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Everything posted by Pamela32

  1. i will give an advise , do not use community board for a classic server .
  2. some1 is selling fix at marketplace
  3. Από ότι θυμάμαι και τα flag κολλάνε κάποια στιγμή πχ ένα team μπορεί να έχει 5 flag και τα enemy's σου να παίρνουν συνέχεια flag xd Unfair θα έλεγα :p
  4. φοβερο site !!! bravo !!
  5. xreiazete kodika , bres kapoion na ston grapsi , :P
  6. mporis na kaneis polla , kalitera pare acis , to community tou einai akoma energo , kai tha bris arketa ekei ..
  7. an ennoeis gia test einai izi , an les na aniksis server apo to spiti s gia na mpoyn players .. s protino na mhn mpeis kan sto kopo na treksis server , to frozen exei apira bug p gia na ta grapsoume edw tha fame report gia spam katse kane to xabale s kai meta apo polu kairo otan exeis mathi ta basika kai exeis xrimata na diathesis tote isos mporesis na treksis enan server twra an theleis na treksis server xoris na dosis fragko , min perimenis kai pola pragmata :)
  8. Quests for adena gonna be problem, remember that.
  9. what exacly we can do with this for our servers , example i m using Salvation files
  10. In few days many hi5 servers opened with same features +- .. why u do this ..
  11. auto isxuei kai gia mobile swsta?
  12. sadly those trash problems take hours to be solved , if i have an idea i will reply for now i cant , later if u are online i can join via TV and check it in real time , i m rly wonder WTF is doing this crap bug
  13. well u can , but as i told u i m not the guy of java , so i dont wanna f@ck your core.
  14. all npcs fall down or just some edited ..?
  15. try to create a patch of your changes and apply them at clean frozen ps , i m not good on l2j
  16. what u mean working ? problem exist at clean also ?
  17. try to run a clean frozen pack and spawn there some custom npcs
  18. and why not l2off .. ? if u wanna pay some $$ go at l2off since u wanna no custom
  19. δεν πιστεύω ρε μάγκες το acis να μην έχει ήδη τσέκ για dualbox
  20. [gr] den exw koitaksi pote acis , mono frozen , kai to frozen eixe kapou allo to check me tin ip , twra p den thimame .. pane xronia :) opote psakse kalitera , plus edw prp na grafis sta aglika :P
  21. [gr] malaka klew , den einai toso tragiko auto p zitas , psakse sta config tou server sou , kati me olympiad tha exei sigoyra
  22. (gr) από ποτέ θεωρείται professional ένα team που δίνει φράγκα σε players ?...
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