he was opening server just for fun w/o donations whats wrong with 3-5 months new server? just look at mouse servers, they open interlude + h5 at same time, after 1 month h5 + classic, after 1 month h5 + interlude mouse was most corrupted at tales team, since he was at my cp and we get everything for free, not from stalonka also your proof is 0 about hes skylord , about that i was hating stalonka, yea its true since i was helping opening mouse servers , after when i nocited that mouse is more corrupted then stalonka, me stoped hate him , every his friends get 5-10k dp at start of server, full donate from first week , free gm acces to friends, even when i was runing with gm spd he said "who care i need just money" but you made my day
  17. so yea, u talking about https://www.lordcraft.net/topic/9364-sourcetrances-l2gold-project-interlude/ ez ?
  18. They have 2k9 database + files, but 2k18 mxc acc,? anyway i have no idea bout l2 gold, but since i jointed this forum i see like every admin using "old l2 gold files" but none have idea about it, so please stop opening 10000 l2 gold with old files every month
  19. respect to admins, they did good job ... but just saying, when i see forum, its pretty dead.. like 10 topics about recruiting since 1.3 > now you need pay to clans and get lot of ppl, now its seems like you will fail again with 150 online at start..., for h5 low rate u need atleast 1,5k+
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