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Everything posted by Mhoska

  1. why? can you explain me a lil bit more? D:
  2. l2file editer. use search is already share here.
  3. this is bs :) doesnt work
  4. mmhmm sumthing like Intel Core2Duo 2x 2.33+ GHz 4 gb ram and something like 100 Mbps bandwidth and for me i prefer ubuntu cuz i think is faster :)
  5. HAHAHAHA this guy is just amazing he is 20 post and he said I WILL TEST IT? :D ZOMGF
  6. well i test it and it works :D
  7. works on steam?
  8. try to change the protocol to freya and then is going to work...
  9. oh yeah!! :D
  10. that's what you're learning in school? :O +1
  11. so i dont know if this is the right section but here i go i was readying that there were some news mobs and rb for dv but i've been looking for the ids on l2jdb.l2jdp and there is nothing about em', maybe someone have the ids or can explain me how is this going? plz stop to make a post if you'r going to say SEARCH , cuz i already did that.
  12. no, is not up there you can read backed up files.. and clearly saids in english SAVE AND ENCODE
  13. http://www.4shared.com/file/9G-aD4L-/L2_File_Edit_Freya_High_Five.html there you go if this doesn't work then idk what is the problem :D
  14. 6595 ?
  15. yuup becareful ppl avast detect trojan on this .:D
  16. so wow, i learn something new today thanks :D
  17. can someone remake this for highfive? :D
  18. what is the word in greek for technology? :3
  19. maybe 100 post or 150, also i got a question does this works with highfive? :D
  20. no, no to me :D hahaha looks good you should do a tutorial for noobs like me :p
  21. you also gotta install net framework.
  22. WORD! hahaha, jk jk steve jobs
  23. there it's look at your pm.
  24. im kinda between metallica and megadeth cuz im all day long listening 1000 times goodbye and St. Anger
  25. it depends on the version of the program and the client that you'r using if you need one that works on freya/highfive/godness i can share with you just send me a pm :)
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