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Everything posted by Mhoska

  1. Read this carefully i didnt lock the topic i just did an observation... now get real and cut off the drama.
  2. what other games are you playing? \
  3. Saay whaat? for i could understand, the difference between yours and the other codes was 3 strings? either ways i didn't lock the topic.
  4. lol, use the game chat hahaha
  5. lol that was 2 years ago, i guess he didnt mind at all after 2 years hahaha eitherways topic locked.
  6. JEEEZ, man get real. just going to say that a WARNING is not a dekarma as i told you on before on this same section you should take a look on the rules.
  7. Roflmao 1 gb left, i guess im not playing lol tonight, raincheck maybe morrow?
  8. let me update the lol its been ages since i played lol.
  9. EU ? :( srrz i got just NA.
  10. where? wt forum? maybe yes :D
  11. oh you :D and what happen? cant rlly remember but dunno D:
  12. you missing some + please re add the patch and just delete each + one by one
  13. now i get it hahaha, i guess that got a java side in order to arrange the items but im almost 100% sure that to take off that buttom you will need client side mod.
  14. send a pm to maxtor and stop loggin to see if you dont want your account YUNO stop loggin, topic closed.
  15. yes, try too see when you start gettin that error :) thats what you should normally do when a error pops.
  16. if you mean the items, you get when you log in just check at char_template on your db
  17. script config and just add a # on the quest/scripts you want to turn off.
  18. Wrong section, moved to general lineage ii help.
  19. you can add img to html without client modding, its pretty easy take a look at pipou's captcha antibot system.
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