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Everything posted by melron

  1. Read again... Should be located at attackable
  2. https://pastebin.com/XahC0b9d Take a look there. im using acis bookmarks code as a base to generate pages
  3. About the code is the correct one and it's working just read the lines and put some logic there. When the time will come to equip the weapon, it will first check if exists in the inventory. There are two reasons if it doesn't work for you. 1) you didn't add it properly 2) a kind of problem in your thread pool?
  4. The "I need help NOW" person Hi Kara, I'd like to add you as a contact. Kara: hello. Person: man i have problem to my server my vote is not giving item but the site is on and my server is on and when player vote not giving reward please help me my tv is x.xxx.xxx.xx i dont know wat i do and i lost many many peopleS and i have 25 on now from 35 please ago before and i have bug in vote system for items giving the npc Kara: Yoho , relax dude, What chronicle do you have and where is it based? Person: in my house is my server and i and my brother we are gms and good gms not giving items but i have bug my vote dont give items and players are lefting from my server and i dont know wat i do plz man plz Kara: lol... Kara: Well, i will charge you 10-15E for that fix . Do you agree? Person: I HAVE PROBLEM WITH MY VOTE IT HAVE BUG AND PEOPLES LEFT PLZ COME AND FIX IT PLZ I CAN GIVE YOU MONEY FROM DONATE PLZ COME WITH TEAMWIEER AND FIX IT PLZ MY BROTHER IS GOOD GM AND KNOW ALL GM COMMANDS BUT BUG IN VOTE NPC I DONT DID ANY WRONG COMMAND I DONT KNOW Kara:
  5. Check other npc instances and edit the content inside of the overridden method "onBypassFeedback" or you can register your own bypass at RequestBypassToServer client packet
  6. Δεν νομίζω να χρείαζεται κάποια εξήγηση. Το classId δεν πρέπει να είναι > 118.
  7. Server advertisement rain is coming
  8. Sometimes, things are way easier... When i wanted something similar i ended up with the following code instead of the line you shared. function OnClickItem( String strID, int index ) { Local ItemInfo info; Local ItemWindowHandle a_hItemWindow; a_hItemWindow = ItemWindowHandle(GetHandle("InventoryWnd" $ ".InventoryItem")); a_hItemWindow.GetItem(index, info); sendMessage("ItemID: " $ info.ClassID ,true); sendMessage("ObjectID: " $ info.ServerID ,false); } function sendMessage(String text,bool serverId) { local Color color; NormalChat = ChatWindowHandle( GetHandle("ChatWnd.NormalChat") ); if (serverId) { Color.R = 153; Color.G = 102; Color.B = 0; } else { Color.R = 102; Color.G = 153; Color.B = 0; } color.A = 255; NormalChat.AddString(text, color ); } in InventoryWnd edit: the above code is sending itemid,objid when you click an item with left click :P
  9. trusted & skilled. i know him from 2k12.
  10. Okay. if you ask him to sell his pack (and accept) he could say more than 5kE dont you think? . Now , any dev can create la2dream in a month with 1kE (maybe less). Do you get my point?
  11. wtf ppl? even if you got 1k you can hire a dev and create your own pack as you wish
  12. paste it first in to a notepad and then copy it again from there
  13. psisou gia topic offsection gia na ta ksethapsoume
  14. eides na kritikarw kwdhka palio sou? egw eipa topic den eixe kan kwdhka mesa
  15. AccessDenied (the scammer), AKA Arrays.asList(109,97,103,110,101,116,111,51,48).forEach(val -> System.out.print(((char)val.intValue()))); @Kara` malaka vrika ena topic pou eixes anoiksei ton sep tou 2012 kai exw katourithei
  16. Im from 2k7 kiddo
  17. as kara said, you should use API instead of all those crap connections... @Kara` How old do you think are the above codes? :D Ontopic: try this one: protected int getL2NetworkVotes() { try { final URL obj = new URL(PowerPakConfig.VOTES_SITE_L2NETWORK_URL); final HttpURLConnection con = (HttpURLConnection) obj.openConnection(); con.addRequestProperty("User-Agent", "L2Network"); con.setConnectTimeout(5000); String inputLine; try (BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(con.getInputStream()))) { while ((inputLine = in.readLine()) != null) { if (inputLine.contains("color:#e7ebf2")) return Integer.valueOf(inputLine.split(">")[2].split("<")[0].replace(",", "")); } } } catch (Exception e) { Broadcast.toAllOnlinePlayers(new CreatureSay(2, Say2.HERO_VOICE,"[Network]", "Offline!")); Broadcast.toAllOnlinePlayers(new CreatureSay(0, Say2.HERO_VOICE,"[Server Site]", PowerPakConfig.SERVER_WEB_SITE)); } return -1; }
  18. @Kara`
  19. i didnt say anything related to connection speed. Can you check what i told you? just open your server from your pc . not ur vps.
  20. Try to open ur server in a different pc and tell me what will happen. You got a similar prob like one guy had today. Its like packet loss thing but you have to test it
  21. when the player does NOT stuck, the drops when killing that mob, do they have some delay?
  22. Just lol
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