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Everything posted by Devlin

  1. BETA Opening: 11/4/2014 15:00 GMT+2
  2. The boy who is slanging mothers, behind the screens.
  3. Δηλαδή θέλεις ΚΑΙ 24 ευρώ ΚΑΙ πρώτα τα χρήματα, ποιος είσαι δηλαδή..;
  4. BETA opening date will be announced tomorrow..!
  5. It's shit for real dude. There are many better ways to edit classes.
  6. I guess too. It is fucking easy to create an admin command ex. //clanskills target or name of clan.
  7. Lucky Manager DAMN! We are still working for the best result, stay tuned.
  8. Lol, how we are supposed to know your code in order to adapt it to l2jfrozen.
  9. What's the point to give 1,5 thousand of euro for computer? Are you at NASA or something? Build something with 600-700 euro and you will be done.
  10. Glad to see you there, good luck. Please, put a prefix of server's type (l2j or l2off).
  11. Every player is able to change the reward, whenever wants. And yes, from the time that you choose the reward you will take it as pvp reward.
  12. A new interesting feature has been released. Please, register in our community boards in order to express your opinions or suggestions about the server. Thanks in advance! Choose us and you won't regret it.
  13. Σίγουρα αλλά δεν μπορείς να μου δείχνεις έναν server, από τα NPC. Ελπίζω να το καταλαβαίνεις αυτό, μακάρι να γίνει καλή και ολοκληρωτική δουλειά.
  14. Το να έχεις 1-2 icons, και 1-2 πρωτότυπα NPC δεν έχει να κάνει με το σύνολο του server. Μπορεί να φαίνονται εντυπωσιακά αλλά... Καλή τύχη!
  15. Server is almost ready. Few edits left and we are ready to open the beta.
  16. replace true with 0 also, at the first error after -3472 add ,0
  17. Brand new feature: CRP (click). Spread the word! Also, do not forget to register in our community boards.
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