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Everything posted by SweeTs

  1. The answer still remains the same, replace with CLEAN system. Otherwsie enjoy joining another server.
  2. Replace the system with clean one.
  3. Add all required client files and edit armor / weapon / itemname files.
  4. Achujek is always right.. http://www.maxcheaters.com/topic/174344-in-skill-cooldown/?p=2322168
  5. Cool story, no one will answer you.
  6. Trash it. Check share section, you have there one updated.
  7. Yeah, but if someone want to see the code, he can't - way too lazy to download whole crap :D Pretty much based on my aio. You could/should create new instance npc rather than mess with bypasstoserver.
  8. I remember some lol server where oly was with full buff, obviously I was playing with SK, match start - tod - bb :lol:
  9. As mentioned above, oly is not rly "balanced", few classes and that's it. In my glory days :troll: I was playing with paladyn, in short, kkthxbb :D
  10. Let them bot! Words for 2k17. Btw, nice guide.
  11. I wasn't talking nor mentioning oly. For me oly doesn't exist, you wannabe heroes :lol:
  12. Come on, who cares about chronicle, fancy armors and weapons, few more skills and that's all. But, but.. You will join my crappy interlude server, right? :D
  13. Use pastebin for code goddamn it.
  14. Interlude hater, you are too weak for that chronicle :D
  15. Worst excuse ever :dat: Using latest won't "fix" your issue. Normally points are shown at the end of olympiad. Edit GET_EACH_CLASS_LEADER to read from olympiad_nobles table.
  16. " But, but.. I want to use Trance' Gold pack :okey: "
  17. The only "recently" edited geo was by Root - HERE. Like Anarchy said, if you find bugs - pay someone to fix em, you will NOT find anything better. Else you want to be scammed. PS: USe godamn bump button next time.
  18. Geodata development stopped hella long time ago. So, take any as they are >90% the same and enjoy
  19. Nothing more to say..
  20. Aha right..
  21. "L2Arena" - you mean pure frozen pack with few mods more. So much to 'prove'.
  22. Ppl don't change ^_^
  23. Edit client, as far as I remember there is a row responsible for augment. Else hardcore exception for specific wep - track the config.
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