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Everything posted by Mhoska

  1. take a look at http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=233621.0 or just go to www.l2jhidden.com
  2. if you dont want to way you gotta wait till l2j finish all the questing (i dont know if they are going to continue their work on high five) but, if you want to pay.... maybe you can find someone *coff *coff me, who sell em. p.s: lazyness is never cheap.
  3. if you dont want to way you gotta wait till l2j finish all the questing (i dont know if they are going to continue their work on high five) but, if you want to pay.... maybe you can find someone *coff *coff me, who sell em. p.s: lazyness is never cheap.
  4. noone is gonna work for free and you gonna "share" the donations between 4 thats like waaay too much :/
  5. noone is gonna work for free and you gonna "share" the donations between 4 thats like waaay too much :/
  6. he saids "when you press the bow and you target the floor " wich still have no sense.
  7. he saids "when you press the bow and you target the floor " wich still have no sense.
  8. yep, and there's a copy a free one somewhere in the forum, but got some bugs that you will never be able to fix :/ if you want something fully working and good you will need something in continue development, and for that you will need to pay :)
  9. # Where's the Login server this gameserver should connect to # WARNING: <u><b><font color="red">Please don't change default IPs here if you don't know what are you doing!</font></b></u> # WARNING: <u><b><font color="red">External/Internal IPs are now inside "ipconfig.xml" file.</font></b></u> # Default: LoginHost = # TCP port the login server listen to for gameserver connection requests # Default: 9014 LoginPort = 9014 Instead of your lgserver adress .. and your lgs port.
  10. i just dont get it you mean backstab only do dmg on monsters from their backs?
  11. Ill Explain something to you, you're asking for something that needs alot of work i dont think noone is going to do that kind of work for free. Also is the 3th or 4th post I see http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=248598.0 next time you will get dekarma Topic closed, look for a dev on the market place and stop spamming help section IS HELP Section no WE WILL CODE FOR YOU section.
  12. Locked, Problem solved , next time use search..
  13. [spanish] no, si actualizaron algo directamente algun archivo critico o alguna textura de los personajes cada vez que intentes conectar sin la actualizacion te dara algun critical error.
  14. What lang are you using, maybe you just need arabic or chinese support.
  15. Ahmp, There's a section for porn this is General CODING que. Topic locked.
  16. Try to explain that on spanish [spanish] Explicalo en espa;ol por que no entendi.
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