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Everything posted by sandpants

  1. That's not code that's config. We don't know what's wrong with your sh1tty server. Delete databse and source, checkout again, recompile, and ask on the forums where you got the source from.
  2. maaaan wai u rteeacch deees pros? 1222x rates best don't listen to him. put RB jewels for 7 elpy testicles in GM shop then make Oly no RB jewel. So people farm for Rb jewel 3min by lvling up to 103 lvl buying no grade, d grade, C grade, a grade, rainbow grade then pvP in oly with NO RB jewel. Pro server.
  3. This is what L2 private server community is like This is the only reason why you server live longer than a week. But they have to go to CoD one day. So maybe you do something fuking unique?
  4. It's not impossible. It's just pointless. Like a stripped down L2. Enjoy your dreams...
  5. all quests working =/= quality.
  6. Epilogue and Freya and High Five difference? 10 new skills? If I don't play the crap High Five "PvP server" what makes you think I'd play Epilogue? Quit grabbing clients. Do something impressive if you want players.
  7. Well not FPS, but TPS. And with existing client - would it be possible? I can't imagine.
  8. Well, most of it can be done in what we have now. Classless system, variations of skills and armors. I think why it hasn't happened is because there isn't much inspiration. blacklight retribution whilst being an FPS has a pretty thorough unlock/customization system which don't upgrade standard gear but deviate it into a new gameplay. Mass effect and borderlands skill system offers skills to do various things. You can borrow these ideas, don't see much use in making L2 on a newer engine and end up redoing everything even further. I think the main concern is interest. Western interest in L2 is very low now. Copyleft showed Battles for glory 2 - russian custom L2 server with buttload of people. Make same server here - there will be 40 people max playing. Would UT3 l2 convince people to play?
  9. Except that AION faction combat sucks. It's all about who ganks who. But flight is welcome. If you COULD make a 3rd person "shooter" like TERA it could be interesting seeing as how popular L2 is. But ripping of meshes? Isn't that against the law? Even if whatever you perhaps make is gonna stay non profit, NCsoft will still try to bite your ass. But yeah, advanced physics for flight, advanced animations and combat reaction. More twitch based combat is what I'd like to see in "L2". I really like how some MMOFPS take customization and leveling. YOu start of with generic gear set. As you advance and level you unlock other parts which increase and decrease various stats. So by max level you don't choose a set which is better than standard, but instead choose something thats different playstyle. Anyhow, this topic will spoil all the ambition if you have any. Best to create your infrastructure first and see whats possible, rather than dream. If you want features to be added to existing L2 - why bother with making new client? I mostly agree with copyleft on what would be awesome - except for faction server arguments. The same clan tension exists on faction servers. No one is limiting clan making. But on a faction server is greater. A faction is a big entity and the tension between the factions is far greater than the tension between 10 clans where 1 is 60 people and dominates everyone. No one is gonna feel tension there, most will just emo quit. And history is as bad as it is good. Now that that clan is dominating, newbies want to join it, veterans get more demotivated - you wipe and the same clan comes along. It's nice for a few weeks but then the same happens. Happened on skirmish, didn't it...?
  10. So now there are qualifications for making L2 server? Retarded. Keep killing this game with your successful servers.
  11. I've seen battles for glory about 3 years ago. Didn't believe it would last that long. Loads of client mods, surprised they are not close up either. Then again - Russians.
  12. It would make more sense if they were different. They aren't. Neither do they surpass retail. Lost potential.
  13. Retail is a bad example. It's aimed at players with the mentality which enables them to brag about how fast they farm and level. It's a korean game at heart. Otherwise we wouldn't have anime haircuts. I am for custom items as long as they make sense. Not all do. Most just make "hey this is drac armor with apella texture with better stats, you need to farm 5 pink dildos and 10 red butt plugs to get 1 part" - fk no.
  14. What's the point of "just custom items"? I mean sure, if you make a custom armor set ok, but if it's the same bonuses as your max retail armor but better stats you are not really adding anything new, just more items to farm/get to be better. Custom isn't bad. The way people present it is bad. What's worse is when people think deliberately that it will be bad.
  15. All private servers are like that chick in your avatar. Custom or no custom...
  16. That's only a well established opinion. Like sheep, people follow the idea that a chronicle = gameplay because no one is open to something new and different. These "whore" servers die because they are one like the other, and chronicle barely matters for those who know what L2 is at the core - point+click+farm. It's what every server does and what practically any child demands. It is also like an old franchise - Aliens, AliensVsPredator, and Prometheus. It is an old, tiring concept and mass of ideas, or like a whore which everyone had - it is uninteresting. I do not see the big deal in having items up until interlude but with skills up until [chronicle]. It may help balance, but most of it seems eye candy. If it's the latter then it just proves my point - people will join because it is a well established opinion of standard. My personal stand in this argument - I don't like draconic. I always hated the "eye" textures on the armor, although the general scheme of red and black was nice.
  17. Here is a suggestion: Car fire - start one, then get in.
  18. Bow on doombringer or quit. GH with magic sword and use freezing strike or you get pwned. Attributes? Fucking rainbow attribute. No one can defend from rainbow attribute. Always use HP to MP skill on SPH - MORE MP MORE DAMAGE!
  19. Poles. I have a unique idea! Nude Pixel Chicks Dancing on Poles! YEAH! Oh wait...
  20. Where is the "Close server before start" option? Fkn useless poll.
  21. Yes! Why would I bother going to a farmzone to collect silver coins to then trade for pixel dildo to the get boss jewels? Give me fucking zariche or akamanah. Give dwarves the option to summon siege weapon outside of siege zones! There is so much potential, but people still think that they can get away with typical things, log in, powerlevel on gremlins in elven village, go Area 1 for attributes, area 2 for coins, area 3 for LS, so after 24 hours I can realize that the situation is as it is for every other server - PvP non existent outside of Oly. Raid bosses are camped by no life nerds who server hop weekly, clan wars thrown out when its 20 ppl vs 5 but when Epic boss wars are dropped. Having GMshop, "easy lvl/gear", high rates, fixed bugs, class balance - NOT CONVINCING. 3 years past that.
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