Hello guys,
I had a request to make a donation manager but when i finished the guy decided to not open his server (wtf?) so the npc is now useless to me.
What is this?
A donation manager that selling packages with items and stats like nobl,rec etc.
Categories can be added easily i will explain later
Current added categories:
How to configure it?
Its configurable via xml
How i can add items?
<Package item="57,500"/>
Will have as a reward 500 adena.
How i can add enchanted item?
<Package item="7575,1" enchant ="15"/>
Will have as reward draconic bow +15
How to add stats like nobl?
<Package noblesse="true"/>
<Package autoDyes="true"/>
<Package rec="50"/>
It is can handle noblesse,auto dyes (depends on the current class of the player) and recommends.
Some photos:
I wont upload video ...
I'm not sure about in which aCis rev is coded but it does not matter.
Also i'm not friend with html designs, so don't hit me :D
P.s Auto dyes system is setted up by my opinion about dyes. You can easily edit it in DonationDyes.java