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Everything posted by SweeTs

  1. So much drama for such a shitty files :p
  2. Else, if you want to pay and get support. Smile to mr NeverMore.
  3. Welcome to null-land. @SuppressWarnings("null") Drop this code, entirely. Find something bettter.
  4. Lazy ppl everywhere. https://github.com/L2J
  5. It's more like onEnter / EnterWorld. There is no need for 2 lvl check if (lvl == 1) { if (isMageClass()) { blabla } else { blabla } } Also, I believe I saw somewhere on the forum something like that, custom buff set for new chars.
  6. Not my problem you use using lol pack (frozen). So, you have to hardcode it.. :)
  7. 3 words are not enough, else you want to be insulted. Tryskell explained you detailed how to find whatever you want / how to debug it and the method you are looking for. If you expect ready code, then.. Keep waiting.
  8. Stop using shared packs, simple as that.
  9. Yes, it is possible.
  10. Locked.
  11. #7 http://acis.i-live.eu/index.php?topic=78.0
  12. The only difference I can see is it has two-way mitigation. https://www.ovh.com/us/anti-ddos/
  13. Ohh, I forgot. Hero skils are hardcoded, I wanted to say signet/symbol skills. <cond msgId="1509"> <player olympiad="false" /> </cond> The check I mentioned before is for items..
  14. Unusable skills.. Check the xml of Hero skills, there is a line like is_oly_restricted or similar. Enchanted, check it's teachTo ids / database and available classes.
  15. In order to do any java related changes, you need sources. Everything you can find in this topic. There is also answer for your 2nd question. http://acis.i-live.eu/index.php?topic=78.0
  16. There is no easy way. Remove all, skip Id's you want to keep if they are in same number range and spawn anew single npcs.
  17. Its not acient, its the best :D "corrupted" file. Take new one, must be patched.
  18. This is your 4th or even more the same topic. Next topic will be junked immediately. Locked. There is NO magic freya sources, its old.
  19. It's not solved, lol. Don't give him stupid, not valid answers. If you want passive ARMOR SET skill, then find armorsets.xml and fill the info, example. <armorset chest="9309" legs="9310" head="9300" gloves="9311" feet="9312" skillId="502" shield="0" shieldSkillId="0" enchant6Skill="3625" /> If you are using frozen, it's inside database. Just find it. Now, it's solved and can be locked.
  20. Wat about downloading a system folder for W10 from another server?
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