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Everything posted by melron

  1. I dont know how much your parents spent for your villa, but the palette we just saw has up to 1.6m 3.2m
  2. Το μισό θα σε χαλαγε δλδ ε? :Ρ
  3. we cant smell our nails.... You probably added something for new chars and you fucked up the whole thing.. post some code
  4. did you try to change the npc template? Did you check the height?
  5. depends about how the code is coded. You can make a perfect bishop bot that will be even better than all people who playing bishops. It just requires knowledge and free time :D
  6. About Bishops { Bishop ai must be changed at all. You can clearly understand that is a bot. You should store somehow all the skills that should be casted at the same time by checking all the possible conditions in a queue in order to cast the next just when the bot finish the previous one. Bp's spamming for heals, your bot is not. To be honest, the bp part could be the hardest ai for your bot system. 'As a player' i could go behind a rock-door-wall and spam MGH,BOA which seems the correct way in pvp cases. } now, generally about the topic & the code & kara & elfo & wtf is going on. Guys get real, If elfo or kara or who ever worked on a system for a week,a month or even two, manage to do something like that, What would happen if these guys are going to work for over 6 months (just as like a dev is working for his server)... ? Finally, you cant compare a car with a bike ... You cant compare elfo's bot with that just because the 1st one is shared while this one is even under development and is not gonna be free at all. two different things that are awesome ... so both of them have the same purpose while they are working completely different. Say your opinion about this engine and not mine,elfo,yours. This is going for you @Kara` Finally, drop those messages like run... idiot...
  7. That's nice. Go ahead
  8. alright thanks for your info. P.s after some completed things you could open a test server
  9. good luck with your engine/sales a few questions: Does each bot have its own task for every action? Bots would be able to take buffs/rebuffs from npcs etc (cause i saw them fighting without buffs. Im asking that, in case of mid rate servers) What about oly case? I know its too early to ask those things but i wanna know if you are gonna work on them in future
  10. if you are using aCis: pastebin log with your gm and spawn fences , they will be stored to db. (in case of delete some of them use //listfence and click the fence you want)
  11. somewhere on your code you replacing the placeholders for that html get real. example: html.replace("%ammount%",item.getCount());
  12. you should post the code about the calculations . How do you appear those informations on your placeholders of the html?
  13. yy i edited my post :P
  14. Edit: in aCis destroyItem method changes the count of the iteminstance. try to use this code and let me know if its working public class MakeAncientAdena implements IVoicedCommandHandler { private static final String[] _voicedCommands = { "aa", "makeaa" }; private static final int ANCIENT_ADENA = 5575; private static final int BLUE_SEAL_STONE = 6360; private static final int GREEN_SEAL_STONE = 6361; private static final int RED_SEAL_STONE = 6362; @Override public boolean useVoicedCommand(String command, L2PcInstance activeChar, String params) { if (command.equalsIgnoreCase("aa") || command.equalsIgnoreCase("makeaa")) { final L2ItemInstance redStones = activeChar.getInventory().getItemByItemId(RED_SEAL_STONE); final L2ItemInstance greenStones = activeChar.getInventory().getItemByItemId(GREEN_SEAL_STONE); final L2ItemInstance blueStones = activeChar.getInventory().getItemByItemId(BLUE_SEAL_STONE); int redStonesCount = 0; int blueStonesCount = 0; int greenStonesCount = 0; int count = 0; int aa = 0; if (redStones != null) { redStonesCount += redStones.getCount(); if (activeChar.destroyItem("MakeAA", redStones, null, true)) { count += redStonesCount; aa += redStonesCount * 10; } } if (greenStones != null) { greenStonesCount += greenStones.getCount(); if (activeChar.destroyItem("MakeAA", greenStones, null, true)) { count += greenStonesCount; aa += greenStonesCount * 5; } } if (blueStones != null) { blueStonesCount += blueStones.getCount(); if (activeChar.destroyItem("MakeAA", blueStones, null, true)) { count += blueStonesCount; aa += blueStonesCount * 3; } } if (count == 0) { activeChar.sendMessage("You do not have any seal stones to exchange."); return false; } activeChar.addItem("MakeAA", ANCIENT_ADENA, aa, activeChar, true); activeChar.sendMessage("You have successfully exchanged " + count + " seal stones!"); } return true; } @Override public String[] getVoicedCommandList() { return _voicedCommands; } }
  15. if you will post the proper code to edit this html maybe someone will help you with that
  16. just read again what i wrote
  17. if a player is premium the html what will appear in %type% ? i guess "Premium" right? if not "Normal" right? why dont you take examples of existings things you have there? Just read what you got. You got a line html.replace("%type%", String.valueOf(player.isPremium() ? "Premium" : "Normal")); just read it. html.replace("%type%", String.valueOf(player.isPremium() ? "Premium" : "Normal"));
  18. lucera as a pvp with the things he want will not be balanced. in the other hand , if it can be called balanced as a pvp , a dev can take the 'balance' from lucera and paste it to frozen . The results will be the same right? As i said, if you will add customs then the default balance will break everything. You cant handle a player with +30 vs +0. Even if you manage to do it , what the player with +30 will think if the attack is 2k? unbalanced server...
  19. @InFocus mate, We have something that called patience. When this thing exceed the limit will just ignore you. 2 options. 1) Pay for the rest of the things you want to be done in 1 day 2) Explain with readable words what you need and do exactly what someone will say for you. Finally, we are not forced to give you ready codes since it is help section too. Next time that will happen something like this your topic will instant be locked and you will get a warn for spam . No more excuses. Topic locked.
  20. Define 'balance'. l2 is balanced by itself, now if your server is supposed to have max enchant > 16 you need to edit the balance and not 'create balance'
  21. The only wrong here, is your english mate... the code is working like this: if the player have ATLEAST 1 item S grade equiped he CANT teleport What you mean you havent items in your inventory?
  22. cause of your english :D
  23. Did you change your try() style or... ?
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