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Everything posted by Rootware

  1. Now i know why Lineage 2 is dead. + final L2PcInstance player = entry.getKey(); final long timeLeft = entry.getValue();
  2. Not all. Regular Raid Bosses don't uses zone.
  3. http://www.lineager.su/always-pvp-status-in-boss-zone/ You ca use it at free.
  4. if (pet != null) pet.getAi().getIntention(CTRL.INTENTION.DOAttack. target);
  5. I think this more correct. for (L2NpcInstance npc : _allMobs) { if (npc != null && npc.getSpawn() != null) { if (npc.getTemplate().getNpcId() != walkerNpc) { _isWalkTo++; if (_isWalkTo < 55) { _isWalkTo = 1; } X = WALKS[_isWalkTo - 1][0]; Y = WALKS[_isWalkTo - 1][1]; Z = WALKS[_isWalkTo - 1][2]; // TODO: find better way to prevent teleporting to the home location npc.getSpawn().setLocx(X); npc.getSpawn().setLocy(Y); npc.getSpawn().setLocz(Z); npc.setRunning(); npc.getAI().setIntention(CtrlIntention.AI_INTENTION_MOVE_TO, new L2CharPosition(X, Y, Z, 0)); } } }
  6. Attack action for NPC in the peace zone. I mean.
  7. Add to quest for subclass this mob to killId and in the onKill() add change condition.
  8. This man wants completed addon. No config only. :happyforever:
  9. Retail Mini Game for Gracia Part 2 and above. Have fun. :happyforever:
  10. It more than free. It is available free of charge and at the same time to show dissatisfaction with the fact that this is not enough. :happyforever:
  11. In russian language exists special word for this "халява".
  12. From L2JServer HF5 datapack <augmentation id="16198"> <!-- Active: Increases your maximum HP temporarily and restores HP by the increased amount. --> <skillId val="3125" /> <!-- Item Skill: Battle Roar: Active: Increases the Max. HP temporarily and restores HP by the increased amount. --> <skillLevel val="10" /> <type val="purple" /> </augmentation>
  13. Man told about my downgrading of your code up to oldest aCis style. :troll:
  14. Python script? :happyforever:
  15. Change to Util.printSection("Vote Reward"); VoteSystem.initialize();
  16. 1. Check import of StringUtil. Must be only this: import net.sf.l2j.commons.lang.StringUtil; 2. This addon based on latest aCis source code. Collection<L2PcInstance> pls = L2World.getInstance().getAllPlayers().values();
  17. This addons is very small for video. You can see on the screenshots. Skipping items from droplist #============================================================= # Skipping Items #============================================================= # Enable skip all items from skipping_items.xml out from droplist of all monsters. # Default: False EnableSkippingItems = False skipping_items.xml <?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?> <list> <!-- All added items will be skipped then server start. --> <item id="57"/> <!-- Adena --> </list> Extrackable Items Example: <skill id="xxxx" levels="1" name="yyyy"> <set name="target" val="TARGET_SELF" /> <set name="skillType" val="CREATE_ITEMS" /> <set name="operateType" val="OP_ACTIVE" /> <set name="create_item_ids" val="a1;a2;a3;a4" /> <set name="create_item_counts" val="b1;b2;b3;b4" /> <cond msgId="129"> <and> <player invSize="10" /> <player weight="80" /> </and> </cond> </skill> Custom XML Extended spawnlist Read any number of files from a directory ("data/xml/spawns") and add it to spawn NPC of them. Example gatekeeper.xml <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <list> <spawn npcId="30080" locx="82400" locy="148800" locz="-3465" heading="0" /> <spawn npcId="30080" locx="82400" locy="148700" locz="-3465" heading="20000" /> <spawn npcId="30080" locx="82400" locy="148600" locz="-3465" heading="40000" /> <spawn npcId="30080" locx="82400" locy="148500" locz="-3465" heading="55000" /> </list> Color system Example of xml: <?xml version="1.0"?> <list> <!-- Description: --> <!-- [Not necessary] - not specified if it is unnecessary --> <!-- [Necessary] - must always specify --> <!-- item: Item ID [Not necessary] --> <!-- count: Item count [Not necessary] --> <!-- rgb: font color in the RRGGBB format [Necessary] --> <!-- type: name/title [Necessary] --> <!-- isHero: available only for Hero [Not necessary] --> <!-- isNoble: available only for Noble [Not necessary] --> <!-- byLevel: available only for X level and higher (subclass ignored) [Not necessary] --> <color item="57" count="1000" rgb="FF0000" type="name" /> <color item="728" count="100" rgb="FFFF00" type="name" byLevel="23" /> <color item="57" count="1000" rgb="FF0000" type="title" /> <color item="728" count="100" rgb="FFFF00" type="title" byLevel="23" />
  18. Ohh man, i see you love the "The project of One day" from noname developers or reselling projects. I think, it's stupid idea for researching the backdoors in the potential shit.
  19. You want to find the real door or missed check in some action/place? For last argument you need learn a server core and the Lineage 2 gameplay.
  20. If you don't know core, the chances to find backdoor are very small.
  21. Has passed 10 years and the problem still exists. :happyforever:
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