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Everything posted by AdenaDepot

  1. Stupid tutorial task security pass and email setup made me leave beta before i even get to character. I did like 3 passes with number and chars and "too easy". Disable this shit noone interested. It only pisses ppl. Also cant even close client normally but have to find this shit in process where are other 20x l2 bins. Fail
  2. i resell it for 14 eur skype: adena.depot1
  3. Hello i would like to sell accs: 85 othell adventure 87 othell windwalker Lvl 8 clan 92 Wynn elemental master 86 iss dominator 92 aeore Eva Saint 85 eviscerator + dualclass wynn ele master 89 All sep accounts all dobs I SELL VERY CHEAP Skype: adena.depot1
  4. Hi i want to offer my services of making scripts for autofarm, mass shout and so on (on every server). More info on skype: adena.depot1
  5. Guys original is 11 euro. http://www.oplata.info/asp2/pay_wm.asp?id_d=1737864
  6. Hello I would like to start selling adenas on new L2stars (2.10.2015). I am succesfull and trusted seller i have sold nearly 2000kkk on l2 holiday and over 600kkk on l2tales empire and l2cartel also still selling on l2tales sorveign where i sold already 3200kkk,Ruby,azure- over 1800kkk sold,reselling averia.ws adena etc. check my topics please. Current price: 1kkk = 1,5 EURO Possible wtt for chronos adena also can write any script farm,lvlup etc. more talk on skype (work with cracked adrenaline too) Payment: Only PayPal,PAYSAFE!! Skype: Adena.Depot1 (I sell mainly ingame by mail and pm scripts i made a lot of trades but ppls are just lazy to create acc and write here :)) INFO FOR SCAMMERS: NO I DONT GIVE ADENAS FIRST YOU ARE WASTING MY AND YOURS TIME YOU WONT GET ANYTHING EVEN SMALL AMOUNT FIRST!!! I DONT NEED TO RISK SINCE I MADE CUSTOMERS BASE FROM HOLIDAY AND TALES ALREADY.
  7. hi added request on site in the morning please check
  8. WTS eviscerator 91 (Chronos)+ buffer free Items: TW leather set Blessed apocalypse fighter +4,150holy,focus+haste Istina shirt Talisman infinity Romantic chapeau +50 crit rate CCa 150kk I SELL VERY CHEAP + bonus free iss spectral dancer Skype: adena.depot1
  9. Hello I would like to start selling adenas on new l2CARTEL (26.9.2015). I am succesfull and trusted seller i have sold nearly 2000kkk on l2 holiday and over 600kkk on l2tales empire and l2cartel also still selling on l2tales sorveign where i sold already 3200kkk,Ruby,azure- over 1800kkk sold,reselling averia.ws adena etc. check my topics please. Current price: 1kkk = 0,15 EURO Possible wtt for chronos adena also can write any script farm,lvlup etc. more talk on skype (work with cracked adrenaline too) Payment: Only PayPal,PAYSAFE!! Skype: Adena.Depot1 (I sell mainly ingame by mail and pm scripts i made a lot of trades but ppls are just lazy to create acc and write here :)) INFO FOR SCAMMERS: NO I DONT GIVE ADENAS FIRST YOU ARE WASTING MY AND YOURS TIME YOU WONT GET ANYTHING EVEN SMALL AMOUNT FIRST!!! I DONT NEED TO RISK SINCE I MADE CUSTOMERS BASE FROM HOLIDAY AND TALES ALREADY.
  10. WTS 85 lvl erethias with 40x diploma, awakening and dualclass quest - 10 usd Skype: adena.depot1
  11. Want to trade adenas on l2tales and upcoming l2cartel for adenas/items on official server chronos. SKYPE: Adena.depot1
  12. what about eye for eye db skill?
  13. so what my customer is waiting i thought this will take max 2 hours is this still active? i dont like to let my customer wait so long
  14. added paysafe to paypal waiting for my money
  15. well i am playing this server mate thats why i sell that high coz i dont have huge stock so only for serious ppl
  16. Hello I would like to start selling adenas on new RUBY & AZURE X15 (24.7.2015). I am succesfull and trusted seller i have sold nearly 2000kkk on l2 holiday and over 600kkk on l2tales empire and l2cartel also still selling on l2tales sorveign where i sold already 3200kkk,reselling averia.ws adena etc. check my topics please. Current price: 1kkk = 0,05 EURO OLF +10 = 15 eur Vesper robe found set +6 lvl7 = 12 eur Belt pvp skill attack = 12 eur also can write any script farm,lvlup etc. more talk on skype (work with cracked adrenaline too) Payment: Only PayPal,PAYSAFE!! Skype: Adena.Depot1 Stock:60+ Sold: 1756kkk (I sell mainly ingame by mail and pm scripts i made a lot of trades but ppls are just lazy to create acc and write here :)) INFO FOR SCAMMERS: NO I DONT GIVE ADENAS FIRST YOU ARE WASTING MY AND YOURS TIME YOU WONT GET ANYTHING EVEN SMALL AMOUNT FIRST!!! I DONT NEED TO RISK SINCE I MADE CUSTOMERS BASE FROM HOLIDAY AND TALES ALREADY.
  17. Hi looking for oly 24/7 server any idea? Something like http://www.oly2.com it was good server but now off
  18. Buying adena on new averia 50x add me on skype: adena.depot1
  19. Contact me on skype
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