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Everything posted by Mhoska

  1. true.
  2. im selling my lvl 50 ranger twink with a +15 bow and a +10 with 10% pvp on the bottom. full mira +5
  3. this is it, just change it from getAdena to player.getInventory().getItemByItemId
  4. topic locked, Author request.
  5. maybe if you say what you want...
  6. monster sucks, that shit is dangerous D:
  7. give more info about your server, this happen to me once but my problem was i wasn't giving enough ram to the server. take a look at your .bat
  8. use l2j they got it by default and its pretty easy
  9. also take a look http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=81843.0
  10. useless to you, cos you don't even remember how to use eclipse but maybe someone else can find em useful :) yes, mostly nProtec, and that kinda stuff
  11. Dishing about the forum?
  12. This is your first warning
  13. i have no idea of how frozen works but it seems like everything is good in the configs. maybe is as i told you the company filter in spain, if im not wrong i think it was Orange the company my friend used try to call customer service, cos like you say the problem came when you change the modem.
  14. Locked Author Request.
  15. wrong section. Locked.
  16. then use your normal ip
  17. you just should wait i will explain that in spanish. [ESP] <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <!-- Externalhost here (Internet IP) or Localhost IP for local test --> <gameserver address="Aca pon tu no ip o tu ip normal" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="../data/xsd/ipconfig.xsd"> <!-- Localhost here --> <define subnet="" address="" /> <!-- Internalhosts here (LANs IPs) --> <define subnet="" address="" /> <define subnet="" address="" /> <define subnet="" address="" /> </gameserver> solo cambia donde dice pon la ip o no ip aqui el resto dejalo igual, si despues de tener el archivo asi te lanza errores, es lo que te digo de la compañia por ejemplo al que le pasaba le pasaba con orange en catalunya.
  18. as i told you just activate the event, and it will work
  19. if you are sure that you set it up all, and it is good, you should do something pretty simple, i know someone that got just the same problem and he was from spain too, just call your company and tell em your problem is a wierd protection that some companies in spain got.
  20. because is already coded, and someone ask the same thing on the help section 2 weeks ago. use search or read a bit.
  21. it got alot of mods and that kinda stuff i dunno if you're into that but if thats what your looking :)
  22. you should post it here i wanna see it
  23. welll that patch is made for frozen so you should use frozen :) http://subversion.assembla.com/svn/L2jFrozenInterlude/trunk/ google is your friend
  24. sorry im just giving support on the forum
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