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Everything posted by fullrandom

  1. Hello Amenadiel, I am probably interested in the: Server creation + installation and support. I don't want anything custom. Could we talk in discord? I can tell you what I am looking for and you tell me if you can do it. I am Hype#6840.
  2. Hello @MrPro*, I maybe will need your middleman services soon. Whats the better way to contact you for that, PM you in this forum?
  3. Welcome to the forums. Sadly I can't help you on that matter, but you should post it on the subforum "MMO Games -> Other Multiplayer Games", maybe someone can help you here on this matter. Hope you can find the solution.
  4. Welcome to the forums. Have fun!
  5. That's pretty smart from you. Will sub to your YouTube channel for more!
  6. I enjoyed the first classic too but sadly now.. I think I prefer the older ones too.
  7. Since the new TFT seasson has started, it would be nice if you could re-upload your links, if possible. Will like to try it. Thanks!
  8. The idea is pretty good, I will give it a chance. Good luck with your project, it reminds me of the old GvE, but with low rates, which is refreshing.
  9. I tried OVH in the past and you should go if you are low on money.
  10. Updated. I had the time to upload some more pictures of cards. I would like to upload a JP "booster pack", but sadly I couldn't find it "yet", it is lost in the house. This one is the "gift" card inside the European Limited Collector Edition Several CN cards: Tencent Games Festival 2011, an internet cafe L2 card... Some JP cards from diferent editions and music packs. More "Non-Holo" Korean Funple cards
  11. I would only play in one without donations, but I can accept donations that doesn't give you the edge, like items, more rates... Things like hats, vip support.. are okay.
  12. Just followed u, wish you luck and I will watch u when I see u online!!
  13. Hello Puelito. Back in 2016 i bought here a interlude server and I have it on a virtual machine, which I open when I want to play by myself, or with friends. So I think it is a great idea of you, being able to chill with your friends. JUST SAW it is a post from 2020, but, still, I want to ask you. What kind of chronicle you are running and who helped you out? I would like to find someone and pay him to help me out with the server going. Could you PM me? Thank you, and sorry for "revive" this post.
  14. So well, I felt like I could share some pictures of my Lineage II card/coupons from around the globe, most of them from JP, KR and CN. They have no value, since they expired a long time ago, but you could see what kind of "rewards" they were getting in those countries at the time L2 was a big hit. Will put them on "Spoiler" tag for an easy read. Don't be too hard on me, it is like the first post with some meaning I do in this forum hahahaha. Also, looking for those 20 posts for the marketplace!! These are from the JP master box of C5 and Interlude. This is from the "Prime Edition" of Korea, limited to 2000 units, with a HUGE Artbook of 300+ full color pages. One card, two pictures. You will remember the 2 elves from an oficial video. CN card from an event. These two big guys need no presentation. KR cards from the FUNPLE collections. NA cards from the Lineage II Presale box (I bet some of you might have seen them). NA cards, from some kind of event, don't have more info. More FUNPLE cards from KR (Did you recognise anyone?) These are from KR, for some kind of package from begginers. I have even more, if you like them, I will try to upload more of them. Thanks and I hope you like any of these cards. Fullrandom
  15. Welcome to the forum, I hope you find what you are looking for!
  16. PS4 won by a large margin because the titles, anyway, I think the things will be more closer on this new gen.
  17. I have a personal Vanganth server in a Virtual Machine and it works wonders. Thank you for your share, hope it helps more people in this forum. I will try to use your guide once I am able to put a marketplace post about buying other chronicles.
  18. Welcome to the forum. Hope you find whatever ur looking for in the marketplace, be care with the possible scammers, thats all.
  19. It happens the same to me. I am just from 2016 or so, I bought one thing from the forum, and now that I need to put a post in the marketplace to buy another thing, I cant post there cause the minimun post count.. Well, I hope I can make them in a few weeks or so.
  20. It looks great! Interlude will always have a place in our hearts, looking to see more pictures and improvement from you!
  21. Even if Audi has a bit more "premium brand", I really like the BMW style, they made the Z3 and Z4 pretty nice, almost bought one of them. So I go for BMW.
  22. Hello to everyone, Im from Spain, hope everyone is allright out there. I have been in this forum since 2017 or so, but never made a post like this, I like more to chill and be invisible. As for something about me, I love this game, so much. I even collect Lineage 2 cards and coupons, mostly from Japan, Korea and China. I am looking to buy something from the community, but I need to be more active for that. (Minimun post.....).
  23. Hello everyone. Today I contacted with agnitium looking for a L2Off Interlude key and some support with L2Off and everything went great, fast and smoothly. I know everything on this forums is valued by the posts you have on your account, but this guy works really well and helps you in whatever you need. Would work with him again and I really recommend him, It was my first buy on these forums and I'm lucky that I meet someone like him. Merry Christmas, Fullrandom.
  24. Hello, Can we chat on skype? PM me. Thanks.
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