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Everything posted by melron

  1. public static void main(String[] args) { System.out.println(getHopZoneVotes()); } public static int getHopZoneVotes() { int votes = 0; boolean lineFound = false; try { URL url = new URL("https://l2.hopzone.net/lineage2/details/102978/L2TimeMachine"); InputStream is = url.openStream(); try (BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(is))) { String line; while ((line = br.readLine()) != null) { if (line.contains("<span class=\"rank tooltip\" title")) { lineFound = true; votes = Integer.valueOf(line.split(">")[2].replace("</span", "")); } } } } catch (IOException e) { System.out.println("Something went wrong while trying get votes from HopZone"); } if (!lineFound) System.out.println("The line wasn't found in HopZone, check site in case they updated."); return votes; } 9
  2. the structure of it does not allow you to do the thing you want. either you need custom code for the specific item or edit the way of parsing these type of boxes
  3. You can't fix anything with just saying please help. You have to find what they did and get these stats. What was the last thing? It can be even in arcane power bug with subclasses or another 2762526 cases.. Check what custom you have edited about stats , check armorsets , check malaria and about 62627 things... You don't help like that
  4. Incorect config about database informations.
  5. Welcome back!
  6. i thought too the anti bot case. Probably we will see soon class cast exception error for player :D
  7. Δεν θα σου κάνω την χάρη να νευριάσω
  8. Explain your problem , post errors if exists. Also, are you sure that this is acis bug and not something from your customs?
  9. @Evie Frye πες μας για το κβαντικό tunneling...
  10. Ρε κόψτε τα ναρκωτικά...
  11. c/p an existing one and edit the important parts. there is something wrong with your structure there
  12. missing template 13042 from your files
  13. advertise will bring you ppl but will not secure you stable community. after some days (even hours) when the bugs will appear what's the advertise job? I agree that the advertise must be generous but you need good files too.
  14. actually the amount of money isn't so big (if you manage them correctly)... and ofc the 60-70% of them will be only at the 1st opening. Next seasons will be lower and lower because the community will remember the server / name and the advertise will be not so high + the pack will be in his hand already. @trmmpp if this server will be your first : do not hurrying. Open a test server with random files to get what ppl love to see there, make your team (if you are solo) see reactions, see if you can handle all these responsibilities and then you can move on and spend time/money for something better.
  15. i dont think is hard to understand, the error by itself saying all the info you looking for and as @Solomun said, the skill you called does not exist in your files public Skill getSkill(int skillId, int level, int subLevel) { final Skill result = _skills.get(getSkillHashCode(skillId, level, subLevel)); if (result != null) { return result; } final int maxLvl = getMaxLevel(skillId); if ((maxLvl > 0) && (level > maxLvl)) { LOGGER.log(Level.WARNING, this.getClass().getSimpleName() + ": Call to unexisting skill level id: " + skillId + " requested level: " + level + " max level: " + maxLvl + ".", new Throwable()); return _skills.get(getSkillHashCode(skillId, maxLvl, 0)); } LOGGER.warning(this.getClass().getSimpleName() + ": No skill info found for skill id " + skillId + " and skill level " + level); return null; } public int getMaxLevel(int skillId) { final Integer maxLevel = _skillsMaxLevel.get(skillId); return maxLevel != null ? maxLevel : 0; }
  16. you should provide us some code in order to see whats going on there mate
  17. right click in build.xml -> run as -> external tools configurations -> select the tab 'JRE' -> do the same thing there (jdk not jre)
  18. i dont know where you get this but you can clearly see this: fakePlayer = FakePlayersEngine.getNewFakePlayer(); public static FakePlayer getNewFakePlayer() { try (Connection con = DatabaseFactory.getInstance().getConnection(); PreparedStatement statement = con.prepareStatement("SELECT account_name, obj_Id, clanid FROM characters WHERE pvpkills > 0 AND obj_Id != 268480334 ORDER BY pvpkills DESC"); ResultSet rset = statement.executeQuery()) { while (rset.next()) { String accountName = rset.getString("account_name"); if (!chosenAccountNames.contains(accountName)) { chosenAccountNames.add(accountName); int objId = rset.getInt("obj_Id"); int clanId = rset.getInt("clanid"); return new FakePlayer(accountName, objId, clanId); } } } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return null; }
  19. το path πρεπει να ειναι σε jdk και οχι σε jre.. eclipse -> windows - >prefrences - >java - >installed jres- >search και πηγαινε στο σωστο path να βαλεις το jdk
  20. problem solved via anydesk :p well i didnt see the 1st image cause i was from phone but u are right :D, the whole structure of commands is bad (enum compare ><).. no checks for values and generally a mesh.... a simple string tokenizer would be enough lol...
  21. seems like you didn't
  22. Dude, did you compile?
  23. Override onAction method , add your checks , done
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