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Everything posted by sandpants

  1. veri pro espisially 500 xx x ret x exmz so god plei l2 1 yier ecamz ok thax 2 l2
  2. You don't think they've been tired for ... some time now? But looking forward to your ideas.
  3. You play l2 servers that get DDoSed. That's no ones' mistake. You also play l2 server that close after a DDoS. So shame on you for playing on crap servers. If people close up after a DDoS, it's likely the admin thought it's not worth the effort. AKA, likely the server wasn't any good for anyone - good riddance.
  4. Same enchant on all items = magical attacks get shafted. 4 castles is a bit too steep. Tone it down to 2 for starters IMO. Perhaps put more emphasis on fortresses. Don't see why you wouldn't add mastery codexs. It does fuck over some classes and make other stronger, but you said there won't be balance, you could also nerf some highly enchanted skills to suit. 1 hour event intervals does not equal "something to do". An hour is pretty long. Why have a lvling area for fast lvling. Can't you just make starting level high? Like 78 or something. Decrease the rates to like 70x. You put new players in low end game, there is more to work for rather than just armor and adena, lvls mean something, things are more localized but there is a feeling of difference. No offence, but from what you posted, it seems just very typical. Very familiar. Details don't matter. You set it up so that the gameplay is similar to every other server - make char, level up (fast or slow, doesn't matter, you still level up), farm gear, occasional events if you happen to be online, siege once every 2 weeks for an empty castle, etc - everyone did this before, as players, everyone played this.
  5. lol? It depends on what msg the server sends as well, but you CAN do it on screen after interlude. Had one on infinitel2 and it was Gracia>Epilogue. Google for Lineage2 utils. Allows easy change to text.
  6. RELEASE THE KRAKEN! ABANDON HOPE ALL THEE WHO RELEASE SERVERS AFTER THIS! Good luck. Not interested in low rates. But srsly, looks great. Wish you'd consider a high rate, perhaps some time in the future? Also, I'm interested in the physics engine - could you perhaps tweak flight? So that you could glide, velocity depends on angle of attack and gravitational acceleration, controls allow barrel rolls. Along with vector engine, couldn't you fix the major problems involving Z coordinates? P.S. all the flashy animations look distracting.
  7. Surprisingly does look interesting.
  8. Consider this, there is no favoritism or opinion regarding buffers. There is just an option and consequences. Some people will like having a full buffer, others will not. Thus, some will complain and others won't. Some will play and others won't There is no best option. Having a buffer is the most common option. Depends what you do with buffs and what buffs will be in the buffer as well I guess. I would add most prophet/EE/SE buffs and several dance/songs (Fury,Wind,Vitality,Concentration) and PoWater if you are high five (or whenever all prophecy became almost the same). That way if people want more specialized buffs and stats they'd need to get some friends or maintain some dualboxes. It's not necessary though, if it were, i'd also nerf the buffs that wouldn't be in the NPC. Nobody needs a crit damage difference from COV+Dance of Fire just cos some kids have nasa PCs to run 3 windows...
  9. Annoying, it makes no sense. It's just an element to cause more farming and grinding. Considering that for most part you cancel out the break points, the bonus is pretty negligible. I'd rather have it custom if I were playing on a server with attributes.
  10. Cos most people on this forum are a vocal minority. But lets keep making random exp/adena rate servers with full buffers and MP potions and hope something good comes out of it. Along with the 30 other servers. Buffer is nothing unique. That's 3 years ago.
  11. So NPC buffer now decides how dynamic a server is?
  12. bad servers. Someone prolly wants to discourage people to make servers. Good idea.
  13. I would agree with Zanter. Difference between GF and GE is negligible, but you get more ingame assets from a newer client and source support is better - the further back you go the least complete and buggier source you'd get.
  14. Get on a L2calc and try to estimate some enchants. magical and physical damage and skills have various formulas. So enchants in armor may not mean same in jewels. A good range is +12 for weapons, +9 in armors and +7 in jewels. Estimate max against common. Common would be whatever safe is +1. Getting +4 isn't too hard with safe +3 for example If you make enchants scarce but less punishing it creates a better market. Harder to get stuff = better value. More items with high value = great market. It's not to create a deficit, it's to prevent everyone having everything and not needing anything. You may also want to change how enchants work if you have high max enchants but low safe enchants. Like breaking at +15 when max is +16 is frustrating. And when that happens 6 times in a row and you realize you have to farm more, well, I just quit. I game is a game until it feels like having to wash dishes. So if a failed enchant is -2 or -1 from current enchant that's reasonable. Whether you add potions or not - it's up to you. But if you don't you might as well go all the way - don't add songs in NPC buffer, or only add some. People would complain that no full buffs and no MP pots is a bad PvP server. Frankly, they are clueless kids who don't know what PvP means. The bad side is that they are a majority of current players.
  15. Or you could stop following the same path as every other server and do something different? Specifically, OLY has way too much focus on many servers => less out of town PvP. Too easy to gain adena, gear matters too much => PvE relevance decreases, less PvP for spots. Highly open world => divided community so less PvP. No competitiveness and persistence because stock/retail features => this game is so old, when do people actually PvP? Boss fights? All people do now is grief and hide their balls in towns. Do the opposite. Rarer occurring of oly = weekends, or 1 hour during an evening on weekdays. Make PvE easy, mobs don't need to be killed for minutes, but they hit hard. Less actual adena drops, more full drops but random. More spot PvP, more trade, less adena whoring. Make events give great adena rewards, people would want to PvP and work as a team for mutual success. Achievements (kill enemy with critical hit, outheal 4k DPS, etc; not boring stuff like kill 20 chars, kill streaks; in a PvP server killing someone isn't an achievement) and reputation vs average community reputation. People would have something to brag about, sets benchmarks for people, so if they are bad they try to become better. People are so afraid of custom, it doesn't mean what they think it means...
  16. Having no motive from the staff to play doesn't help you one bit. Playing staff is not bad thing, it gives just another perspective of the game. Corruption and favoritism do not arise from motive to play. And yeah, +20 is kinda of repulsing. Doesn't seem like balanced enchant either. Difference between +20 vs +4 magic weps and physical weps is different in damage, but if armor and jewels are at +16 then magical weps get screwed. +16 jewels give ~36% mdef. +20 magic weps only give ~57% matk, which is about 25% damage. You only need +12 jewels to almost completely cancel out a +20 magic wep. +4 vs +20 bow is like ~29% damage. 3 parts +14 and 2 parts +15 of light armor at the same grade is enough to cancel out +20 bows. Heroin is right, most decent balance is about +12 for weps, +7 or 8 for armor and +6 for jewels. This doesn't have to be max, or safe, or anything. It's just best if average enchants float around these numbers. But having high enchants make getting them illusive. Failed enchants are punishing, time consuming and frustrating. People just emoquit after a while. max level 100 - have you changed the attacker lvl vs target lvl calc? And skill level? Imagine hitting someone with 85 nuke when they are 100 and both chars are end game. IMO - too much fuss and effort put into wrong things.
  17. 2006 C4 L2Memories Infinitel2 - faction server 3 years PVP on demand, whenever you wanted. Rewarding gameplay. It was really fun.
  18. You being honest and sincere does not stop you from looking clueless. Another "retail feature" L2 server... on hellbound? Never seen before? AT ALL?
  19. Lets name server L2pornHeaven or L2whoreCorner or... That will attract many hormone raging kids which hide in their basements all summer.
  20. I didn't mean to aggravate you. It wasn't directed to you either. I was pointing out that others seem very impressed and excited to the point where they express interest in buying it, it's kinda funny. Good luck though.
  21. I agree with SunBeam on every account. You are barking up the wrong tree OP. You offer bugless server with retail gameplay, there are plenty of servers that offer that. They have 50 players each. Moreover there is official, which is free to begin with. Just stop. Fixing bugs is compulsory. It's your damn duty if not just in your damn interests to do so. Offering new things is what brings people. What you are doing now has been done for the last half a decade. You will have 100 players max for 2 weeks. Having a self coded source is not impressive anymore. Changing rates is not impressive. Fixing bugs is not impressive either. This is exactly the same thing that was given to people with minor changes. SunBeam has the right idea. I don't like his work and I wouldn't play his server, but his pics, if genuinely his, show work done. This game is so old, I don't care about bugs or off files. If anybody does, they are damn clueless kids. If you want to get attention of that audience you will fail cos those kids will leave your server cos there won't be anything to do.
  22. so... Only half of this is AI? You just make so that mobs at random chance (or specific mobs with more specific prerequisites) cast a debuff on death at the attacker/caster, the debuff is not cleansable. All the conditions are in XML. Comparable to DE Night passive which gives 3 accuracy at night time. SO + effects when night time if else - effects. Potion which removes or overbuffs the debuff (again XML). Quest seems like the only work. People would pay for it if they were clueless. And whats the point of this? Death has negligible penalties. I just die to a mob and thats it. Why do a quest or get potions? Sounds silly. Sorry.
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