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Everything posted by SweeTs

  1. That's what he said -.-
  2. 1. Java version depends of the pack/source you are using. Active projects use Java 8 now. 2. Bug fixes/improvements obviously. Read MySql changeset if you really want to know exactly. I recommend 5.5 or 5.6. Newer versions consume way more RAM. 3. engine.dll if I remember well and/or one more file. You can easily find a working system for W10.
  3. I'm sorry to say that, but you should reconsider your request/messing with l2j. If you have no idea what you are doin', even worse, where to search, then don't open a server. Do the community a favor. First learn.. :P What you are asking for is the quest conditions. Here you can find quests https://xp-dev.com/svn/aCis_public/aCis_gameserver/java/net/sf/l2j/gameserver/scripting/quests/ AIs https://xp-dev.com/svn/aCis_public/aCis_gameserver/java/net/sf/l2j/gameserver/scripting/scripts/ai/individual/
  4. Use aCis Baium AI and htms..
  5. Locked.
  6. There is one lion, from tera if Im not wrong. Use Google.
  7. Read a guide then.
  8. General Section of l2, there is a topic about. Like 5th or 6th page of that topic, there is a download link by Trance.
  9. Use proper section and tags ffs.
  10. :okey: :okey:
  11. Omm omm omm :D Locked.
  12. Nothing more to say. Good luck. Moved.
  13. There is no point to use it while he use some, most likely instanced, npc..
  14. Looks like you don't even know what getObjectId() is, lol. You need a new method/bypass to do it. Check ANY, basically, bypass how it works. For example gm commands/bypasses, buffer bypass or any other.
  15. I would give you a cookie for that, but I just ate them all.
  16. No. You have all info you need. I'm not gonna share full ready to apply code. You only have to setTeam(1) under pvp count and setTeam(2) under pk count. And setTeam(0) in pvptask and setKarma.
  17. Why don't you follow a godamn guide? And why don't you post in proper section?! Short example, you can start from 1:00
  18. If you don't mind. Also, the section is also CORRECT. Bot Request, cool.
  19. Yup. You can even make a hat or w/e with simple check isEquipped() or inventory check for item. If result is positive, then setDonator.
  20. I have no idea what the heck you are talking about.. Simply stay with your char as you want your npc to be.
  21. 2x no. Your check MISS LOGIC. Before you are pk, you are flagged already, so how the heck you can be not flagged aka pvp flag == 0 ... ? :rage: THINK. // Otherwise, killer is considered as a PKer. else if (targetPlayer.getKarma() == 0 && targetPlayer.getPvpFlag() == 0) { // PK Points are increased only if you kill a player. if (target instanceof L2PcInstance) setPkKills(getPkKills() + 1); // Calculate new karma. setKarma(getKarma() + Formulas.calculateKarmaGain(getPkKills(), target instanceof L2Summon)); setTeam(2); // Send UserInfo packet to attacker with its Karma and PK Counter sendPacket(new UserInfo(this)); } if (_karma > 0 && karma == 0) { sendPacket(new UserInfo(this)); broadcastRelationsChanges(); setTeam(0); }
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