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Everything posted by Trance

  1. Sorry about that, but most of the features are shared, except the party matching which has its own topic. p.s. locked.
  2. Blue Mountain State comes back! https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/773106364/blue-mountain-state-the-movie
  3. Acid House
  4. These imports are 'cause lack of imports. As SweeTs says, use As about "_log.warn", rename it to "_log.warning".
  5. Playing with the packets like that may lead to chaos for a big community. So it needs a lot of tests.
  6. If you're wondering about his posts, no worries, he's trusted.
  7. Many people say that after seeing the answer. ;D
  8. You may have fixed the problem after all, but these information are saved w/ your error. So, go to ".\Workspace\.metadata\.plugins\org.eclipse.debug.core\.launches" and delete what's inside.
  9. UseItem.java Add the code after "if (item == null) return;" EnterWorld.java if (activeChar.getClassId() == ClassId.phoenixKnight) { // is phoenixKnight for (L2ItemInstance item : activeChar.getInventory().getPaperdollItems()) { if (item != null && item.getItemType() == L2WeaponType.BOW) // weapons is bow type { int slot = activeChar.getInventory().getSlotFromItem(item); activeChar.getInventory().unEquipItemInBodySlot(slot); // unequip the bow } } } This is an example for phoenixKnight, you should figure out how to add the other classes.
  10. Stop using such a brainless prefix as "Fandc", just wirte L2J. L2J/L2OFF are not referring to the project, but to its platform. There are only two platforms, L2J and L2OFF.
  11. "L2 Outlaw Forum Style Made By L2OutLaw Team" Credits goes to http://fasart.net/portfolio/photos/web/l2goal_forum.jpg
  12. Not one of the best ideas. ;D
  13. Adding other languages except English is pointless, the forum is gonna be way too heavy. If you really want to add other languages, just make it as VIPs/Donators Discussion.
  14. I've seen this shop too. lmao
  15. Bigar Waterfall, Romania ;D
  16. This is my vision of remaking the sections, let's improve it and then Maxtor will make it that way.
  17. Din ce film e semnatura?
  18. :happyforever: :happyforever: :happyforever: :happyforever: :happyforever: :happyforever: :happyforever: :happyforever:
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