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Everything posted by sandpants

  1. Having trouble connecting to the server with the test patch. I registered but it says incorrect account information. But I can log in on the website. What am I doing wrong?
  2. Wow. Finally, something very innovative. The mere look of it is astonishing. Great ideas. Unbelievable guts you have to go this far. Well done. Will join if I have time for sure. P.S. Do achievements give one-time rewards? Are event rewards shared within parties? Do support classes gain exp for healing/buffing/doing other stuff? And what other ideas do you have?
  3. Simple because 100 people are enough if the server is done properly. You just have to have your hands go beyond changing config files and hide behind "full animations on epic RBs" and "all instances working" when some aren't even supposed to be instances.
  4. All the shit about TWs and so on - they exist on this server aswell. But regular TWs are 2 weeks time. here it is every 1 week. More over there is a lot to compete over, right from the second you start. Nevermind the fact that it takes 15 minutes to start, without having to go out of town. The concept is pretty much solid AND polished. You log in - you have fun. Not a trait of high rates, but a trait of a healthy PvP server. There is not much to complain. Some things are out of hand, but the general idea is far superior than other high rates.
  5. It's just beta and it is a lot of fun.
  6. Some things seem weird. Also, you don't think 20% vamp of DoV is a bit too much? Cos you get like ~30 with the improved combo. I like the approach though. The right direction, but I wonder if that will be enough to actually motivate people to PvP. I'll be there on beta for sure. P.S. What is max sub class level?
  7. I admit I like the custom weapons. But what purpose do they serve? And what purpose does the cheesy lines server? "Dreams come true"? It is a game.
  8. How is this innovative? Starting money? So I just make new chars? Tattoos for PDef? 50%? Your server just reuses the same concepts every other server does. The problem is not even farm or any other mundane activities. You worked hard and did what? Nothing new and nothing different. Boring server. Bye.
  9. Not really,no. My impression of a PvP server is logging on, and not have to look for PvP. Current "PvP servers" offer nothing over retail, except faster rates. L2 is a complicated game. Naturally the content is there to be found by players. There is no definite or linear progression scheme. But if a server is to concentrate of player versus player combat, I fail to understand as to why there is a need for farming mobs, gathering currency to buy gear, and... pretty much it. That's all they are about. A good PvP server, whilst not named as such, IMO would be InfiniteL2. It does get repetitive but not a lot of things are "simply there" with no meaning, unlike on many high rates, where every mob in the game is spawned, every instance is working, every raid has retail AI and classadobalancado 99% (and other things they brag about). Many things just do not make sense. P.S. I hope I do not sound hostile. It is just that so far, following the same "PvP server scheme", admins and developers are not achieving much by creating servers which repeat their predecessors consistently.
  10. The problem is that the meaning of a PvP server is shifting. It is now becoming that which you suggest - High rates, everything accessible, whilst maintaining open world gameplay. That's bad. First it's easy to do -> shitloads of servers as such, and the population is spread through out several. Eventually people follow wherever there is more people, but not features. But that alone doesnt cause the server to be profitable, and therefore it closes. No incentive to actually PvP. There is just no reason but to gank and grief. And if there is any form of GroupVGroup then it is typically carebear. One side eventually EMOquits. Server loses IG competition. No long-term struggle. If everything is available in a week of dumb farming, or even longer - some very specific people will stay online 16 hours a day just to get ahead of everyone else, get the best gear, and gank the weak. The weak may not complain and leave, but the strong will leave because of boredom. Current PvP servers are missing these fundamental points and various other small things. Regardless of chronicle. Increased rates make a server just that. A server with faster progression. But PvP is scarce.
  11. Non of this. Nothing here drives the intention to PVP. It would be a typical carebear server. And just because a server is high-rate, neglecting support classes is pretty aweful. In any case, like 10 of these servers exist down below in the private server section.
  12. Some of these seem redundant. Individual stack types for songs/dances? There is only one level and type of songs/dance in existence... How could you possibly stack them anyway.
  13. http://download.oracle.com/javase/tutorial/java/nutsandbolts/index.html Started here. After that looked for specific things. The above link is like a couple of hours to skim through. At least things get more obvious and clear. Then just think of things you want to do and achieve and search for more specific topic.] You'll stumble upon loads of other communities discussing possible solutions.
  14. If its going to be a typical Log in - lvl up - farm for 1 week non stop - pvp at most 16 hours server, just don't bother. There is a gazzilion of servers in the Private Server Section. Whichever source you choose, and whichever chronicle it better be a server with features beyond rates/enchant rates/farm zones and custom gear. To answer the topic question: I agree with Revenger - anything older than GF is just old. It simply is. You don't need to have Interlude client to offer interlude balance. People are just being clueless proposing a client version just because of the mystical balance crap.
  15. But no 3rd class buffs is just nuisance. No real gameplay aspect. Some people will just level WCs and box it. Even if they are 5 mins duration.
  16. How is max lvl 88 going to scale up skills? +30/+15 skills will be learn lvl 85. So ultimately skills lose against player level? Penalty to damage to level difference and higher skill failure rate = crap mages? Nvm debuffs = even worse support classes? What is max sub level?
  17. If we are talking about l2j - it is pure luck. The method l2j uses to return a success is choosing a RANDOM integer from 100, and seeing if it falls between one number and zero/or 100. In those cases, for tests to be accurate, you could only accept results from 100+ tries. Even so, every enchant has the same chance to succeed. The cumulative "chance" to get from 0 to +16 may be some random 0.5xxx%, but you should not be interested in that. Manipulation/explotation is possible with some luck, but there is no logic. 66 out of a 100 may have any sort of pattern, as long as it satisfies the 66 out 100 rule. It is still random, because you have 66 success, 34 fails. Or you may have 20 fails, 66 successes and another 14 fails, etc. In practice each is different, but statistically both follow the 66/100 rule. Which is why your efforts are futile. Having a good number of weapons in inventory and enchanting each by one so that they each reach the same enchant level is just an insurance. Always prefer to have several weapons +8 and go try them to +12 or higher than taking one and enchanting each to +16 straight on.
  18. Well, a majority of it is just manipulation of existing L2j features. Merchant shops, timings, and some packets. QHP for on 15 secs reuse with MP potions that gradually restore MP - I dont think PvP would end when someone reaches zero MP, but it would be a very tough fight. The main concept is to concentrate all of the population on a single ground, and revolve it around PvE and PvP and some event-like activities, whilst keeping it drop-in drop-out in terms of participation. I noted siege grounds because I thought that that way I could bring back the med-evil feeling of the C4 times. When I started to play this game was more of a Castle-Knight-Fairy tale thing. There are lots of NPCs in the client that have the soldier look. I believe some war-themed PvE on a fortress ground with a free for all PvP and full drops from anything that moves, including players, would attract people. But as I said, this is just hypothetical. It's a list I've been updating for quite some time. Pretty much my wishlist.
  19. Wall of text: Please read as much as possible, to maintain a healthy discussion... Uniform PvE/PvP system situated on a variety of siege and hunting grounds, interconnected by a as frequent as every hour "Territory War" between 2 concurable objects/areas (Castles, fortresses, towns and well known L2 Landmarks). Combat area is filled with 2 advancing NPC armies full of class-arch-type AI driven enemies. Join either and concure land for rewards and influence, or stay non aligned and capture Ward points and complete CTF/KOTH objectives to receive on-hold stat increases and constant but small rewards. PvE challenge is secured by NPC complexity, which is not driven by the need to /attack mobs for minutes. Instead, PvE combat is intense due to strength of NPC attacks, agressive skill use (not simple damage spell/attacks, but complex geometric position manipulation such as warp,rush, pull, teleport, shadowsteps)as well as respective combos, buffs and debuffs. Mobs will actively self vamp, UD/UE, barrier, lay traps. Most effects are short lived, and are also widely recognizable. This allows players to pick tactics suitable for PvP in a PvE environment, always ready for real PvP whenever it comes up. *50% Better HP Regen (2s instead of 3s). Indirectly increases potency of HPregen buffs and passive skills for HP regen. *3x better MP regen (1s instead of 3s) +7MP/tick for all classes. *3x better CP regen (1s instead of 3s). *Mana Drug increase MP regen by 37/tick for 8 seconds. Reuse 11 Seconds static. *Mana Potion (Black Market, Raid Boss drop, Donate Reward) increases MP regen by 62MP/tick for 8 seconds, but is removed if you make any action except walking. Reuse 4 Seconds Static. *HP Potion restores 100HP/sec (not regen). *QHP (Black Market, Raid Boss drop, Donate Reward) Restores 1387HP. Reuse 15 seconds. *Elixir common reuse reduced to 90 seconds instead of 300. *Max Wep enchant +10-12; Armor enchant +9; Chance 67% *Enchant Failures do not break Gear, but decrease enchant level by 1 or 2. *No GCM available. *Every skill enchant requires normal GC *Skill enchant failures do not decrease enchant level to 0, but by 1 or 2. *Blessed skill enchants consume 3x XP/SP as is on by default, but do not require GCM. *Chance to drop items from inventory, including those equipped - 3% by death from NPC; 1% by death from player. *B-S Available from Gear Merchant for free. *Dynasty-S84(all kinds, including Freya, Elegia) available from Noblesse Merchant for Territory Badges and KE. *Same parts drop from Territory War NPCs at 3% chance. *Masterwork items of dynasty-S84 kind spoilable from Territory War NPCs and raids. General Notes: A very competitive system for players of any kind: group players or solo powerhouses, new players and veteran, extensively active and casual. All out drops create a situation where every encouter is a risk. But the nature of the uniform PvP/PvE combat which features full drops/spoils from the same battleground create opportunities for gain. These cancel out and cause tension, which players are able to politicaly or forcefully control. Increased regeneration rates assure that Health and Mana denial can be overcome solo. Skills like mana burn and mana storm do not leave players out of the fight. But the inability to spam potions causes a need for players to tactically use recources. This also create opportunities for use of rare classes and skills, eg: Aura sink and WCs to control enemy HP/MP regen rates, prophets to concentrate on mana burn and ally Hp regen, symbol of honour and song of life, Saints of both elven races to ensure party MP is always at the max, soulhounds/judicators to concentrate on their potentially epic clarity. General Goods Vendor - Potions,Soulshots, Dyes, etc. Gear Merchant - Weapons and Armors up to S grade, excluding dynasty. Mercenary merchant - Dynasty-S84 Masterwork weapons and armors of S-S84 - spoil/drop exclusive. What would add/take away/change? (why?) No "Make real L2 noob no need custom need pro interlude". This is just a hypothetical question. No such server would be created on my behalf. Just interested in opinions and train of thoughts.
  20. Corruption is implied when there is obvious favoritism. Just because a member or several members have ingame characters does not show anything. Played in GM clans. Played against GM clans. Never cared. Never got any items, never had to quit because of favoritism. Any Admin/GM who enjoys his server and respects himself won't allow gamebreaking "corruption" to occur. Corruption - never enjoyed or tasted proper gameplay? Most hideous argument ever, simply because the word corruption is used in such a vague manner. The meaning of the word is ignored here. I might not enjoy Revenger's server, but even less do I enjoy butthurt trollers talking crap on every server they see. It aint just MXC. PMfun, Hopzone - same crap. TL;DR - Staff ingame chars =/= corruption. Rub it up your ass...
  21. Why would you expect more? Check how many servers there are. Each have 9 players on average.
  22. If you need to ask such things, why is it that you want to run a private server anyway...?
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