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Everything posted by HyperBlown

  1. Possibly custom lobby then. But Age of Splendor is the one I sent. @NevesOma can do custom Lobbies for any client.
  2. Spoiler: CLASSIC 1.5 (Age of Splendor) Client / Клиент: Скрытый контент. 'system' folder / папка 'system' (patched / пропатченная, NOGG): Скрытый контент.
  3. Atualstudio. What did you expect?
  4. on the setTarget method, you can debug it this way: filter by owner name, sor for example, if my character name is "mxc" you make something like this: if(getName().equals("mxc") && getTarget()==null){ Thread.dumpStack(); } With this, you will get a stacktrace with initial location from where your target is beeing set. Debug it till u find the correct place, and simply edit the initial action. For example. On an source I have, I made this: L2Character::callSkill(L2Skill skill, L2Object[] targets if (GabConfig.ALLOW_AUTO_TARGET_WHEN_HIT && target.isPlayer() && (target.getActingPlayer().getTarget() == null) && !skill.hasEffectType(L2EffectType.REMOVE_TARGET)) { target.getActingPlayer().setTarget(this); }
  5. You have 2 options. Mobius, has a completly free option or paid option : https://l2jmobius.org/ Or Jscripts http://l2-scripts.com/ Although, their older classic versions are really incomplete, I dont really recommend going for the expensive option for these chronicles. Or if you really want to, expect to work on datapack for like 6 months before launching server. Ive worked for a few people that bought Zaken, Antharas, Secret of Empire from scripts, paid 2~3k dollars for the source code, and still needed to work for 4+ months on datapack before they had something playable Mobius on the other hand, they have a big community doing alot of the dp work. The choise is yours.
  6. Bruv, that tournament code is old af, that full code can be done inside one generic method to verify the amount of players. Too much dupped code. It works? It does, but that is no way of coding in 2022 oO
  7. Any pack really. As long you have Java knowledge and actual Lineage 2 Knowledge, u can make the best pack. There are a few "trustable" alternatives. Cleanest one is L2j. Unstable at latest builds but some of them are pretty ok. If you want an "good" and stable pack without much customs, and u have some bucks laying around, Try L2scripts. If u want an customzied cheaper alternative, u can go with L2 Eternity or even more cheaper L2jsunrise. Although Sunrise is 150 euros? per year, They are really "slow" with updates. Like 4-5 per month maybe? There are also a few shared, like old fandc, ave but I wouldnt use those.... Anyway, good luck
  8. https://bitbucket.org/MobiusDev/l2j_mobius/src/master/
  9. I will be locking this topic and won't be accepting new clients for a while. I am currently full booked every week working for some big essence - classic servers. When I find some place I will unlock the topic for new requests. If you still think you need me or what so ever, explain it to me on my discord why it can only be me and no other dev. Yours truly.
  10. Spoiler: CLASSIC 2.0 (Saviors) Client / Client: Hidden content. 'system' folder (patched, NOGG): Hidden content.
  11. "C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_261\bin\java" -Djava.util.logging.manager=net.sf.l2j.util.L2LogManager -XX:MaxPermSize=256M -Xmx2024m -cp ./../libs/*;l2jserver.jar net.sf.l2j.gameserver.GameServer mere example.
  12. To run any java aplication, the command line "java" is required. you then give as parameter your classpath (lib folder) and simply create your own ".bat". It isnt that hard to create one.
  13. Ever heard of private source projects? There are many "GNU Licensed" files around there that are meant to be private. And still some people share them --> 0 respect
  14. nothing is wrong with me. The issue is people coming to an leaked share and not respecting original authors files. Btw, source is leaked somewhere. But not here anyway. Thats the only problem I have
  15. DKP ? Donkey Kong Points? Dora Killer Profano? Sorry for my lack of intelligence.
  16. The original share didnt contain the source. Hence why he shared the compiled version. If you want source, buy from the Makers.
  17. Yes I understand that, but still, this will hurt you more than him...
  18. Why would you share some files that YOU sold to someone just to break your sales even more?
  19. Your project jdk is java 17, and max supported version of your proguard.jar is java 16. Go on their website and get the latest one, or wait for them to upgrade.
  20. Avoid creating multiple repeated topics about the same subject. Btw, you are selling or announcing your server? If selling, please put price in the post. If not selling, then change your text. I dont think players want to know if your server is easily configurable with xmls or if it has fake autobots or even admin commands....
  21. those can be on ini indeed, but effect can also be forced through an skill. Imagine he wants to keep original SSs too. then or he edits Dll to accept more parameters from ini or he add skills.
  22. Those look like skills that get called when recognized a certain variable. so yes, can be made. just call the hidden skill uppon condition
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