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Everything posted by AdenaDepot

  1. I need group thing. Mass message api i can create myself if i have time. I am more interested in making group with all of my contacts and then write message and lock chat
  2. Hello new version of skype dont work anymore with clownfish. Also they fixed old version when you run mass message you loose all your contacts. I want to ask how to make mass group chat with all my contacts and disable messages in this group? In the end there will be only mine message describing prices and then i would lock this group chat. Is that possible? TY
  3. 1b = 2 euro skype: adena.depot1
  4. LF EXPERIENCED PERSON FOR SHOUTING ON SERVERS. ALL EARNINGS DEPENDS ONLY ON YOU. YOU WILL GET 50 % FROM ALL TRANSACTIONS DONE VIA CUSTOMERS YOU BRING ME. LET ME GIVE YOU AN EXAMPLE: You go on graveland start shout and person will add you on skype for order 10b (1b = 5 eur on graveland). You pm me i deliver adena and receive payment from customer. After all done i send you 50% (25 EUR IN THIS CASE) from this transaction and all transaction in future from this customer. As you see all earnings depends only on your skills and luck getting customers. 500 eur + no problem if you are a good partner know how to unban how to shout what software to use and be active whole month every day. DONT PM ME TO TELL YOU SOFT TO USE OR HOW TO UNBAN OR HOW TO SHOUT ETC, ETC.. THATS WHY I AM LOOKING FOR SOMEONE EXPERIENCED ONLY. ADD MY SKYPE: ADENA.DEPOT1
  5. this server has 0 donators i pmed like 1500 of ppl on this and no customer never saw this :D
  6. Thats why you need to buy only from donator/vip members
  7. Delete this i finally found them this new forum is much worse old one was much better. No chance to find it via here must go on google and find it 15 minutes
  8. I dont know if its new forum but i can find any of my trading topics which i was updating for each server for 3 years all are gone i cant find them. Are you kidding me why you deleted it? It is work of lionna gm? Wtf is wrong with this forum
  9. Exactly same files with bypasses etc on l2 athebalt you can check from new mythras eu where 5 ppl online where phx works and packets crypted
  10. 6 e skype: adena.depot1
  11. wts l2 adrenaline l2btx (1 window) keys pm me on skype: adena.depot1 1 KEY = 6 EUR DISCOUNT POSSIBLE
  12. I sell cheaper than him skype: adena.depot1 :P
  13. http://www.maxcheaters.com/topic/216121-how-is-it-possible-to-lock-l2era-topic-and-delete-all-proofs-of-corruption-on-this-server-posted-by-users-of-mxc/
  14. Tell me how? I thought mxc is one of the places where ppl go and decide which server to choose to play without censure. From l2era topic there was deleted conversation with gm where gm was putting certain ppl offline during cs. We all know gm is selling adena and also paying for bugs to hackers and then allowing them to sell on their server too and sending them adena in mail etc. Not telling about donate for boost stats that are invisible etc etc. L2dragon = l2 era= l2lionna (reopen soon) all corrupted servers made for money. Please repost your screenshots here i will start with one too. I am sure if ppl knew how corrupted server it is they would leave.
  15. trusted and sexy
  16. pls dont change the price of adena everytime i lower mine. ty gms
  17. need l2 lionna suppliers skype: adena.depot1
  18. WTS: Glad 78 level + sub 75 tyrant + fenrir 75 + items WC 78 SWS 78 BD 76 SE 76 Low price Skype: Adena.depot1
  19. Hello i would like to sell duelist on rpg-club 3x party server duelist 84 (37 %) with all sub skills, noblesse equip: moirai heavy set +3 900 atribute vesper duals sword +4 180 fire vorpal juwe cloak talisman +6 divine cloak 2 skills +14 300 atribute stones in warehouse and many items in warehouse pm me on skype: adena.depot1
  20. skype: adena.depot1
  21. Hello this is possible? Its obvious he copy my name: http://www.maxcheaters.com/topic/211914-l2-tales-adena-025e-for-1kkk/page-1?do=findComment&comment=2614928
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