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Everything posted by LightFusion

  1. Gildor already did that kind of modifications, and he can do any kind of them even a compiler 99% synchronized with lineage 2, but he won't do that, he take offer of job only if it is 5.000$ and that is good,
  2. - Update - For Lobby selling it for 115$ Also - the whole environment, background, dragon, is changeable - to anything else and it is in price, as 3D Copyrights and protection from editing,
  3. Use L2 File edit or L2encodec -h 413 l2Decrypt.exe is usable only for Weapons accessory .UKX Files
  4. What you have is a simple cryptor of an old version 613, my cryptor is latest version 811, just so let you notice.
  5. Hello I'm selling uniq protection - cryption/decryption of .dat files in new - 811 Revision. http://i.imgur.com/8R8H49c.png Usable for all chronicles, including even simple .txt files or .exe . The price of this is 90$. PM me here for contact(skype).
  6. I Have program that is crypting In new Revision 811, for .dat .utx .ukx and any other files, and i can sell it for 100$, i get it for 150$. IT would be useless in share.
  7. That not actually lack of Animation problem, that is class miss-function, player class won't work with a effect that is made for monster class that is why it is impossible to use it, for example bl_wyvern_breath_Fl on Human or any other race. And the only way to hang this is to change the class of the effect.u I did this long time ago, but realesed for server use not so long ago It is a lot of Hex Editing & thinking, itself.
  8. Price of this 120$, the final version contain perfect animation & Copyrights. P.S. Price of Animated cloak with animation supported for all races - is 800$.
  9. I already did working on that file type even from 2012 and, i get quite far away in this.
  10. So you fix it or not ? this hat looks already terrible as i see it. Anyway its free so ?
  11. Don't waist your time on this scum, i always knew who he was, who will be, stupid ignorant 30+ old man, without any idea of what is right, what wrong, he has some silly life with what he said "girlfriend" and as far as i see to not get a businesses or a stabil job in 30 years, its way to fu**g nothing, i'm 19 old, and i'm giving this just because i like, ofc i have other plans, thx for Supporting, we all do know who he is. Remember he whas trying to sell me cryptor, for 150$, when the author wosn't accepting this, cause program is so old...... what a scum bag, P.S. Moderators delete the spam he did
  12. Slethound Presentation The price for Europeans is 15Euros, including 3D Copyrights and protection from opening the package.
  13. Hello, your solution is in adding at the end of mesh file - m003_a or m005_a or just m000_a(thats without any hair). For exmple myhat_m003_a.obj - that is correct name for a model, then to be placed onto the OAUKX_C6.
  14. Acctualy it takes lot of time to find a good set of wings from games, and most time taking on making special symbols in Photoshop - that is ART, Plus + i maded copyrights and .ukx files like so that it couldn't be exported, as i said - Protection. And my costums offers not only shields wings and armour, but and Customs Skills effects adoption and Editing of L2 Regions, so thx for supporting, i just let you notice.
  15. Hello, reffering on which of costums, for example Uniq shield, is work of Finding the model in other games on Epic Engine. Umodel( to export the model) 3ds max - 3D copyrights & Scale, Rotation and other editing Photoshop - Alpha chanel uniq symbols(blue ones that you see - that took a lot of time and its very eye kandy)+ texture for 3D copyrights. Unreal Runtime - texture Animation. Dat Files. It took me 4-7 days of work and i sell it for a project for 50$. Free to ask on which costum you are interisting. P.S. My korean Friend,my costums contain protection and they are not in share and will never will be.
  16. http://www.youtube.com/user/se7dxs/videos?view=0 Seling my Costums write here if you have question refering on the stuffs, for example - if it hase protection from stealing(yes) or if its only for 1 project(private) - yes, or does my works contain 3d copyrights(with Link on the server project) thats to - Yes. So Free to ask, if you want to buy something from my costums - pm me here or write in skype. Thx, best regards - LightFusion.
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