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Everything posted by Rootware

  1. No matter what the client uses as source. I want to say, what is not cheap pleasure for this guy.
  2. I know who can rework a style for this icons - moving from left side to upper side with changing size of icons. But it will be cost is not 5 euros. Proofs: Hellbound client - before Hellbound client - after: P.S. I repeat, it's not a cheap work, because need harcoded patch for system's libraries of client.
  3. It's useless because Shift + Click on the L2OFF servers have another action more and more useful.
  4. Just make a video, dude. It would be enough. If we consider that 99% do not know how to looks the source of Vaganath, then you can sell anything under that name.
  5. Make a video from IDE workbench with Vaganath leaked sources. I think you can't to do that, because you want to sell shared sources. Anyway, good joke. Like a Evgeny Vaganovich. :happyforever:
  6. Not actual. https://github.com/acmi/L2io This project more useful, because it can be used for visual *.u scripts editor.
  7. Охуенный разработчик! Всем советую. В 4 коммите реализовывает off-like AI Конорикса, а в восьмом режет нахуй off-like составляющую. Или off-like написал для большей значимости говнокода? Ты бог в L2 Classic! Я хочу от тебя детей. Ах, да. Прикупи всё же подписку, чтобы не копипастить чужой off-like говнокод.
  8. Can you help me to find a smile for LMAO abbreviation?
  9. Send to you Mana Potion? Your Java skill uses mana? :happyforever:
  10. L2 File Editor opens this files perfect. Use 111 encoding and UTF encoding.
  11. Don't believe everyone who tell you what it possible. It's 99% scammer. For this work need big rework engine.dll and nwindow.dll. About new changes inside interface i don't think what need talk about. It's oblivious, need to change few *.u script classes. If someone ready for this work, then it will cost from 500 euro and above. The cheap solution - get CT1 client, crop interface, crop map and upgrade packets. For client side edition exists all tools, for server side get java knowledge. No money, only a time.
  12. http://lameguard.com/lameupdater.html This updater more useful.
  13. public final void addName(L2PcInstance player) { if (player != null) { addName(player.getObjectId(), player.getName()); // Why need separated method for this? _accessLevels.put(player.getObjectId(), player.getAccessLevel().getLevel()); } } private final void addName(int objId, String name) // Whre logic? { if (name != null) // Never be is null!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! { if (!name.equalsIgnoreCase(_chars.get(objId))) // What the FUCK????????? _chars.put(objId, name); } } And more, more places.
  14. Bad code. Many ugly checks and not optimized places. Also, i think, container model is not perfect. P.S. I don't know how it would work, but many methods not good.
  15. If i'm not mistaken, but for all new characters exists method isNewbie() or use online ingame timer. As example if _onlineTime < 10 - is first enter.
  16. Oh shit, save my eyes. I always knew what free services is damn ugly. Before posting a code you need to check twice what you wrote. I guagante for you, what you reworking it twice.
  17. Очередное унылое говно из RU сообщества.
  18. Get source and check how this implemented (EnterWorld.java and L2PcInstance.java). Haven't a java knowledge, then buy a time who can it to do.
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