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Everything posted by SweeTs

  1. Oh I see, that makes sense ^-^
  2. Pretty basic and minimalistic version, but you didn't cover all instance scenarios / possible 'bugs' :)
  3. First one is Zaken costume? I believe I saw it shared? Anyway, if you want em, pm big man bill.
  4. Looks like you believe in fairy tales :lol:
  5. Pretty much this, first two steps are optional :lol:
  6. Already shared here, Stacy shared it if I'm not wrong.
  7. Then please, do a favor to all Lineage players. Shut down your, so called, server.
  8. Shake your head to wake up your brain, if any found. As Tk said, simply check topsites, servers section and think, it doesn't hurt - checked, confirmed. Why H5 and Interlude? These chronicles are still under (active) development and are free - more or less. Rest of chronicles are not really completed, but who cares, but the main reason people don't use them is - these packs are not really free and no one wants to waste hundreds of $$ for sources. :good sir:
  9. Then you don't really need a SVN. Add customs on the free SVN, when the time comes, you create a diff patch - all in one. Comfortable way. I would say. There is a free membership and premium, ofc. Dunno how it's now, but on xp-dev with free account you get like 50mb space (random value), which is enough for a project.
  10. I still don't know what it is. ::) Bcs as the name suggests it's doDie? ^-^
  11. :facepalm: :roflmao: :facepalm: :roflmao: :facepalm: :roflmao: :feelsbadman:
  12. As you noticed, you must have access to the SVN. So, create your own svn, download project through Eclipse, do changes and commit :) xp-dev is oki doki.
  13. If you ask me, I would drop that topic, but.. I don't rly care.
  14. Ffs.. Newbies asking for help with various problems and then selling packs, the end is near.
  15. There is no download link, never was. Its not a share.
  16. Bravetobe, as always mean :lol:
  17. Leecher, I did that using Paint.. :lookslikeidiot: GG Accessinho, they are all jelly :D
  18. Any, minimum of 3G ram if you want to play with geodata on.
  19. That will change strictly nothing. So, unban em all. Its only about main name.
  20. A kickass new year mix?!
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