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ANY L2J Dev United for IL

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Hello everyone.


I feel like the community of L2 has decreased in the past few years. Nowadays developers are looking more how to make money, rather than doing something for the community too. Therefore, I decided to come up with an idea that could help the community, from all the developers that are willing to contribute for everyone, and set the bar higher.


Anyway, I decided to see if developers want to develop with me a well needed mode of feature for aCis that will have unique features. The code changes will be available for the public and everyone could commit to help this idea grow.


What feature in your opinion could me make? Finally pm me if you want to help on this unique move

Edited by xFranky
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4 hours ago, xFranky said:

Hello everyone.


I feel like the community of L2 has decreased in the past few years. Nowadays developers are looking more how to make money, rather than doing something for the community too. Therefore, I decided to come up with an idea that could help the community, from all the developers that are willing to contribute for everyone, and set the bar higher.


Anyway, I decided to see if developers want to develop with me for an IL server a Faction Server, that will be having unique features. The code changes will be available for the public and everyone could commit to help this idea grow.


I was also thinking to base this system to either aCis, Frozen 1.5 or L2JHellas. What is your opinion on that?

If i see you help other people i will help you, if you only ask, dissapears and come again just to ask again, then i will charge you.

It's more than obvious what datapack I would recommend, It's like a soccer team

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7 hours ago, Reynald0 said:

If i see you help other people i will help you, if you only ask, dissapears and come again just to ask again, then i will charge you.

It's more than obvious what datapack I would recommend, It's like a soccer team

Perfect. I am glad to be on the same page. What pack do you have in mind to work with?

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13 hours ago, xFranky said:

Hello everyone.


I feel like the community of L2 has decreased in the past few years. Nowadays developers are looking more how to make money, rather than doing something for the community too. Therefore, I decided to come up with an idea that could help the community, from all the developers that are willing to contribute for everyone, and set the bar higher.


Anyway, I decided to see if developers want to develop with me for an IL server a Faction Server, that will be having unique features. The code changes will be available for the public and everyone could commit to help this idea grow.


I was also thinking to base this system to either aCis, Frozen 1.5 or L2JHellas. What is your opinion on that?

even i dont have any idea of faction servers ..im intrested to help you.
also if you want we can discusss another project.

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My decision is to unite all developers together, and revive everything. I will make a GitHub account only for L2Projects that everyone wants to support! Apart from Faction System, we can make other systems too. It is just the pack that the majority of people want to work on.

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You can start then, buy an svn, host, domain name, setup a forum for communication, ddos protection, setup a dedicated for the test server of the team, start giving access, buy client protection so it will be ready to install and tested, start developing.

lets say you have a head and specific style writing... who will agree non-paid to have somebody above his head, besides acis that already did that, for what a GvE


- Customs everywhere

- Free time

- Developers = Banned or Life

- No reason

- No earnings

- Invest


- :thumbs-down:


edit: using acis means + 10 euro and somebody to install all versions manually when a new update is out :poker:

Edited by Nightw0lf
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2 hours ago, Nightw0lf said:

You can start then, buy an svn, host, domain name, setup a forum for communication, ddos protection, setup a dedicated for the test server of the team, start giving access, buy client protection so it will be ready to install and tested, start developing.

lets say you have a head and specific style writing... who will agree non-paid to have somebody above his head, besides acis that already did that, for what a GvE


- Customs everywhere

- Free time

- Developers = Banned or Life

- No reason

- No earnings

- Invest


- :thumbs-down:


edit: using acis means + 10 euro and somebody to install all versions manually when a new update is out :poker:


I mean, this isn't about the money. It is about reuniting the l2 dev community. For a SVN we can use GitHub instead, which is free for the public. When it comes to the forum, we can just use MxC and Discord, which already have the protections for us. For test servers, we will see what to do about it. Also, a faction mode is just something I thought. It could be anything. I just want to try that.


Do you want to participate?

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1 hour ago, xFranky said:


I mean, this isn't about the money. It is about reuniting the l2 dev community. For a SVN we can use GitHub instead, which is free for the public. When it comes to the forum, we can just use MxC and Discord, which already have the protections for us. For test servers, we will see what to do about it. Also, a faction mode is just something I thought. It could be anything. I just want to try that.


Do you want to participate?


If you will use L2jaCis for your faction server as base , L2jaCis will not let you share their private code in your GitHub public repository. Just keep this in mind.


4 hours ago, Nightw0lf said:

You can start then, buy an svn, host, domain name, setup a forum for communication, ddos protection, setup a dedicated for the test server of the team, start giving access, buy client protection so it will be ready to install and tested, start developing.

lets say you have a head and specific style writing... who will agree non-paid to have somebody above his head, besides acis that already did that, for what a GvE


- Customs everywhere

- Free time

- Developers = Banned or Life

- No reason

- No earnings

- Invest


- :thumbs-down:


edit: using acis means + 10 euro and somebody to install all versions manually when a new update is out :poker:


Even if is not about money, how will you pay to L2jaCis, webserver (if you will use), domain (if you will use), server to host your test server (if you will use).


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2 hours ago, Reynald0 said:


If you will use L2jaCis for your faction server as base , L2jaCis will not let you share their private code in your GitHub public repository. Just keep this in mind.



Even if is not about money, how will you pay to L2jaCis, webserver (if you will use), domain (if you will use), server to host your test server (if you will use).


aCis is not free from revisions 371 up to 390. However, the base revision is going to be 370, which is available and free for the public. @Tryskell or @SweeTs can confirm that. 


This is just a mode that we develop for everyone. It is just a share. For testing purposes, I don't mind hosting it from my computer. I have decent computer. I am not opening a server, but just developing a mode. I am just asking the public to work with me on modes for the general public. 

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I do not want to disapoint you,
but Factions system has been on L2jMobius for at least four years

and as far as I know noone uses it.


On any L2jMobius project except old branches like C1 and C6.
EnableFactionSystem = True


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2 hours ago, Mobius said:

I do not want to disapoint you,
but Factions system has been on L2jMobius for at least four years

and as far as I know noone uses it.


On any L2jMobius project except old branches like C1 and C6.
EnableFactionSystem = True


Thank you for your advice. As I mentioned earlier, regardless that the title of the topic is about Faction, it doesn't have to be particularly about Faction system. Also, have you got any logs confirming that? There are plenty of things that we could do in my opinion. 


Would you also like to support us on this move? I won't expect you work full time on this, or anyone else!

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You can use any of my free versions as a base,

but I recommend to wait until Easter, when a new proper free version will be shared.

The whole code had been cleaned and improved line by line, even Interlude.

Some game breaking bugs that came from L2jFrozen have been fixed as well.


Currently I do not have support for fuctions in Interlude.

If you add your system, I can adapt to private version and be ready for the next free release.

Other branches have Faction System already build in.


Epilogue is my current jewel branch, the free version is a mere shadow of the current private one. Lots of retail work done, with all the positives that come from newer coded branches.


HighFive in the private version has almost all L2jServer's Trello TODOs already done since years ago. It also has fixes for all things that where broken on L2jServer.

I only missed Seer Ugoros AI that had been added recently.


Latest Prelude of War and The Kamael Classic have all major new systems done.
All new starting quests.
New class change support.
Auto attack.
Auto buff.

Auto consume.
Rank system.
Timed zones support.


Classic Interlude is still been worked upon.
It is Classic Zaken, as if it evolved to something more like Interlude and not Kamael.


Lots of choices. You take your pick.

But I highly recommend to wait until the above work is shared on free.


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Faction engine is a matter of 400 lines, more or less. Trickiest part - if that is tricky - is to put faction checks on existing features. The leftover is extremely basic, and can be basically adapted from any server pack holding faction engine to any other server pack in few hours, or coded in few days taking your time.


Before opening aCis, back in 2010, my own server project was a faction server, that's to say how easy it is to code it.

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5 minutes ago, Rootware said:

Faction system for Lineage 2 looks like a female with three boobs. Exotic fetish.


It actually matches really well the background. They even developped some parts of that aspect in retail, but they didn't go really far, where it could be actually a real part of the gameplay.

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