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Everything posted by sandpants

  1. It's already dead. Anything that comes now is just an abomination of a game, a damn insult. Fire your DDoS cannons already...
  2. And it will have 100 players for 1 month before it dies. GO FOR IT!
  3. Enchant limit says if server is PvP or not? Deluded community is deluded.
  4. PvE. I don't mind PvEing but if it feels like a chore you have to PvE mad to level up and gear, I quit. /attack mobs with 4kk HP is not "challenging". Loads of weak mobs is far more challening. It also keeps the combat fast paced and visceral. You have to watch what your doing or you get swarmed.
  5. Generally, yes. You have the right idea. Your English does suck D: To put it in specifics: 15yo admins didn't do anything. I've known kids, literally kids, that assembled good teams and made great servers. It's a matter of ambition, worth and actually getting your hands to do things. From my PoV this is hypocritical - I wouldn't put my hands to work on L2 now either. People are beating a dead horse out of desperation. It's hard to imagine what they think - it's not like their server will suddenly fill up with thousands of players. Right now 20 people is an achievement lol. If you want to make a difference (or you have free time left for beating the same dead horse) DDoS their servers. Let them know they are damn NOT WELCOME to make servers left and right. P.S. What really has destroyed L2 is L2j. I'm not bashing the guys. They are great and they achieved a lot. But damn. They could at least remove the damn config files lol. In fact they should sell config files. Source would be free and config would be $$$ - all your most hated kids would shit bricks, people that know what they are doing won't care, L2j gets financial support from idiots. Hurah.
  6. No. How about that? Die like the rest of the servers with minor config changes. Come back when you have something to offer.
  7. Fokys has the right idea, if you are capable, try getting along with L2DC. Apart from that, there isn't really a "market" for these things. Especially considering what state the game is in. See if NCsoft hires you!
  8. WOO A SERVER WITH OFFICIAL FILES WOO *cough* Retail. The only reason why servers like these have any future, any success, is because the remaining community is full of tools.
  9. Not a lot of ambition to try. Community is scattered, assuming you collect all people interested you'll have like 20 people. Something else has to be done... Besides, you mention the word custom and everyone instantly assumes "oh damn custom armors, weapons, no balancado"
  10. If you check the changelogs, and actually understand what they mean, you'd realize that these guys are very skilled. Solving geometric problems involving collisions and projectile trajectory is serious engineering. Whoever questions their choice of a server by looking at sources (L2OFF, L2j) is retarded. Check what they guys can do with it instead. I'd honestly trust this server more than any other out there today. I'm not a fan of low rates, never mind retail content though. So I stay out of this. But you get my support if people ask about low rates worth playing.
  11. Seems like it's cooler to try harder to think up of a name for a server than actually try and make a server.
  12. 20 players with no grind and some random fun. Remember L2luna? farming from 1 to 20 was days. Then skills no one knew what they did. Im not saying lets play Lineage 2 and Obama's magic orb of space wizardry. Your most complicated skill in the skill tree would be /attack. Lol. Hypothetically.
  13. Not what I am saying. I wouldn't add custom equipment to "normal" L2. I'd rather make completely different game. L2 sources allow for high customization. Game would be different. I am asking would you play a something that looks like L2, uses L2 client, but doesn't have Doombringers, necromancers, sorcerers, etc. If not, why no? Why chose "real" L2 servers which have 20 players and die in a week than to try something different. At least then everyone learns from it if you say you don't like it.
  14. What's difference between each for you? Would you try something completely custom just for fun? Not armor/weapons/items. Completely custom gameplay. Imagine an arcade PvP game. Why care for "normal l2"? There are loads of "no custom" L2 interlude servers, see any difference between them? Do you play any of them? Which ones do you like? What if the normal server doesn't get enough players, do you still look for a server of the same type? Looking for opinions.
  15. Means he's an emo, depressed and cannot elaborate his feelings at how much he gets PKed. Updates to this game will always be made to satisfy korean playerbase and to keep sales stable in korea. If it works, it will be done. And it works. GF.
  16. PvP with whom? Can't you see it's all very vague? Some people will PvP, other's won't. It's inconsistent. Those that won't will be annoyed with those that do. They'll leave. Then the ones that PvP will follow cos there is nothing to kill. Competitive PvP is NOT enough. It has to be PERSISTENT. If one side loses even a single will to keep going, everything falls apart. Having castles mattered. Controlling PvE zones mattered. Camping raids mattered. What do castles do now? I mean like what does it give? Why control PvE zones when what most admins do is leave retail spawn points full of blue mobs that give 6% per death on a server with 50 people online? You don't feel something about this game? Cos I feel it's empty. Not dead, but empty. There is nothing to do, nothing to achieve, no fun to have. Im playing ME3 MP. No PvP in that game. Ton more fun than any L2 server is ATM. Or likely ever will be. You either present some ideas, or just drop this. It isn't worth it. Even putting ideas on the table won't get you anywhere. I already did it twice. Positive feedback on an idea isn't enough. You really have to push. This isn't like beating a dead horse. But it's still like having sex for 9 hours straight from mid night - you are tired, she is loose, your breaths stink and the only thing you worry about is who will be the lucky one to wash the bed sheets. Good things either have to be taken in small doses, or they just have to end.
  17. I barely read. Yet I still don't think it would work. OFF or Java, barely matters. Java sources are stable enough nowadays. All these are to me and any other person with an actual understanding of what happens there in the code in respect to what's in the game knows by now that these are simply labels used to attract clueless people. If you can make a good OFF server - by all means, good luck. I doubt you'll find many people willing to work with it though. It's hard as it is to find capable enthusiasts and hobbyists for a Java project. Either way, that is not the reason why it won't work. As zanter said, NCsofts servers are free. RU servers are free. They offer a complete "bugless" game. There is nothing private server can offer in the state they are now. And by state I mean - community, interest, developement. You talk about Java not having features. I am failing to understand by what you mean features. I go to the server advertisement section and on every topic there is some random guy posting "nci featurds man", I scroll up and all I see is rates, rates, rates, oly, and oh, rates. Not just L2j. L2off as well. Same with Sublimity. Sublimity will last 1, 2 maybe at most if very lucky 3 weeks with a competent community. It will be set up as a leveling race. People will PvE the sh1t out of the first weeks. Then once there is nothing left for the end gamers to do, they will start picking on the lowbies. By 4th week there will be a quarter of the original population left. It happens on every big server. You WON'T make a stable server, which will last 5 years. No offense. It won't happen. You can put enormous efforts into making a server as close as possible in comparison to what it was like years ago and it will still won't last more than 3 months. There is no mystical force behind that causes this, it's just natural - there is different interest now, people play at different paces. With different excuses, standards, mentalities. Games in general are following this change. Player expectations are growing. Standards are heightning. It is simply one more thing to which we are growing beyond its ability to impress us. How many people are still fascinated by radios and TVs? You might think it's a silly comparison. They are nice to have, even to use sometimes. But WTF, doesn't everyone have a PC by now? A phone, tablet. Even these things are just whatever... What exactly can L2 offer any more to actually keep us interested? I like PvP. Can you make a server that offers competitive, non destructive PvP? How would you do that? Sieges? With 20 vs 20 people? Oly - I might as well play another 1v1 game. Events? Well, if you can have 80 players in one regularly. Open PvP? The game where a-beep-t of potions and a-beep-t of internet fanboys backing up with support classes win. PvE is -beep-ing dull. No server I've ever been on this has ever been any better than a -beep-ing chore. I'd rather wash dishes, do the laundry, clean the house than try to faceplant F1 to kill a mob. Sure you can say "Oh hai there, that's what L2 is about". Well, L2 sucks then. You either: A)Address the actual problems, rather than simply setting up a server, paying for a machine and crossing your fingers, or B)Move along. Good luck.
  18. Landrates. Find java and off debuff land rate codes and run the same thing depending char stats/skill stats
  19. And now if a server is opened on a dedicated machine and the source is rare like L2Off and L2DC the server stays up for more than 2 weeks?? No. L2 is dieing because it is boring. Because a majority of Admins simply open server because they can. They have no future aims. NCSoft in Korea made changes lately to siege systems which brought back a big bunch of old players because they understood that after pve to 99 there is nothing to do in the game. Ingame player politics proved to be entertaining for gamers and good for business, so NCsoft applies changes. In korea L2 changes every 2 weeks. Not new chronicles but minor updates and changes to systems. At the end of the day this is the only thing this game is good for - money. Big companies and admins have visions on how to make it long term - it's good for them, they gain more money with less hassle, unlike most private server admins who expect with 5 donations to get 2x machine price and close server. Remaining player community is crap as well. Most hide in towns and the most common pvp is in olympiad. If a high rate is without MP pots players rage quit no matter the compromise (high mp regen/MoT pots/elixirs/ boosted recharge). You don't think these things are natural though? It's an old game. We can love it all we want. But it's not coming back. Most admins are only full of words and greedy hands. There will not be an L2 server where the feeling is of medevil setting, knights, magicians, sword fights, sieges.
  20. Whatever chronicle as long as it has something more to do than farm 1 day pvp 1 day then leave. In fact no farm.
  21. Years of experience and practice and an architectural understanding of systems. You have to be ambitious. You wouldn't be asking here if you were. You would just google it. Compiling a patched code is not developing. That's just licking ass. Before developing in java or C++ for l2, you actually have to very very simple things.
  22. I am not the admin of this project. Features: http://www.skirmishpvp.com/features/ Don't rush pressing the link - here are some comments: 1)Unlike some other servers claiming that it takes no time to try it out, you really aren't losing anything for real here. 1 click - full attribute stones. 1 click full set of armor/jewels/weapon bought. Safe for skills +20/+10. You can log in, and within moments start PvPing. You can try any class, at any time, any build, and it will take only a few minutes. No going out to a remote, empty and dead farm zone to farm for random coins, items, anything. No running around for NPCs to get skills, buying books, drawing dyes. It's all within a single location, neat and clean. 2) The admin is interested: He has ideas on how to move the project forward. It won't stand still. He has innovative ideas which he can make happen. 3)small typical things that usually annoy one or the other side of people: Cancel/steal is not nerfed to hell. Usable skills. No lol land rates on 1 skill and epic land rates on others - with high enchants everyone is running more or less same stats. Banes land and are not nerfed. Potions for missing skills. These are just some of the points that are not really features, but things that make sense and are useful. It is in beta now - you are almost double winning. Play and test, report bugs, throw in ideas. And when the real launch comes you reap what you sow. I recommend you join. It is literally 5 minutes to figure out if you like it or not.
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