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Everything posted by Rootware

  1. Looking for Gludio Airship for Interlude client (unr, usx, utx). Or repacked Glacia_kserth_S.usx
  2. PacketHandlerDebug = True And catch the packets.
  3. You need check all existing stores in defined radius before starting store. Oh, SweeTs. You shared my code from the customer section. :happyforever:
  4. aCis project based on the L2J Freya and downgraded to Interlude. We 4 years reworked ~80% of codes. All hot fixes are always synchronized with the L2J. In the end, aCis it's another fork of L2J but contains more retail implementation. You are fabulous idiot. No more. Nothing personal.
  5. UnAffraid is a frequent visitor in Acis community. Therefore many things we borrow from each other. Any questions?
  6. aCis uses only retail implementation. Other L2J forks was based for nothing or mistakes of crappy coders.
  7. Because all other mob maybe minions of Zaken. Not? Chane lvls for all. Check Zaken script for mobs ID.
  8. Good quality screenshot. What's about logs from the game server console?
  9. If you're going to do things someone else's hands, you will never learn Java. You're asking hands, not the advice.
  10. It is not significantly, and does not affect the quality of work in this program. Download source code and compile under your architecture.
  11. Your hands only for a penis? :happyforever: Learn Java man. It's easy.
  12. And how are you validates the packet structure? By L2J forks?
  13. What's about the packet structure? You plan to add structure of packets?
  14. He was dead last 2 years, as well as all the russian L2 community.
  15. You can add custom xml file what will be contains all necessary icons for important items. First, you need add logger for all itemId's how addition to the droplist - NpcDataTable.java. Then you must create parser for xml file with names as icons.xml: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <list> <item id="57" icon="icon.adena"/> </list> For all missed icons you need add default return value like "icon.noimage". And as result, you can uses is as IconTable.getIcon(item.getItemId()); Profit. BUT, you can use it as part of Item data. In this case you need add to item properties new variable - _icon with default parser statement "icon.noimage" and add called method getIcon(). So, by default, getIcon() method will be return "icon.noimage". And you need add to XML file with items new property: <name="icon" val="icon.adena" /> Like L2J style.
  16. It's relevant only for town NPC or for all L2NpcInstance inside the castle zone?
  17. Offtopic. On the L2OFF NPC uses crest of clan who own castle?
  18. Login screen menu possible, auth window not.
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