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Everything posted by LightFusion

  1. I have the original bot, and what i can say is that it goes without the virus, but this does! so
  2. As the title says Selling Nevit system Vitality Effect as abnormal for Interlude, very cheap price, pm me for more info !
  3. i mean why do expect to find someone skilled enough in here ?
  4. LoL you think many in here know programming & unreal package format, to make complicated things ?
  5. lol ofc theres not i mean in whole way - these skills modifications showing that its possible to make a shuriken or raisengan P.S. login in skype, and add me!
  6. Stupid fagg... you put that stupid fountain in giran without baked lights on it, using the tool that i took a part in creation , and you even dare to say something =)) you such a pitty little fagg, your english suck "ducks" :D as same as you do.... P.S. You have no idead even how staticmeshes are described in unreal engine, not even talking about whole map structure - that you dont know on 99%, your participation in editing is 1-3%
  7. This map is created by Ncsoft, and edited by some shitty faggts, with tools that they dont own, and didnt made up, if you think if you used notepad to edit some song lyrics - you don't become theyr author(That just example of how stupid your expression is).
  8. Thats not just client, its l2 iteminstance or something like this,
  9. Nope its not, i have couple of ideas how to release it on client side but it should also work on server - like a skill or something!
  10. So its more Client side then server - to be able to target object ?
  11. but how about this http://youtu.be/Gj-UFsAwoZw?t=3m36sis it possible to attach camera on attack for the arrow.
  12. Here is the packet function SetWeatherEffect( int a_nWeatherEffect ); Fully info need to be retrived from native.dll code, if there is someone skileld enough would like to do that !
  13. Thats shit but not an effect of snow here is how it should be
  14. Also - animated loading screen, logo, buttons, html and anything you want !
  15. MY God you such a tool ..... stupid fu**ng 13 year old kid..... GTFO!
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