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Everything posted by 911reg

  1. what do you mean by that? the .u file can be edited completely fine, you can even open it on L2Editor instead of L2Tool. 1. open L2Tool, click on the 'utx' field button 2. change file tyope from utx/ugx to 'all' 3. select NPCLogoTex.u after that you can simply replace the textures, just make sure to save them as a TGA file. EDIT: forgot to add some stuff to the files because i'm a fucking retard, if you downloaded the previous .u files, re-download them here: https://www.mediafire.com/file/k9dnytuf6wfjjp6/NPCLogo_911reg.zip/file
  2. Went ahead and made some small emitters they look clunky but on UnrealED, but they're way better ingame. Just add the files to your System, after that you can use L2Tool to edit NPCLogoTex.u and change these textures: then, to use them, you just need to open npcgrp.dat and change the npc's class i.e.: 30359 LineageNPC.a_patriarch_MDarkElf LineageNPCs.a_patriarch_MDarkElf_m00 to 30359 NPCLogo.NPCLogoA LineageNPCs.a_patriarch_MDarkElf_m00 I added 10 effects, so you can use them from the letter A to the letter J download compiled .u download .u source scripts (in case you wanna try to recompile them)
  3. You need to recompile effects and NPC scripts, it isn't hard to do, do you have any experience with that whatsoever? lemme know and i might be able to give you a hand through here
  4. Hey, first of all, which client are you using? You should be able to do that by compiling your own interface.u
  5. You need some tools to be able to edit maps; do you already have them? also, which client are you using?
  6. Legit can't understand anything of what you're trying to say, try Google translate xD
  7. It's not impossible, as xdem pointed out you just need to redirect the html string from a window to another, since you can't add server packets to your client. Otherwise yo can re-utilize the html viewer from TutorialViewerWnd https://docs.unrealengine.com/udk/Two/UnrealScriptReference.html https://docs.unrealengine.com/udk/Two/CoreUnrealScriptObjects.html https://docs.unrealengine.com/udk/Two/UnrealScriptStartupCodeFlow.html
  8. Glad to see you guys are back, best of luck!
  9. Inside armorgrp.dat, you can define a mesh and a texture, for each armor piece, for each character, so basically if you have draconic boots, there are 16 different meshes and textures defined, one for each race. What you need to do is, copy the lines of the Light armor for kamales and paste them in heavy and robe slots, and that's it. Since you're just starting i'd recommend you to export armorgrp as a txt, import it to excel or some other spreadsheet/calc program, and edit stuff from there, way easier than working with plain text. Or else you can get UFE here, which allows you to edit .dat files in cell format https://www.l2jbrasil.com/topic/58795-ultimate-fileedit/
  10. mb, didn't read that part xD dunno then
  11. https://forummaxi.ru/topic/89674-nude-mod-for-lineage-2-homunculus-ch2/
  12. Textures go into SysTextures/Textures folders, not your System folder. though as eMommy said, you can add new paths from l2.ini, like this, basically: >>> [Core.System] Paths=./MyClientFiles/*.usx Paths=./MyClientFiles/*.utx Paths=./MyClientFiles/*.uax Paths=./MyClientFiles/*.unr Paths=./MyClientFiles/*.umx Paths=./MyClientFiles/*.ukx Paths=./MyClientFiles/*.uix Paths=./MyClientFiles/*.usk Paths=../System/*.u Paths=../StaticMeshes/*.usx Paths=../Textures/*.utx Paths=../Sounds/*.uax Paths=../Voice/*.uax Paths=../Maps/*.unr ;Paths=../Music/*.umx Paths=../Animations/*.ukx Paths=../Animations/*.uix Paths=../SysTextures/*.utx Paths=../Animations/*.usk This way files from the 'MyClientFiles' folder inside your System will have priority over the default ones, even if two files share the same name. This means that you can basically drop any kind of file there and the game will read it fine. here's an example from my system:
  13. use XDatEditor to open Interface.xdat, look for "MagicSkillWnd", then increase MaxItemNum inside each ItemWindow.
  14. Please lock, solved in DM. The mount meshes were the problem, not the scripts
  15. It's better to create a new .u file, no need to recompile LineageMonster from scratch; that said your 'LineageWarrior.u' is missing a class called 'LineageRidePawn'. add this file to your compiler's system and try again LineageWarrior.u also, here's a nice guide in case you haven't checked it out yet
  16. that's the reason why i said 'if you can't manage' dunno if any of those compilers would work for 24, though you can probably adapt 110 to 24 if you take the time
  17. Sorry, forgot to mention that you also need to leave a blank space at the end of the .dat in order to save it. If you have any other questions DM me Locked, solved.
  18. sorry, unfortunately i've searched my whole fuckin drive and didn't find an unicode patch for C6
  19. basically, h5 dat files have a different structure, i'll lave some pics here: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/975198663146106940/1022660595180384276/unknown.png https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/975198663146106940/1022660603413803162/unknown.png thre green ones are from Interlude, and the orange ones are from H5. (you'll need to zoom on them) and here are the 'adapted' versions https://www.mediafire.com/file/a3m40m5lqhxihc2/text.txt/file you can figure out how to adapt them by just looking at these lines
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