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Everything posted by Rootware

  1. if (Config.DEV_NAME == "L2JFrozen") activeChar.sendMesage("Your team are loosers.");
  2. I reccomend for you get Z coord from the geodata.
  3. Not JRE, only JDK. JRE enough for running server.
  4. Add this code and don't worry. Only adena in the drop list. Less memory without magic. NpcTable.java if (dropDat.getItemId() != PcInventory.ADENA_ID) continue; If you need something more you need things: Be a Customer aCis and take this code; Buy this code from me (5 euro). Joke. :happyforever:
  5. What stopped you take the Kamael client and upgrade the packets system from server?
  6. You can add GM Shop without NPC, by command /shop. Also not need add new multisells - only items list by categories. Price = Item Price * Rate Adena. Ofcourse, if you will be use adena as basic exchange item.
  7. Add check if (activeChar.isInside(ZoneId.NO_STORE)) { activeChar.sendMessage("You can't store in this place."); return; } and create NO_STORE zone.
  8. Client HF5 can sending HWID (NC Soft implementation).
  9. https://sites.google.com/site/l2clientmod/xdat_editor
  10. aCis is the coder's band and still working on the bugs. :happyforever:
  11. У вас порт открыт только для локальных подключений. Для внешних закрыт. Добавьте java.exe в исключения и всё будет работать.
  12. А что он вам должен написать? Брандмауэр не блокирует запуск приложений - он контролирует их сетевую активность.
  13. You need also add exception for Java applications to Brandmauer windows.
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