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Everything posted by sandpants

  1. I find it weird that people get so fascinated and pay attention to what servers have how much players and how secure they are... What about finding out why people play on these server? I currently chose a GoD private server, knowing that retail GoD is free. Curiosity caught me. But I don't take it seriously - skills are bugged, interface is confusing, server set up is confusing, new items, things to do... I expected this, but what made me furious is how dumb the it was set up that the actual GK was an inventory based NPC, along with 2 others for gear, class change, dyes, and like 12 other things. It took me hours to find leveling areas and gear on a 5000x server. I think simplicity plays a big part in server success as well. Not in the sense that there should be less features; more that they should be implemented in obvious for the user ways. For example - binding all sorts of services and dividing them across 3 NPCs spawnable from an inventory item may be genius, admirable, but not obvious and is confusing, as you need to transfer from 3 different NPCs and you need to remember before hand what NPC does what. Adding it to the Community Board service and laying the HTM nicely out would have been far better. Midnex had great Community Boards service on Gallo.
  2. Have to give you props for looking at this so positively. Would have to agree though, retail isn't offering much. It was, still is and will be a PvE first game. Because most of the PvP is end game, end game is grind, and grind is time. So it is pretty much a race to who gets to 99 first and rolls all those who cannot bother to play as much. People will get sick soon. I guess it's worth to prepare. But with all the GoD players, chances are you'd need a GoD server as well. Pere opened Tenkai GoD and it is not complete. It's close, but still far from all the new skills and their mechanics.
  3. Nothing gives tanks critical damage apart from the buffs. If you do sub order, aka static values, they will eventually reach different net gains/losses. Elves having the lowest patk can lose up to 25%. STs and Paladins will prolly not care cos they have buffs. Don't do static nerfs. Also, damage from normal hits is almost exactly proportional to patk, crit or no crit. Check what damage tanks do, decide on the damage you want them to do. Do your damage/tank damage. Use the ratio in your XML skills. Another thing, skills depend on patk, tank skills have low power skills, so patk affects it alot. Best not to nerf patk, nerf crit dmg instead. Romotheone is correct - your skill only works for swords.
  4. No. This is like reinventing a bicycle. No matter what you do, the general form has been reused millions of times. You aren't attracting people with neon headlights and a pink toaster on your backseat. Invent a levitating skateboard and people will flock you with their money going into your pockets.
  5. Names with no meanings. L2CopyPasta. To reflect the fact that there will be 0 originality, a copy of the 10 other servers in the server advertisement section, with minor config set ups. So if you don't name it that, we will find you, and DDoS you. Have a nice day.
  6. The white letters and the stars in background blend in. Maybe try darker blue to give precedence and outline to the white letters. Also why not try light grey instead of blue. It will match the greyish UI thing at the picture, and will give contrast between the pictures.
  7. Unfortunately the best thing I ever coded was an expression for a robotic arm...lol. The folk from L2jsaver have done loads of things. Like the custom UI interface for gear enchants used on L2retro. The achievements and battlepoints thing that gave players advancements regardless of their PvP score for example. They could definitely do something like this. And Nexus events have sexy UIs and solid events. It's just that they do very specific tasks that admins ask them and they turn out in bugs sometimes. JStar from Pandora faction server made an event engine very similar to this. But it still allowed players to level indefinitely and it became imbalanced. As far as functionality - it worked flawlessly. To bad everyone raged to have it taken down for a normal faction server. I suggest attempting to contact jstar http://www.pandora-project.com/forums/ if you can
  8. They promised change 2 years ago. They won't change anything, they will simply keep beating a dead horse. And there isn't them. It's just 1 person. The code is so unupdated there is no point in doing anything. Best to make from scratch. Regardless, new wipe will last like 4 weeks max. After that it will be 30vs30 with 40vs40 on weekends. Sure it's quite a bit, but once you notice that all those people are stacked in groups and that you have low chance, you'll leave.
  9. That your only reason? okdan Choose from the "real L2 servers" at the server advertisement forum. Tell us if they have a future...
  10. Yeah, pulled it out of my ass. Go check any decent private lowrate. Russians typically have 2k players on each server min.
  11. Make a Copy of the GoD client somewhere else on the PC. Uninstall the original one. When installing the C4 it shouldn't detect the GoD copy, and with the original gone, it should work. P.S. The copy GoD should work fine, it just won't show up in the Uninstall/change Windows manager/whatever. I have like 8 L2s on my PC and only 1 "installed".
  12. Bump, hopefully it's not against the rules to bump things here...
  13. Don't think the above is true. Low rates are still popular with those who do not like GoD. There is generally a playerbase of around 4k divided between those servers. And L2 was free on l2.ru and it wasn't GoD. Not a lot of people went to play free L2 just right off the bat. High rates are dumb nowadays. If you don't see the pattern between them - you'd be dumb as well. They are all the same with irrelevant variations of rates. GoD didn't destroy L2. Dumb admins and kids did.
  14. much more "working files" ? TBH both of you are stupid. Or just trying to look smart.
  15. That's the thing, I don't care if someone does this on my behalf and takes credit. I do have an idea, but i have no resources to realize it. Besides, ideas come and go... Already thought of a better way to handle rewarding for players that would, hypothetically, want to keep certain items onto next game.
  16. Sorry, this is the most I can offer. I am not good working in a team, never mind leading one. But if people are interested, I may attempt to make a system diagram. Since most devs understand the aesthetics of preference over putting one piece of a code in a specific file rather than another, having a complete overview of how it should look like would make things far simpler.
  17. This is may be hypocritical, as I am not a dev myself, and can't simply make myself into one, so here goes: Char create/name/login like normal Spawn in empty room, no NPCs, if room is large and accommodates other players, hide other players but self PC. Event driven server, comparable to FPSs. 15-20 minute gamemodes, around 1-3 minute breaks. Flexible drop in drop out system - join or leave game/mode whenever you want. No currency but adena. Absolutely NON other than that. GC - gone, GCM - gone. Enchant scrolls, attributes - all gone. Everything handled by a UI based shop, could use the same ingame shop Russkie used and now NCsoft use. Simple and fast progression, but a lot of choice - one click attributes (to a certain level, say need 3 times use to get full attribute), one click enchant (1st try +3, then +4, +5, +6 etc) for whole sets. People should be wondering after 10 mins - "Do I keep my +8 foundation dynasty or go for vorpal?", "lots of mages, get attributes? or switch class?", "Get +10 skill A or +20 skill B?" so on. Bring back EXP consumption for Skill enchants, make it reasonable: if one click is +10 skill, no lose 30% EXP at lvl 78 or whatever. It has to be something that will make players think "Should I enchant? Or get level? Only 15 mins left in event, do I need this?" Wipe gear/skill enchants on event end. Offer to keep some items from last event to next event/game for a medium/high price - if there are exceptional players, with good/high scores, they should have the option to take their "+10 dynasty foundation breastplate" or their "+20 shield bash" to next event. It's an RPG and players would want to keep something, this would be their reward - not starting out from scratch every 10-20 minutes. Exp gained from anything - get game objective, rewarded exp, healed someone when he was 30%HP? ress him if he died?reward exp. Landed debuffs on 6 targets and assisted healers with hate? Reward them with damn exp. Make it small, but constant - it's motivating to see progress, people would want to play on, if they lose, it's addicting. Don't ignore mobs. They don't have to be strong, don't have to be with good rewards, but a good pack of 4-5 shot mobs keeps players' heads sharp. Not everyone is good at PvP, but if they can kill some mobs to at least reach a fraction of level everyone else is, they won't feel left out. Don't pick large maps. Keep players concentrated. At least if Map is big, make spawns close to objectives. No GvE running from dion to gludio to capture town or whatever. Don't need balance system. Just control rewards with ratio of own team number/enemy team number. If there is a very very large difference in players, the bigger group would have to either live with lower rewards and risk missing on keeping things for next event or getting higher, or even winning even overall. IT will become in their interests to join the weaker team. Dunno how to control feed. Check IPs so that same IPs don't attack each other, check if same chars attack each other or kill each other for too long/too often I might have missed something else relevant, i might come back to this This was not my idea, was someone elses' on another server, long time ago. I didn't think it would work, but seeing the state high rates are in now, I don't think it hurts to try. Pros: Favors all kinds of players. Fast paced and addictive. It's "simple". Most players would argue the same crap like "I dun wanna lrn new l2" "it's too complicated" "I want PvP" "I want normal L2". They always do that. Cus they just have to. But as far as playing the game, it is simple. Log on, PvP, get rewards, buy stuff, PvP, do objectives if you want. Stay for another event, or take a break. Broad donation options through microtransactions and consumables. Offer vitality items, stronger potions, limited duration items, etc. Cons: Not L2 expl0ts if not careful. Please no comments like - dream serber, ask for impossible, want normal interlude bla bla. If you don't like it, "No" is enough. Because honestly beyond that there is no argument or reason. So just be honest. EDIT: Flowchart 6th post
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