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Everything posted by AdenaDepot

  1. Hello I would like to start selling adenas on new l2injustice server- 20x. I am succesfull and trusted seller i have sold nearly 2000kkk on l2 holiday and over 600kkk on l2tales empire check my topics please. Current price: 1kkk = 2,5 EURO Payment: Only PayPal!! Skype: Adena.Depot1 Sold: Stock: 7kkk (I sell mainly ingame by mail and pm scripts i made a lot of trades but ppls are just lazy to create acc and write here :)) INFO FOR SCAMMERS: NO I DONT GIVE ADENAS FIRST YOU ARE WASTING MY AND YOURS TIME YOU WONT GET ANYTHING EVEN SMALL AMOUNT FIRST!!! I DONT NEED TO RISK SINCE I MADE CUSTOMERS BASE FROM HOLIDAY AND TALES ALREADY.
  2. Yur hwid spoofer works on 64-bit? How is the price if yes
  3. Go up with the price a bit mate since vercetti banned all in SOA adena will go up now a bit
  4. Why you keep lowering the price? Ppl buy even at 1 euro
  5. Hello I would like to start selling adenas on new l2 tales server- EMPIRE 20x. I am succesfull and trusted seller i have sold nearly 2000kkk on l2 holiday check my topics please. Current price: 1kkk = 0,4 EURO lvlup 1-75: 2 EURO Payment: Only PayPal!! Skype: Adena.Depot1 Sold:600+kkk Stock: Every day 40+ (I sell mainly ingame by mail and pm scripts i made a lot of trades but ppls are just lazy to create acc and write here :)) INFO FOR SCAMMERS: NO I DONT GIVE ADENAS FIRST YOU ARE WASTING MY AND YOURS TIME YOU WONT GET ANYTHING EVEN SMALL AMOUNT FIRST!!! I DONT NEED TO RISK SINCE I MADE CUSTOMERS BASE FROM HOLIDAY AND TALES ALREADY.
  6. Hello :) i would like to start selling adenas on new l2tales. I am trusted and succesful trader from holiday check my other topic. Current price: 1kkk=3,5€ discount on orders over 8kkk Payment: PayPal only!!!! Stock: 10kkk (15+ every day) Skype: Adena.Depot1 (Send message and add)
  7. Price updated and final! over 170 kkk in stock
  8. Price updated to 0,3eur for 1kkk. Sold: 84kkk
  9. Hello everybody i would like to sell adena on server l2holiday.com. Current plan: I will stay on l2holiday till 26th of september and then probably move to new l2tales. Current price: 1kkk=0.2EURO (cheapest on server,price is updated every day) Skype: Adena.Depot1 Payment: Paypal only ! Stock: 70kkk+ every day Sold: over 1000kkk Special offer: every deal above 30kkk get special gift :)
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