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Everything posted by Mhoska

  1. i dont think you going to find someone that will do this on this forum hahaha, sounds like it
  2. Read the rules plz, Topic closed, vampir did what is right - Badly coded shares will be locked for the sake of java. - Do not post simple java strings or stupid Configuring Codes. Such topics will be immediately locked. Also, this topic is getting locked too.
  3. just take a look on w/e you change...
  4. Trollers complaining about being trolled, Epic.
  5. yes but they all work the same for l2j, so no worries bout that
  6. im selling my twink in elyos tiamat lvl 50, if someone want more info just pm me.
  7. link is dead stop spamming, this is your first warning. also Topic Closed, Link is dead.
  8. it does.... if you don-t want to tell us complete information just use your company forum...
  9. for( : L2World.getInstance().getAllPlayersArray())
  10. or just move the jar from your desk to libs on eclipse and it will work just the same.
  11. check java/com/l2jserver/gameserver/network/serverpackets/Die.java
  12. this is just mean, but yes i guess that the simpliest way is doing it as vampr says
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