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Everything posted by Mhoska

  1. http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=233621.0 take a look, if you want to test send us a email to: sales@l2jhidden.com or register in our forums www.L2JHidden.com
  2. do you mean Crystal scroll Chance?
  3. you need to post more information in order to help you out, like what software does it tell you to install? wich warnings etc. @offtopic plz Chrisz stop spamming every post in this fckng section with your crappy answer that don't help anyone and you doing only to get more post...
  4. What the fuck are you talking bout? get real stop spamming this section or ill report ya you will need client mod, wich is ilegal and hard to do ( and hard to find someone who knows bout that kind of client modding)
  5. he just try to say using "google translate" or some s--t liek that (you should learn some english) . you gotta re-install java SPANISH Re-instala java y dale valor a JAVA_HOME con eso seguro se te arregla :)
  6. http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=242981.0 check that :D
  7. <img src="L2UI.statusEAT1" width=256 height=16> :)
  8. Daily BUMP! :D
  9. Read your pms :D
  10. on the l2.ini file you need to activate the option there :)
  11. First post updated. BUMP :D
  12. hey there, check this post http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=233621.0
  13. Then you should code it.
  14. Bump, First post updated New features added to the project, you can see some pictures here. Some images of the new high five olympiad system. And Nevit's Blessing We just finish the prime shop for L2JHidden see some of the pictures.
  15. Thnks Also i want to announce that we're currently working on some new events.
  16. Thanks for the review, First post updated, L2JHidden team currently working on retail releated stuff :D
  17. yes, you get access to the svn.
  18. Bump, New features add read the first post. :D
  19. Thx to yall for the good wishes BUMPPP!
  20. Thanks for the kind words. First post updated new options, on event engine new things added to the project we currently working on in more stuff.
  21. we don't give nothing for free if you wanna you can use our test server, you only need to be register in our forum :)
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