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L2J Max amount of players?

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Hello, everybody! Long time no see. How's everybody doing? :)


This question may have already been asked/answered. However, couldn't find anything, but a topic from 2005 on another forum.

Since then, L2J, Java, MySQL and technology in general have come a loooooong way, which makes the answer there a little outdated.


So, does anyone know how many players can a Java server handle today?


Let's say that we have a dedicated server with:


Quad/Hexa/Octa-core CPU;

32GB of Memory;

NVMe SSD (or even just HDD);

1Gbps connection,

A Linux distribution, let's say Debian, or even Windows?



Or even using a maxed out machine with tons of ram and multi CPUs. Are there any limitations in Java/MySQL, that can be an obstacle for a large amount of simultaneous connections?

I guess it would matter if the server is Interlude or High Five too.


Maybe there are other 'IFs' as well. Let's discuss this. I'm sure the answers and conclusions will be helpful for all of us. Thanks!


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Whatever you will choose as hardware, no matter the pack you use, it will be fine. The only thing is about DDoS protection/mitigation.


Your server probably can be cut in 4 instances and run 4 different gameservers (for octa/hexa) or 2 instances (quad).


For really big player amount, the only thing you really need, technically, is to rework the mmocore.

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Thank you for the replies. That sounds great. :)


6 minutes ago, Tryskell said:

For really big player amount, the only thing you really need, technically, is to rework the mmocore.


What do you mean by really big amount? And I guess that's a limitation of L2J.

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The top servers right now have around 1000-1500 player (with phandoms and offline shops)
L2J can handle good amount of players, there are more Admins than players right now on lineage 2 community.
So you have to focus just on advertise your server and search for players, you will find problem with amount when you will be the most top server out there.

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2 hours ago, Tryskell said:

For really big player amount, the only thing you really need, technically, is to rework the mmocore.




The only bottleneck here is the L2Client itself, no matter the optimization you do server side you will never bypass the client limits.


Want numbers?

a well implemented l2 java server will handle 20k+ players at ease, the client will struggle to render more than 100 in a single area

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such garbage from the l2j fanbois as always


anyway, it's extremely pack-dependant, some are better coded than others and can handle more than others, I've worked with some which handled 3500 players without issue and some which have 500 garbage custom shit systems made by 12 year olds calling sleep in main threads for minutes so yeah it's pretty variable


any decently populated l2j server still gotta reboot at least daily though, java loves dat ram and l2j devs love not knowing memory leaks are a thing even in java

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In my stress test on the PC of 2008 year (AMD 6000+ x2 64) i got the lags (while GC working) only after 4500 fake players in the same place. And it was before new aCis knownlist system and changed Java version with better GC features. I think L2J can handle over 5000 online players, but client will be the narrow part with low FPS in very crowded places.

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50 minutes ago, Anarchy said:

such garbage from the l2j fanbois as always


anyway, it's extremely pack-dependant, some are better coded than others and can handle more than others, I've worked with some which handled 3500 players without issue and some which have 500 garbage custom shit systems made by 12 year olds calling sleep in main threads for minutes so yeah it's pretty variable


any decently populated l2j server still gotta reboot at least daily though, java loves dat ram and l2j devs love not knowing memory leaks are a thing even in java


joke post

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@toshkabg Ignore all other's responses. The only person who posted a proper answer is the dummy @xdem.

Java itself as a language will handle easily a huge amount of players.

Your brain has an average of 250ms of responsiveness. An average to trash program will be still faster than this.

We are in 2019 and we compare nanoseconds.


So ignore the server part for now. The problem is the client itself. Unless you improve the client you won't hold many many players as you imagine. But this bring another question when you set such a high limit.  Will you ever even reach 1/3 of your limit? The answer is not. You won't and no because Lineage 2 is dead but because there many server and split the community to more servers. So the average players you will ever get is around (from my point of view) 300-450 people. Everything else you see is just fake counter and bot systems or multi windows. 


So take the idea out of your head that success mean many player in a server. Success can be a server with 150 people. Quality over quantity. Whoever said Lineage 2 is funnier when you can't walk in Giran from all the offline shop and the client lag so much from the fake bots is trash or probably streamer. 


The true Lineage 2 never meant to be x1000 people and ALT+B so don't try change the meaning of the game.


PS. Listen to this music and then ask your self if you really need a server with 3000 people to feel good.


Edited by Kara`
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17 minutes ago, Kara` said:

@toshkabg Ignore all other's responses. The only person who posted a proper answer is the dummy @xdem.

Java itself as a language will handle easily a huge amount of players.

Your brain has an average of 250ms of responsiveness. An average to trash program will be still faster than this.

We are in 2019 and we compare nanoseconds.


So ignore the server part for now. The problem is the client itself. Unless you improve the client you won't hold many many players as you imagine. But this bring another question when you set such a high limit.  Will you ever even reach 1/3 of your limit? The answer is not. You won't and no because Lineage 2 is dead but because there many server and split the community to more servers. So the average players you will ever get is around (from my point of view) 300-450 people. Everything else you see is just fake counter and bot systems or multi windows. 


So take the idea out of your head that success mean many player in a server. Success can be a server with 150 people. Quality over quantity. Whoever said Lineage 2 is funnier when you can't walk in Giran from all the offline shop and the client lag so much from the fake bots is trash or probably streamer. 


The true Lineage 2 never meant to be x1000 people and ALT+B so don't try change the meaning of the game.


PS. Listen to this music and then ask your self if you really need a server with 3000 people to feel good.


If you dont have money for start, u wont have more than 200 on, tales spended over than 2k euro and got 600 Hwid per day, so nowdays u can be happy for 1k ppl at server with huge paid advert 

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24 minutes ago, AchYlek said:

If you dont have money for start, u wont have more than 200 on, tales spended over than 2k euro and got 600 Hwid per day, so nowdays u can be happy for 1k ppl at server with huge paid advert 


Let me re-write in shorter version what i said. Lineage 2 is not the game you guys try to make it. 


We all grew up playing Lineage 2 thats why you're here to advertise talenski, thats why xdem is here to disagree with god, thats why elfocrash is here to open 2 days project and ban himself, thats why tryskell is here to ddos attack with his comments and post 2 revision every 5 centuries, thats why maxtor is here (or at least his auto-bot) to ignore us, thats why rootware is here to ... hm... idk what russians do other than car crash and jump of the buildings roof?


Anyway, the point is that we are here because in some part of our life we played a server probably low rate and we liked it. This is our common. No 25k tales.. Tell me if your first server had alt+b and 5k people. Im 100% sure not. This is not the nature of the game.

Edited by Kara`
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4 hours ago, xdem said:


a well implemented l2 java server will handle 20k+ players at ease, the client will struggle to render more than 100 in a single area


Define "well implemented l2 java server", you seem to know a lot and it's not about mmocore according your words. 

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