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Everything posted by Mhoska

  1. Register on our forum to see what we currently working on, we always do updates there. For Example We just finish the AutoVoteReward Event (1pcip per vote)
  2. how to get smart hide ip for free with premium services crack serial key Its Free :D http://gettingdreams.com/2012/03/smart-hide-ip-2672-full-crack-patch/ Dang. Google will killyaall.
  3. Thanks. Also when you buy pack, it will work lifetime, with your IP. When you pay for the months you pay, you'r paying us to add codes or to have any update we do. Also I want to announce we currently working on the event engine votereward system, this means that on X a-beep-t of votes and event will start.
  4. Thanks, and no you cannot buy the source.
  5. Welcome Guys, After a long time in java a friend and I decided to create our own pvp pack project and improve it to the best quality possible if you want to know more about our project please go to our forums www.l2jhidden.com or keep reading we're going to give you a little more information about our project. -Custom Config file with every feature we made -These are an example of some the features of our project, all of it are able to be enabled/disabled and to be changed. -Autovotereward (1 x PC) -Nevit's Advent Blessing -PCBang points system -PvP Reward options -PvP Name Color Change -PK Title Color Change -Killing spree user messages -Killing spree announcements -Chat usage depending on PvP Count -Hero transform on 25 killing spree -Clan_leader/hero title colors -Fake PC's -Siege reward -Currency change option for private stores -Dressme -Captcha Antibot -Special PvP zone -Services in community board -Premium accounts system -Premium buffer (buffs++) -Instant teleports for Premium users -Command .info to see Target Info, for Premium users -Command .time to see which time is it around the world -//recallall to summon all online players meeting the requirements -Default AIO NPC (gk, gmshop, pvpshop, att. manager, server info, smbol maker, augment/deaugment) -Default Scheme Buffer -GoalManager Engine -PvP ManaPotion restrict option -/unstuck restrict option in PvP -Event Ranking Engine (reward to topkiller, on TvT, TvTRound & Zaken) option -Dv-Loa Retail Like -All Pailaka's -Freya Quests -Freya Instance [Easy Mode] - [Hard Mode] -Q10501_ZakenEmbroideredSoulCloak -Q10502_FreyaEmbroideredSoulCloak -Q10503_FrintezzaEmbroideredSoulCloak -Q458_PerfectForm -Q512_BladeUnderFoot -Q641_AttackSailren.java -Q694_BreakThroughTheHallOfSuffering -Q727_HopeWithinTheDarkness -Q902_ReclaimOurEra -Q906_TheCallOfValakas -Q10270_BirthOfTheSeed -HollyCow event -NewEra event -SavingSanta event -SchoolDays event -Squash event -db table to control MasterofEchanting, Valentine, HollyCrow, Squash, NewEra, SchoolDays -Full 7 Signs Quests: Q10292_SevenSignsGirlOfDoubt Q10293_SevenSignsForbiddenBook Q10294_SevenSignsMonasteryofSilence Q10295_SevenSignsSolinasTomb Q10296_SevenSignsPoweroftheSeals Added AI for DV mobs Added AI for FoG mobs Added AI for Hellbound traps Added AI for LoA mobs Added AI for Loa Leaders running mobs Added AI for Reed Fields Added AI for Sailren Added AI for SelMahum Soup Added AI for SelMahum Trains Added AI for Stubborn mobs Added AI for The Spirit Of Pigs Added AI for UD When Attacked Added Retail Teleports Added Q00026_TiredOfWaiting Fixed Skill Heroic Berserker, invul to debuffs (including Raid Curse) Fixed RB's now if a player is RBLevel+9 or more but has Heroic Berserker, makes damage to the raid and the inverse Added AI for Ancient Herb Slayer Added AI for Overlord mobs Added AI for Prison guards Added AI for Random Spawn of Mutated Elpy Added AI for Reed Fields Added AI for Anais Added AI for Outpost Captain Added AI for Reed Herb Sower Added Q458_PerfectForm.java Added Q512_BladeUnderFoot.java Added Q641_AttackSailren.java Added Q694_BreakThroughTheHallOfSuffering.java Added Q727_HopeWithinTheDarkness.java Added Q902_ReclaimOurEra.java Added Q906_TheCallOfValakas.java Added Q10270_BirthOfTheSeed.java Added AI for LoA Maluk Hunter's walking mobs Added Q10504_JewelofAntharas.java Added Q10505_JewelOfValakas.java Added Q904_DragonTrophyAntharas.java Added Q907_DragonTrophyValakas.java Added Retail Spawnlists Dv & LoA + raids Added Retail npc Solina Walkers Added custom/DailyEventStarter (rabbits, race, elpys) Added Retail Htmls Added Retail multisells Added SoA Controller (vehicle) Added Bot Report Button option Added option to Enable/Disable HB quest requirement, to enter Added option to Enable/Disable server whisp telling you your olympiad enemie's class on 1vs1 Added Server Announcements Language Modify File on server source Fixed skill Servitor Share Added option to set that Cancellation skills returns back stolen buffs and the time to do it Olympiad Watcher Mode HighFive Style Olympiad Match Review HighFive Style. Nevit's System Fully working. Event Engine v0.4 http://l2jhidden.com/test/images/2012/06/27/PLojz.png AutoVoteReward Event. http://l2jhidden.com/images/event_vote_engine_example.jpg Main Events -Team Vs Team Event -Capture the Flag Event -Raid Event -Town War Event -DeathMatch Event -Team Vs Team Round Event -Zaken's Event -Biohazard Event Minor Events -PKHunting Event -PKLower Event -Russian Fight Event Other Options -Ranking Event Engine -Anti AFK Event Controller. -Event Scheduler -PcIP Event Controller Engine -Vote Event Engine. Working On -Russian Roulette Event 25 euros - Customer, will get 1 month of compiled packs with free support and updates. 65 euros - Vip Customer, will get 3 month(s) of SVN access and free support. Every pack is exclusively protected with an unique serial key usable only from one IP (No-IP are forbbiden) . If we notice that one of our users is trying to share/sale our packs/codes will be automatically expelled from our forum www.L2JHidden.com If you want only one code or our geodata to apply to your server source or you need more information, you can communicate with us. To do it, send us an email, sales@l2jhidden.com. We'll answer as soon as we can. We've been working in our own geodata and the first rev is done, the team is currently working on retail related stuff, and in some new events, more info on the forum Some images of the new high five olympiad system. And Nevit's Blessing We just finish the prime shop for L2JHidden see some of the pictures.
  6. I love the security option like GOD, I don't think nobody will get their accounts steals on this server.
  7. lololoolo, i love the security like GOD, and the olympiad with the pop up windows i only have seen this on RU servers. :O
  8. 10.04 is more stable and uses less ram and space :D
  9. wrong section someone move this? :(
  10. nC share actually im using this on my server. but instead of ((L2PcInstance) character).setPvpFlag(1); ill put some like ((L2PcInstance) character).updatePvpFlag(1); so they'r always flag and no just when they get to the zone.
  11. look at this ttp://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=224832.0 and change it to l2jfrozen the code but instead of ((L2PcInstance) character).setPvpFlag(1); ill put some like ((L2PcInstance) character).updatePvpFlag(1);
  12. kk, check yours. Thx, Trusted buyer when i show him the code he pay me, everything went good :)
  13. check your pms.
  14. Developer Services by Mhoska Hello Everybody I was working on my own server but I got bored of dealing with players so I decide to offer myself as a developer. Things I can do for you. I can create the pack you want with the events, codes you want I can Make Custom Events in Java. I can make Custom Scripts for your server. I can fix bugs you have on your server I can make Patch with special modifications. I can create custom npc. I can help you to make server online with Windows or Linux, or debian. (and teach you how to run em') I can help you to get a Cheap Dedicated or cheap webhost I can help you with your webpage, or forum. For price and more information please PM me.
  15. I'm Selling two servers a x1000 and a x10 fully set up on ubuntu server 10.04 the monthly cost of the server is 60 euros an it will be transferred to the name of the person taking it over. DEDICATED SERVER INFO: CPU: Intel i5 4x 2.66+ GHz Ram 16GB HardDisc 2TB 100TB Transfer Port Speed 1000mbps DdoS Protection. 24 Hours Monitoring Information about the gameservers x1000 Events TvT,TvTRound,TownWar,Football Event, CTF, DM, RaidBoss, Arena PvP, CUSTOM NPCS: GK Global GM Shop Currency Manager Donation Shop Custom Augmenter Scheme Buffer (Buffer & Pet Buffer) Buffer Nobless Manager MISCELLANEOUS PvPZone: While you're in the zone you're always Flag. Protection against DualBox in events (It looks into the machine IP, not the WAN IP, so those who play in Cyber Cafes are free to play) Offline Shops (Open a shop and exit the game, your character will still be logged selling / buying items) Balanced Olympiads (All your stuff is treated as a +6 itens in the battles) Certification Skills(without transformation quest.) Castle Sieges Fortress Sieges Territory Wars Elemental System LvL 7 Balanced Classes for improved gameplay PvP Title Color System PvP Reward System (Each kill you make you earn 10 coins) AutoVoteReward Hopzone Server Rank: 30 Amount of players: 100 - 150 at 9pm UTC/GMT +1 MoreInfo: Pm Me in the forum Price Doesn't set yet.
  18. it was an interlude proyect that closed :D so yep its the same cuz is L2J based.
  19. Step 1) Open Navicat and double click on your l2jdb. Then press right click on it and choose the option "Execute Batch file" Find the SQL file, from your Buffer's folder, and press start, to execute it. If an error appears, saying that it finished unsuccesfully, then the buffer does not suit your pack. or if you dont have a sql file just copy 1 and change the id. to your buffers numer :D Step 2) Copy the ".html" files from your buffer's folder, and paste them into C:/server/GameServer/Data/html/default. Step 3) Copy the folder "9999_NPCBuffer (or your buffer folder name) (it may have another number too, but this is the most usual) and paste it in C:/server/gameserver/Data/Script/Custom - the folder jScript may be named simpyl Script, but still nothing changes. Step 4) Go at C:/server/gameserver/data, find the file "Scripts.cfg" and open it with Notepad. Go to the last line, press enter (to leave a line) and paste this: custom/9999_NPCBuffer/__init__.py (or your buffer name folder and file) Save & Close it. Now just restart your server, //spawn 9999 and that's everything :D y try to explain everything the most understandable way possible also you can use google or search on the forum cuz this is already shared like 1000 times
  20. works on highfive :D
  21. if this have this it could be perfect. :D
  22. 3. edit you l2.ini and put your ip.
  23. he is not talking bout that he is talking about users on mysql that aren't allowed to get in cuz the user is only set to localhost, he just ahve to change localhost to % and that will solve his problem :D
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