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Everything posted by sandpants

  1. For enchants, I would get to know the actual net gains to be sure. Heavy armors get less benefit than robes for example. Sets with less pieces do as well, the +4 safe for main up/down piece does not compensate. You are right, resistances make up for most damage, assuming target has no resistances. But not just for mages, for any class able to enchant skills for element. Mages just have it without enchants. But who PvP with people without elemental defense anyway? Resistances do not work the other way around, the only work forward. Bonus damage is applied for (WepAttribute-ArmorAttribute); multiplied for constant if difference is less than 50; 50< x <150 = 20%; 150 < x < 300 = 40%; 300 < x = 70%; if x < 0 = ignored completely. No negative damage. Which means that, depending on how one sets armor resistances, being a mage and getting bonus damage from elements is really hard. Stacking on elemental defense is easy. Or at least most admins make it so that I can. In high five with 3 armor slots, 150 for each element, and I typicaly have 280-340 of each element in defense. Mages through enchants can get a maximum of 220 difference assuming starting defense is 300, and mages' wep element is 300 as well (after this we would be counting skill element/seeds/surrenders/enchantment surrenders) It's not practical. End game, a mage can get 40% more damage assuming they are hitting with a +30 vortex buster and having all debuffs landed on a target. One could just enchant for PvP, but it just shows that most kids that set up lvl 9 elements have no clue what they are doing. They then go to L2jserver forums crying mages are bugado.
  2. Mage damage is SQRT of matk Means for every 40% matk they only get 20% magical damage. High enchants for jewels = mages hit for 400 dmg. Not because of resistances or failed nukes. People think they just know what damage each class will do and so on by giving a lousy vague estimation. Do some math - it will work better. High levels => high stats => passives make less impact (static boosts, 98 matk over 4k-5k is 2%) => most change comes from weapons enchants/armor enchants. BUT item enchants have static boosts as well (in respect to item stats) => better weapon/higher grade or better base means each enchant has less net % gain (1+1 => 200%; 300+1 => 0.0033%) Therefore, end game, enchants have lesser impact to items of same grade but higher stats. Because S, S80, S82 S84 all use S grade enchants, the hardest to balance is S because Larger stat difference between enchanted and non enchanted items of this grade. Eventually it just comes down to boosting/nerfing classes as you fit. No point to worry about balance just because of enchants. However, enchanting to +16 is long. It's also demotivating, and each +1 is feels less rewarding. Make it ~8-10, with Safe +4 or so. Cos difference between +0 and +3 is around 3% stat bonus. Not a good investment, so 3 enchants go away very unrewarding to player.
  3. L2j is versatile. Lots of things can be done if you actually drop the whole "config" based server mentality. Your server relies on completeness and features present in a chronicle. Sure Interlude is old and is most likely fully complete. But what with further updates? Why not make a server that ignores PvE leveling? Or at least direct need for mobs... I could go on, but we'd just end up arguing and putting our own ideas forehand. There is one thing I am disappointed - that anyone who has the slightest intention of making an L2 server is to make it grind based, NPC shops, NPC buffs, race to max level after kill some lowbies, make to 2 sieges, and then quit server.
  4. Custom items without context are pointless. And items for mid levels are even more pointless, since those times are quickly gone through. On bloody retail 60-70 can be done in several days of casual gameplay. You are talking about 100x rates. Quests are whatever. Quests are nothing this game never saw - kill x enemy, x times, bring back x amount of y items. You are putting effort into putting many features which are repetitive and some are damn useless. The server will get boring. It's also following the same traditional template all other servers are. Every suggested PvE zone has been done. "Really" strong mobs for party zone has been done. A lot of the things you suggested have been done. You have fast rates, but many artificial things to slow players down - 3rd class quests, sub quests, noblesse quest, item crafting - why do that? You think players joining 100x will enjoy all those small details? It works on low rate because there is more time for the various periods, but not on high rates.
  5. WHAT IT's NO COMMUNISMO ANYMORE?! OMAGAD. Internet. Your welcome. P.S. Just so you know I know.
  6. Soviet russia does not have MANY private servers. It has a few popular low rate, yeah. That's justified - they offer a feel of the original game on various chronicles. But if you look at the advertisement forums - there are not that many motherland russia low rates, instead - a gazzilion identical servers. They practically copy paste the "features" tab of each others website.
  7. @Faith There would be less private servers in total perhaps, but it wouldn't change anything. Perhaps more people will be discouraged to leech sources and then change configs, but copy pasta servers will not disappear. And l2j is free - they admire that fact and due to that they make it broadly available, "easy" to set up. So that it spreads. I bet that was the intention long ago. And yeah, Dev is right. Existing crap servers are not a problem, cos they don't last long. It's just phenomenal that they appear every day in packs of 5 to 10. It's just a flood and it makes me wonder if there are A) many people trying B) same people trying 10 times a week.
  8. I doubt quality will be achieved ever. We have retail being free. Low rates being stable. High rates being random crap. I guess I'd have to agree though, that with how simple it became to set up a random crap server, it just encourages all the sad folk that need to look strong and act powerful to do so. I wonder if maxtor would be disappointed if that would stop - after all there are people paying to be the spotlight of the advertisement forum.
  9. Lousy reason, but to all their own I guess...
  10. That's not promoting :) I agree with what you said entirely, but I was asking on how would people be encouraged to do that. If you trust that people waste time on making random servers just to make them selves feel superior, do I just quit looking at the server advertisement forum now? :D
  11. Lovely ideal. How do you promote that? I am curious - do people actually like those servers? I mean, just some random rates and all that. Surely they don't go there out of mere naive thought that the advertised "proffessional team and gamemasters" is actually any part true...
  12. Is it really THAT profitable? I mean I'm not talking about all those servers that were made through the blood and sweat of devs like Leluche and then milking money out of that. I am talking about the tens of daily random chronicle random rate servers. You have to rent a machine, a domain, have to go though the trouble setting it all up. Most servers probably don't even get 10 people online, considering ,optimistically thinking, the playerbase is around 1k spread around all these random servers and 1-2 giants. How would one profit with such opposition? Do they just trust dumb luck and figure one day they can score a break even with the monthly rented machine against their first donation from their 1 in 12 attempts? P.S. Geokiller - no hard feelings D:
  13. Why? What gives people the impression that trying to randomly arrange numbers for rates/adena/sp/and other config parameters will make their server popular? I mean there are 30 servers daily trying to do that, some claiming their "rates=1*random+machinecost+timespentopeningserverinminutes(<300)/expectedlifetime" is the best server out there and those who argue should "look at their own servers" and try calling it fail afterwards. Before you call me stupid/dumb/greek/malaka - I am just curious what people think, and whether bringing attention to this may actually encourage more thoughts in regards to development.
  14. Just another half assed server. It never stops...
  15. Typical. Bring clan - dominate - server dead. Lousy writing and advertisements. Have fun.
  16. Dislike - -repetitive progression. Some high rates make you start from zero, and you have to maintain adena and so on so you could by gear for 10 mins use. Mindless time wasting. -Repetitive farm. Same mobs that with awful combat. There is so many interesting sh1t in the client, how come no one ever bothers to find something cool? PvE should be fast and competitive. Mobs should die fast and there should be lots of them. Not very great drop rate, but once you get in the rythm its not like: target, /attack. -Spammable MP pots. -lack for need of support classes. -small consumable related stuff. Farming for attributes, having to click sh1tloads of stones to get max elemental protection, high enchant rates but high max enchants. Copyleft did the right thing on skirmish - one click attribute stones, and less fuss with enchants. Like: +Diversity I guess. I'm fine with custom stuff as long as it makes sense, and anything that supports competition and makes people want to compete. This includes items/consumables, systems... +Events, custom PvP system, something to brag about. Like how you did on retro with the battle points and such. And your previous servers where you got "achievements". Like half-kills bonuses and so on. It made you feel important, that your effort is acknowledged. And made you feel competitive. I generally just like servers that make sense. If it's a high rate it does not make sense to have to start from 0, have to buy d grade weps, have to buy shots and potions, level up to get buffs cause you can't pay for Custom NPC buffs... This is just prolonging the inevitable - players realizing that your server is actually crap once they reach end game. If it's a PvP server, farming mobs that have 3kkk HP does not make sense. It is likely not hard, just takes too fucking long. PvP existing outside of PvE is crap too. How come most pvp servers have just pvp in oly and sieges? And some times events... InfiniteL2 had a stable source of PvP. It is streamlined enough for PvP, and does not give up on PvE. PvP comes first, not just by words, like some lousy admins claim "Hey we PvP servr but have PvE too for make good" - you log on and you start at 0... P.S. I completely agree with Tryskel and FighterBoss
  17. How long has this been unique for? Like 6 or 7 times? I swear I saw like 6 3 faction servers. FFs get original.
  18. Watching the vids it seems fun... And armor mix and match is something that servers could have done ages ago rather than making generic sets. But interlude omg D: ; All skills have retail names, I assume descriptions as well. Tons of shields, mages are still with shields and old animations D: I adore the effort, but I was hoping you'd take it further. Also saying L2j is a waste of time is pretty lame. For a project of this caliber, L2j has more to offer. Good luck. Hopefully you'd be inspired and motivated to do more crazy stuff...
  19. I'd have to agree with Leluche on the aspect of reality. I have ideas, but no balls to realise them. No skills either. But if szpionasty wants to do what he does, god bless him. Makes me jealous, but damn, you do great stuff.
  20. VERY VERY VERY easy FARM Who advertises like that? WTF, srsly?
  21. I'm not sure suggestions matter in this age. C'mon, it's almost damn obvious. Check the server forums below. Colored titles? Events, mp pots? Make a server like that and you will have 3 people out of town ganking each other with hide and others playing oly. L2 is free now. There is more PvP on low rates than there ever, ever was on high rates. Make your deductions and conclusions - MP pots, events and free items a PvP server do not make... But alot play oly. Because it brings rivalry with minimum effort. There has to be rivalry for there to be PvP. How you do it - is up to you. But if the best you can think of is events, server won't last long, sorry. Check infinitel2. Has events 24/7 - dies every 2-3 months now. Used to be every 9-12 months. A) Think of something new and innovative, but also simple. B) Admit that the potential in this game is dead, because it is 8 years old and we know how everything works. Good Luck.
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