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Everything posted by Mhoska

  1. *Heavy System *Protect system (inside core) *Config for Custom Color name and Title (Also PvP Titles) *Skills retail like *Epic bosses and 7 sings retail like *And more Customs *Anti-Buff Shield *Lucky Scroll *Character Repair .Repair *Fake online (how many fake players add?= ) *Market (Online Players Storage) *Custom Hero and Nobles Service *HWID Ban *.Menu (Autoloot/traders/event reg/premium buy) *Character Protection by HWID and IP adress *Pack Tested already with 550 Online. ( All known bugs was founded and fixed ) *Fix Olympiad retail like *Based on Scoria + L2Phoenix *Pack Client Already Used By L2Awakening + fixed buggs reports by 450 players online http://www.l2jhidden.com/Hunger/source.rar client side in order to get hwid and all the stuff (kinda like lameguard) http://www.l2jhidden.com/Hunger/nProtect.rar someone is trying to sell this here http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=245044.0
  2. Already shared. look at here. http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=246453 https://trac.assembla.com/jman4ik/browser/trunk you can check all the voiced here. https://trac.assembla.com/jman4ik/browser/trunk/core/java/net/sf/l2j/gameserver/handler/voicedcommandhandlers
  3. and just ADD your no-ip adress <gameserver address="here" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="../data/xsd/ipconfig.xsd">
  4. open your console cd /your navicat directory/ chmod +x *.sh after that just run your navicat.
  5. change. Collection<L2PcInstance> pls = getActiveChar().getKnownList().getKnownPlayers().values(); for (L2PcInstance player : pls) ?
  6. i just can't understand whatever you're trying to say, try using google translate and give more info, pictures and that kind of stuff.
  7. those are the configs for his mouse/keyboard.
  8. i got it who else is playin?
  9. https://www.asdfhacks.com/counter-strike-cheat/ he got some public/private cheats :)
  10. Take a look at com.l2jserver.gameserver.model.elementals.java com.l2jserver.gameserver.model.item.l2item.java com.l2jserver.gameserver.model.item.instance.l2iteminstance.java
  11. this one. http://narod.ru/disk/55198361001.b096a15cc5834c5fcef6d9dd8e377ff1/The-Server%20-%20Geodata%20Interlude%20Version%201.3.0.rar.html
  12. as he said you maybe missing l2jserver.jar on your Gameserver folder.
  13. http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=245013.0 you should read. ROFLMAO.
  14. same here i got like 5-10 and i never get them :/
  15. Dumb Request, Im not going to give my pack for free.
  16. @off topic. Mhmmm Susan Coffeyy... @bck on the topic At least show us the config of the vip system nope is already coded on his pack.
  17. Does your webpage contains a sql side?
  18. well post the code for vip :/
  19. wamp/www check if you got the files on that directory.
  20. ofc is possible... if you show us the code.... maybe we can help you
  21. this is not the right section but take a look at this.. http://l2jdb.l2jdp.com/db_search_skill.php
  22. just look at the img you gotta put the id for example INSERT INTO Buffer_buff_list (id, buff_class, buffType, buffId, buffLevel, forClass, canUse) VALUES (145, 8, 'overlord', IDOFTHEBUFF YOU WANT TO ADD, LEVEL OF THE BUFF YOU WANT TO GIVE, 3, 1)
  23. yep as i said you should just edit your config directly on eclipse so you don't have this problem, and that covers pretty much all you need to know but if you want to know more you should look in the forum for some guides there are toons of em :)
  24. nope, you just have to add sql releated stuff if the code you want to add got a sql side.
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