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About Irelia#1

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    The Nexus, Coldarra

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  1. website isn't loading... just another scam and no SSL. Forever dead... :) Opening for 1 week and saying that it was online for 10 years... c'mon GET A FCKN' JOB!
  2. UE4 on L2, really???? GET A JOB !! :)
  3. It's very good for exploiting...
  4. lol with this dev ... he works hard for adena :) Get a real job if you're skilled with JAVA, C#, C++ instead of wasting your time with L2 servers and skiddies ... srsly!
  5. Yes. Hahaha... Open your MySQL connection on private and not on public. You get too many connections to MySQL server.
  6. l2tenkai.com Error. Page cannot be displayed. Please contact your service provider for more details. (27)
  7. L2Jmobius, L2jfrozen, l2 aCis, l2j Orion, etc.
  8. He wants to open a new server L2 TALES H5 SCARLET 15x similar to Lineage 2 SCARLET 15x Freya and Lineage 2 Essence SCARLET ... Owner of L2 TALES is money grabber and scammer... and who knows maybe tomorrow this Vercetti and Co. will try to open a new l2 server with your server name haha.
  9. What's wrong with SMF forum engine? It's one of the most stable and secure forum. Better SMF forum or PHPBB, MyBB than any crappy nulled forum software like XenForo, IPB or VBulletin. *** For example: As you have on lineage2.gold LOL! I doubt that you have license for your IPB copy :) As you can see from your source where IPSfocus line is commented also :) It is not recommended to use NULLED forum software because of security and a lot of vulnerabilities... Well ... Trance consider updating your IPB because... https://invisioncommunity.com/legal/piracy/ <li class='ipsfocusCopyright'><a href="https://www.ipsfocus.com" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><!-- IPS Theme</a> by <a href="https://www.ipsfocus.com" target="_blank" rel="noopener">IPSFocus</a>--></li> <p id='elCopyright'> <span id='elCopyright_userLine'></span> </p>
  10. Refused? Refused to play or what? lol
  11. 1. This > l3tenkai lol 2. Helios chronicle, really? 3. Good Luck
  12. 1. That's Ray from L2Flash? :) 2. I'm looking for a Mid-Rate GoD server ;) Ty anyway. 3. GL with your HB server! It looks too old but who knows maybe there you'll find some addicted HB players.
  13. You kidding right?! Keeping a server for about 4 months is ... Stop creating 2-4 months L2 servers for donations or whatever you get, you'll get only sh1t. Starting an L2 private server is not about getting donations .. it is about long-term fun but you and like many other rtrds from this community .. you just want to create 2-4 months L2 servers which is pointless, you just wasting your time and other players time. GL! :)
  14. In this thread is only Undergames and Doomus. How can you tell that crap with 1500+ online ?! Yeah.. probably the lot of bots in your history and offline shops. GL !..
  15. Make it x100 ... it will be enough for a max. 2 months server :)) GL!
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