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Everything posted by SweeTs

  1. Sometimes server/client has problems with such a huge numbers, try to don't excess 65535. But, while you are using l2jserver, I guess the H5, there are such big numbers. So, probably it's client fault. You could make something wrong regarding client files. Moved to client section. I believe it's an client issue :P
  2. Can't happen. He has a live server :troll:
  3. http://www.maxcheaters.com/topic/188679-how-to-check-remove-and-add-zone/
  4. Weapons with SA uses the skill effect, so simply create your new skill and link the weapon to that skill.
  5. You really think that random crap-talk, simply said SPAM, new, only for 10sec accounts really helps mxc or the server? The answer is NO. Those guys who spam here are those who will join the server, no matter what. So, it's pure bullshit, spam and won't change anything, nor attract "new" people. Hide mode on for all 1/2 posts acc (pure spam). Now, let's wait for Stalonky to start crying to Maxtor and let him unhide them.. :not bad: You can report me (for corruption) or something. :happyforever: Cheers.
  6. I can agree only on that. The look inside is so damn crappy. And for such a price.. oh man.. I'd buy definitelly BETTER car. Even still Audi, you can't really compare those two, it's like heaven and hell, guess which one Seat is :D
  7. I dont understand your accent.. Moved.
  8. Xml or sql table, is_oly_restricted = true or whatever the name is.
  9. There is no difference the rev. Its since 1 I would say.. Locked.
  10. Your crappy code doesn't close the connection and so, you reach limit and boom :)
  11. He actually "said" that they expect 15k online, you was close :D
  12. Probably bad mysql configuration, you reached the limit of connections. Try to increase the db connection from server.prop else try to increase mysql values about connection.
  13. Put it under place where activeChar is oparating. You have similar check there, about pvp flag. Add it after it. And the correct line would be. activeChar.stopSkillEffects(true, 1323);
  14. Ctrl + F -> " onExit "
  15. Moved. Personally, I doubt you can use another font, else there is one or two, who knows :P
  16. I already told you, onExit() , use godamn search mode, there is ONLY ONE such method. Find the method, you will find out where to put it.
  17. You cant hide the fact you are using frozen. The same commands, features.. "tvt, ctf, dm" - busted. EnterWorld.java
  18. onExit() if (give_noblesse) removeBuff(activeChar, activeChar, noblesse); IF the pack you are using has method removeBuff, else search for it.
  19. Whatever you want to do.. The item may disappear or may stay.
  20. Haha, no. The code is fine.
  21. NpcTable.getInstance().getTemplate().getName(); Yeah, drop some features cuz l2jserver dropped sql and you can't use shared code anymore :D
  22. 500e.. For what, like it was bugless.. :you serious?:
  23. Use this one, it's old and op :P When you edit make sure you did not removed any tab (space). The rows/table count must match and there must be an empty line at the end. http://rghost.net/66jMTvJyT
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