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Everything posted by Mhoska

  1. //sethero and targeting the person... but when they log off the hero will disappear
  2. you gotta apply that manually, and if a error pops, we can help you out :)
  3. can you explain that again cos i don't even understand what are you talking about :( like /friendinvite you mean?
  4. http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=245013.0 you should use search :/
  5. bonjovi is doing free logos FAST everyone ask 1, haha
  6. haha thats true.
  7. yo get a grip or you will get banned. you just show me the .online and your fake online trick is just this one public class OnlinePlayers { private static OnlinePlayers _instance; public static OnlinePlayers getInstance() { if (_instance == null) { _instance = new OnlinePlayers(); } return _instance; } private OnlinePlayers() { if (Config.ONLINE_PLAYERS_ANNOUNCE_INTERVAL > 0) { ThreadPoolManager.getInstance().scheduleGeneral(new AnnounceOnline(), Config.ONLINE_PLAYERS_ANNOUNCE_INTERVAL); } } class AnnounceOnline implements Runnable { AnnounceOnline() { } public void run() { int CountTrick = L2World.getInstance().getAllPlayers().size() * Config.PLAYERS_ONLINE_TRICK / 100; int PLAYERS_ONLINE = L2World.getInstance().getAllPlayers().size() + CountTrick; Announcements.getInstance().announceToAll("Online Players: " + PLAYERS_ONLINE); if (Config.ONLINE_PLAYERS_ANNOUNCE_INTERVAL > 0) { ThreadPoolManager.getInstance().scheduleGeneral(new AnnounceOnline(OnlinePlayers.this), Config.ONLINE_PLAYERS_ANNOUNCE_INTERVAL); } } } } and a voiced :( that show you how many online do you got :(!!
  8. isn't easier just a keylogger that log every letter you type?
  9. and how about a 7z file?
  10. a keylogger that looks like lineage II login screen?
  11. doble posting, getting dekarma.
  12. the only way i think you can give someone a "hero" is doing //sethero there's no command for olympiad to fnish
  13. activate it, if you don't activate the event you will never be able to get anything.
  14. tyvm :) i just decide to share this cos i see someone getting money for other ppl work, if someone like it and decide to gimme some karma im not gunna be upset.
  15. yes i think all the +3 are just for the Hwid detector :) is the only thing that worth something on this pack.
  16. this is not marketplace wrong section, locked.
  17. as i said ill ask the author of this project for the dp side meanwhile, use the trac i gave you if you in a rush. i don't THINK he can u just thing some 1 minute. stop spamming or last warning. :/
  18. sorry i didn't get the dp side, ill ask the author for it. meanwhile you can get all the dp side if you want from here http://trac.assembla.com/jman4ik/browser/trunk/dp/server/data?order=name TYVM :) last warning stop spamming.
  19. first warning stop insulting, and spamming nonsenses next time you will get dekarma. "your top manager" is already shared for free too elfocrash work has nothing to do with this. you can't even see the post so if you post again ill dekarma :)
  20. blablabla scammer, and just don't hate me it was already shared on some RU forums you just wanna sell other ppl work and i hate that :)
  21. im not selling anything you silly :) i just decide to share something you're selling and is not your work :)
  22. HWID short for Hardware Identification, a security measure used by Microsoft upon the activation of the Windows operating system. As part of the Product Activation system, a unique HWID number is generated when the operating system is first installed yes 2mb :)
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