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Everything posted by Mhoska

  1. yes, or update your server with the build of you gameserver everytime you add a new code
  2. look at rates.properties and tell us if you can find what you need there :)
  3. if you working on .py it should be something liek this st.getPlayer().getStatus().setCurrentHp(st.getPlayer().getStat().getMaxHp()) st.getPlayer().getStatus().setCurrentMp(st.getPlayer().getStat().getMaxMp()) st.getPlayer().getStatus().setCurrentCp(st.getPlayer().getStat().getMaxCp())
  4. you gotta re-build your server everytime you add a code to your source my advice to you is to modife the configs directly on eclipse so you don't have a problem, almost every code you add will be on gameserver datapack changes are mostly html or py releated stuff you can add manually.
  5. yep he is right my bad, but after that you should be able to make it work, also i think eclipse can help you out to do that :)
  6. nope you don't have to change anything that's just for letting you know he was working on another rev
  7. that means he did the code working on the rev 910 of the project he is using
  8. /config/head/geodata.properties and if you don't have it just update to head.
  9. nope is easier to add the code manually there's just 2 things you gotta know + is for add - is for deleate. also if you look in the forum, you can find some guides on how to do it manually :)
  10. http://www.assembla.com/code/L2jFrozenInterlude/subversion/nodes/trunk/gameserver/config/head/geodata.properties?rev=946 Google is your friend :)
  11. if you can post the whole code maybe...
  12. is pretty simple, don't pay attention to what revision is the code made for, just apply it manually is easier that way if you want to update to a revision in specific there's a way in eclipse - team - Update to version and then you choose the rev you want to update.
  13. are you sure about your machine being 6 pm and no 6am? try to set up the clock and if the problem continues tell me :)
  14. add this to npchtmlmsg.java public boolean setFile(String path) { String content = HtmCache.getInstance().getHtm(path); if(content == null) { setHtml("<html><body>My Text is missing:<br>" + path + "</body></html>"); _log.warning("missing html page " + path); return false; } setHtml(content); { // TODO Auto-generated method stub
  15. Counting the days, i just pre-order it 1 week left :D
  16. what for? so you can sell it and then get banned and get a new acc again? hahaha.
  17. Thx :) thx, we always working in order to make our customers happy :)
  18. i dunno what happen here but i just loled with that comment
  19. can you report someone cos he is bringing old topics on just to win some post ? if thats the case loook at http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?board=111.0 and look at the rusian guy with the bot name full of numers :)
  20. you got something that is shared on the web, so stfu and stop spamming other ppl post :)
  21. already shared too http://rghost.net/36023876 good god stop sellin shit is shared on the web...
  22. im not going to even start a fight with you on this topic cos you'r so lame selling shared rusian packs based on l2p.
  23. +1, vampir darule is just trying to let ppl know that this guy is not trustable, you'r right ppl should have a brain and see all the sings of scamm on this post but for no brainers, we gotta let noobs know this seems to be a scam. his Creation, HAHAHAHA thats funny cos i've seen that community board shared on a ru project based on l2p. got nothing else to say :)
  24. http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=239530.0 and just add a chance at the times the reward is given.
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