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Everything posted by SweeTs

  1. No, what you put in the bypass represents the if statement, in my example "heal".
  2. Frankly I doubt that it bothers him. :P
  3. Put any skill id/animation you wish and voila. else if (currentCommand.startsWith("heal")) { player.setCurrentHpMp(player.getMaxHp(), player.getMaxMp()); player.setCurrentCp(player.getMaxCp()); MagicSkillUse msu = new MagicSkillUse(this, player, skill_id, 1, 500, 0); player.broadcastPacket(msu); final NpcHtmlMessage html = new NpcHtmlMessage(0); html.setFile(getHtmlPath(getNpcId(), 0)); html.replace("%objectId%", getObjectId()); player.sendPacket(html); }
  4. Bcs a ru guy crated it and you can find almost everything on RU sites :D
  5. Don't pay attention @ other replies. They tho it's l2j case, but anyway, that's a bad advice :P Well, if files are imported in some program, you can use the Search over the .htm files for certain word, that way you can find whatever you want. I don't know what else npcs uses link in htm, I only knew about chamberlain :P
  6. Then what was you doing in client dev at first, not l2j.. Meh.. Gotta move it again. Anyway, here you go. <a action="Link chamberlain_saius001.htm">Back.</a>
  7. Example <a action="bypass -h npc_%objectId%_Link chamberlain/manor/manor_help001.htm">View Descriptions</a>
  8. Configs. You have there 3 options, at least on aCis. I bet frozen also have it, even 10 :troll:
  9. Bad.. as always :D
  10. https://www.l2sublimity.com/forum/index.php?/topic/4352-increasing-your-fps-for-interlude-the-ultimate-guide/#comment-51396
  11. Don't be a B and share it, I like it more, the version you have :D
  12. Use their forum for such questions, lol. And for gods sake, use correct section.
  13. Welcome aboard. Middle man or simply try to find a legit/trusted guy who sell adena on that server.
  14. Dat frozen and stupid "hidden" configs, tables and gods know what else :troll: Thats why I hate it :p
  15. Then, there is no reason it doesn't work. Do changes, restart server and enjoy. Make sure you are doing changes in proper database, lol :happyforever:
  16. I watched DD s1, not that bad. Waiting for 2 :D
  17. The answer is simple. You are doing something wrong. It's xml else database coords. You check the htm for correct id, you change xyz for that coord. Profit. If it's not working, you are doing something wrong :)
  18. Depends when/where you want to add this code. What shortcut you want to register?
  19. That would be.. :troll:
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