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Everything posted by Mhoska

  1. he is not talking bout that he is talking about users on mysql that aren't allowed to get in cuz the user is only set to localhost, he just ahve to change localhost to % and that will solve his problem :D
  2. and if you don't get it like this.. you should rlly think on give up l2j.
  3. can someone upload some pictures? :D
  4. i just try this and i think im going to add this to my liveserver thnks for the share nevermore :D
  5. im going to use this for sureee on my server thnx anarchy 4 the share :D
  6. I found a couple of then and now like highfive got 2 different data bases 1 for accounts and 1 for characters most of then doesn't work ( and i have 2 gameservers so i can't put login and gameserver on the same db) I think about buying that one but I'm Starting and I dont have enough money, that's why I'm asking for help :(
  7. now you only have to add the xml files to the dp (the route that adenaman told you) and modify your client :D
  8. http://www.4shared.com/file/9G-aD4L-/L2_File_Edit_Freya_High_Five.html use this open the file and change the port
  9. hey everybody, i use search on the forum on google and i've been trying a couple of the scripts that are already share for free but I can't find one that works on H5 and i have no money yet bcuz my server is just starting can someone share one for free that works on highfive? :D thnks :D
  10. im gonna test this and if it works im gonna use it on my server you should protect this with 100 post or something :D
  11. i think he was asking ingame changes. but i dont know any other way just this one that dpbBryan show u.
  12. someone who luvs breaking GameMasters b4lls (there r lot of em in my serv.)
  13. well i do that with php my admin but if you don't want to use phpmy admin tell me are you using linux or windows server? create a new user and give rights (%) or change the mysql.conf to to and then you can access to the server.
  14. create a new user who can be listen anywhere (%) do you use phpmyadmin?
  15. Send me a pm and it depends on what you want maybe i can do it :)
  16. <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"> <html> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"> <title></title> </head> <body> <?php //---------CONFIGS---------// $title="creat by Drogata"; // Page Title Here $type="1"; //Type 1 $server="localhost"; // MySQL IP $user="root"; //MySQL Username $password="your password heree"; //MySQL Password $database="your db here"; //MySQL Database $top="100"; //-----END OF CONFIGS-----// if ($title) { print("<head><title>$title</title></head>"); } else { print("<head><title>No Page Title</title></head>"); } mysql_connect("$server", "$user", "$password") or die(mysql_error()); mysql_select_db("$database") or die(mysql_error()); if($type == '1'){ $result = mysql_query("SELECT char_name,pkkills FROM characters where pkkills>0 and accesslevel=0 order by pkkills desc") or die(mysql_error()); echo "<center><h3>Top $top Pk Players</h3></center><table border=10 align=center><tr> <th>Character</th> <th>Top Kills</th> </tr>"; $sum1=0; while($row = mysql_fetch_array( $result )) { $name = $row['char_name']; $pkkills = $row['pkkills']; if ($sum1<$top) { echo "<tr><td align=center>$name</td><td align=center>$pkkills</td></tr>"; $sum1++; } } } else { echo "<center>Please config the variable $type. Make it <b>1</b> for Top Status</center>"; } ?> </body> </html> read this a lil and you can change it for whatever you want.
  17. can someone help me to make this work with l2jls y l2jgs (2 databases) one for login and two for gameservers. :D ?
  18. If you are using BETA you can use Collection<L2PcInstance> pls = L2World.getInstance().getAllPlayers().valueCollection(); // or L2PcInstance[] pls = L2World.getInstance().getAllPlayers().values(new L2PcInstance[0]); btw this is not the correct section :D and also you make a doble post.
  19. www.chaoticgamers.com x1000 server open 2 days ago 50 players safe +3 max +16 normal scroll 4 farm zones 66% blessed 100% can see more information on the web :B
  20. beacuse need to be rework and the last post made by the creator of the script was on agust 31. I think a mod should close this topic :D
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