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Everything posted by melron

  1. I dont know too what sources he is using. i just saw this image which i can see that getSkills() exists with type Map so values() exists too so values is a collection :P
  2. this is happening because getSkills.values() is returning a collection. Change the array to collection or convert the collection into array. L2Skill[] chaSkills = cha.getSkills().values().toArray(new L2Skill[cha.getSkills().values().size()]); or Collection<L2Skill> chaSkills = cha.getSkills().values();
  3. update for many reasons your sources to 1.8 either edit the whole code . vector is not needed there a simple list would be enough
  4. (use -source 7 or higher to enable diamond operator)
  5. Ok @Nightwolf now i'm laughing about 5 minutes non-stop. the guy want to delete drops not items at inventory. we are both so blinds DELETE FROM droplist WHERE itemid <> 57
  6. you could search about 1 sql query at google as @SweeTs mentioned. The correct query is DELETE FROM droplist WHERE itemid <> 57 probably nightwolf made a mistake and used operators from SELECT command but the thought is the same P.S. this query will delete drops even from raidbosses/grandbosses. in case you want an exception for those types you can edit the query
  7. how you will do that? int type is the correct
  8. it is not a bug. You are missing broadcastUserInfo() when you increase the event kills. .... .... activeChar.increaseTvTKills(); +activeChar.broadcastUserInfo(); .... ....
  9. hire a dev to make for you the pack you looking for and you will have the support too.
  10. tons of examples at your sources. the easiest part is to open the html. final NpcHtmlMessage html = new NpcHtmlMessage(0); html.setFile("data/html/" + filename); activeChar.sendPacket(html); then 99% you have to create by urself the bypasses to work different than the buffer's bypasses because you don't need interact checks (about radius etc)
  11. you had 2 font colors while closing only 1 if (delay <= System.currentTimeMillis()) sb.append(name + ": <font color=\"00ff00\">Is Alive!</font><br1>"); else { sb.append(name + ": <font color=\"FF0000\">" + new SimpleDateFormat("dd-MM-yyyy HH:mm").format(delay) + "</font><br1>"); }
  12. well i have to play more than 4 years l2 but im joining for the ideas. It's a fact that from 400 live servers 3 -4 of them are good...
  13. its really sad. Join to the most popular servers and take a look what they did. You will find out safe +8 max +30, donations 10E for full weap enchant + 1 active etc etc.. i'm using the word sad because it is lol. L2 is no longer a game that the players are gonna enjoy it. Administrators (ok most of them) opening servers clearly for money and they dont look even their bugs lol (check skylord)... Also l2 is dying every day so do not expect miracles...
  14. well it happened one time as you said. Maybe next time be careful of your choices :D
  15. you get scammed from someone or?...
  16. Welcome :)
  17. and again, java.math.BigInteger class instance is not instance of java.lang.long. I dont know if an updated version of mysql accept this but the error itself saying only class cast exception (normally throwing this sqlexception)
  18. maybe i cant understand properly the image but, where did you guys see that the problem is on mysql? I can clearly see class cast exception from big integer to long which is normally lol. About your errors in mysql tables check the rows if they are really big (lol?)
  19. each location contains 3 integers not 4.... also remove the semicolon.. i wrote 2 examples. -> bypass -h cbTeleport 58132 -18354 -3300
  20. 2 options. either handle properly the bypass while it contains the location E.x -> bypass -h cbTeleport 58132 -18354 -3300 the check should be like this else if (_command.startsWith("cbTeleport")) { final StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(_command); st.nextToken(); if (st.countTokens() != 3) return; final Location loc = new Location(Integer.parseInt(st.nextToken()), Integer.parseInt(st.nextToken()), Integer.parseInt(st.nextToken())); player.teleToLocation(loc, randomOffset); } or handle specific bypasses E.x -> bypass -h cbGoTo giran the check should be like this else if (_command.startsWith("cbGoTo")) { switch(_command.split(" ")[1]) { case "giran": player.teleToLocation(x, y, z, randomOffset); break; case "gludin": player.teleToLocation(x, y, z, randomOffset); break; } }
  21. dude get real. i just proved you the connection how it should be done and its working. You are missing something idk
  22. did you compile.... ? seems like you are using the old method
  23. this method does not have problem. so you have to check somewhere else.. check config maybe?
  24. you can replace the link with your config
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